main image


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human magic user (mutate?)

Occupation: Witch

Group Membership: Witches' Union

Affiliations: Witches' Union

Enemies: Dugan, Homer Ghost, Melvin, Zelda

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Adventures of Homer Ghost I#2/13 (August, 1957)

Powers/Abilities: Black Witch is a very powerful witch able to cast transformative spells and other types without the need for a spell book. She is cruel and vicious. Tall and gaunt, she stoops a lot. She also uses a flying broomstick for quick transport.

Height: 6'
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Black & beady
Hair: White


(Adventures of Homer Ghost I#2/13 (fb) - BTS) - The Witches' Union considered Zelda as behaving too good and friendly for a witch, so they wanted to exile her and sent the Black Witch to Ghost Town to replace her and restore witches' nasty reputation.

(Adventures of Homer Ghost I#2/13) - When the Black Witch arrived and declared her reason, Zelda bawled loudly, attracting her friends, ghosts Homer, Dugan and Melvin. The Black Witch menaced the three young ghosts and they began crying too. The Black Witch banished Zelda to the other side of the world with a spell then, disliking ghosts, transformed the defiant Melvin into a pumpkin. Homer and Dugan fled, eventually finding Zelda in Africa. The pair encouraged Zelda to fight back and they rushed back to confront the Black Witch. Zelda first returned Melvin to his ghostly form, angering the Black Witch. Zelda then secretly held a mirror up as the Black Witch cast a powerful banishment spell, which reflected the hex back upon the Black Witch, ejecting her instead ... and she was never seen again in Ghost Town.




Comments: Created by Stan Lee & Tony DiPreta.

Her skin may be mutated green from the constant use of magic; at any rate, it's the same for all witches in the Homer comic.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Black Witch has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Adventures of Homer Ghost I#2/13, p2, pan6 (main image)
   p6, pan3 (headshot)

Adventures of Homer Ghost I#2/13 (August, 1957) - Stan Lee (writer & editor), Tony DiPreta (pencils & inks)

First posted: 10/31/2024
Last updated: 10/31/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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