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Real Name: Bonnie Bliss

Identity/Class: Human, citizen of the United States

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Doctor Blakely, Rosa Esteves

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Bess Bliss (sister), Donna Bliss (sister), Mr. Scratch (presumed father), Miss Itch (presumed mother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Hollywood, California

First Appearance: Spider-Woman III#16 (October, 2000)

Powers/Abilities: Bonnie Bliss possessed no known superhuman abilities. Struggling with weight issues since an early age, she developed several health issues due to her sedentary lifestyle and morbid obesity, including a heart condition that limited her ability to exercise (see comments).

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 450 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blond


(Spider-Woman III#17 (fb) - BTS) - Bonnie was the youngest of the Bliss sisters. Looking up to her twin sisters Bess and Donna, she struggled with her weight from an early age and constantly felt her older siblings hated her because she wasn't pretty like them.

(Spider-Woman III#17 (fb) ) - When their parents were forced to leave them (see comments), they made arrangements for people to look after their children. However, they made Donna and Bess swear they'd always take care of Bonnie and that no harm would befall her. Bonnie didn't believe them and futilely begged her parents not to go.

(Spider-Woman III#16 (fb) - BTS) - Donna and Bess grew up to resent having to take care of Bonnie, feeling their sister was sucking the life out of them, robbing them of their youth and smallest hope of happiness. Bonnie kept reminding them at every turn that their mother and father told them to take care of her.

(Spider-Woman III#16 (fb) - BTS) - Over the years, Bonnie's size steadily increased until she became largely stuck in their condo in Hollywood. Donna and Bess kept supplying her with junk food and magazines to help her pass the time. They also hired housekeepers to take care of her while they were trying to get their modelling career off the ground.

(Spider-Woman III#16 (fb) - BTS) - The family's physician doctor Blakely diagnosed Bonnie with a heart condition, caused in part by her morbid obesity. He advised her to avoid stress and strenuous activities.

(Spider-Woman III#16 (fb) - BTS) - Bonnie fired her latest housekeeper Rosa Esteves because she felt she was mean to her.

(Spider-Woman III#16 (fb) ) - Donna and Bess came home to deliver some more food to Bonnie, but they were no longer able to hide their disgust. This upset Bonnie so much she flew into a rage, claiming they hated her because they were afraid to become like her. All the stress caused her to pass out, face down on the floor. Instead of trying to revive her, Donna saw it as an ideal opportunity to get rid of Bonnie. She convinced Bess it was best to leave their sister to die on the floor of their shared condo.

(Spider-Woman I#18 (fb) - BTS) - Letting Bonnie die made Donna and Bess
susceptible to the transferable curse of flesh without bone, bone without flesh that had previously tortured Rosa and her twin sister Maria Esteves.

Comments: Created by John Byrne, Bart Sears, Randy Elliot.

Ah, the curse of Byrne's bloated women strikes again. After creating Pink Pearl, Big Bertha, 'pleasantly plump' versions of Louise Mason and Spitfire and that unnamed Skrull Queen from Fantastic Four annual 19 he serves up the third Bliss sister Bonnie, who reads like a cruel pastiche of morbid obesity.

Comments by her father suggest that Bonnie's obesity may be the result of a genetic disorder like Prader-Willi syndrome that results in numerous physical, mental and behavioral issues. Chief among them a constant sense of hunger from an early age and mild to moderate intellectual disability, which would sort of explain the borderline offensive way Bonnie is written.

Speaking of papa Bliss: the story suggests that the mystical duo of Miss Itch and Mister Scratch are actually the mother and father of Bonnie, Bess and Donna. Which adds another layer of ickiness to an already distasteful bunch of characters.

Profile by Norvo

Bonnie Bliss has no known connections to

Images: (without ads)
Spider-Woman III#17, p5, pan2 (main image)
Spider-Woman III#17, p3, pan4 (young)
Spider-Woman III#17, p11, pan3 (left to die)

Spider-Woman III#16 (October, 2000) - John Byrne (writer), Bart Sears (pencils), Randy Elliot (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Spider-Woman III#17 (November, 2000) - John Byrne (writer), Bart Sears (pencils), Randy Elliot (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

First Posted: 04/23/2024
Last Updated: 04/23/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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