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Real Name: Barth Bukowkski

Identity/Class: Human, citizen of the United States

Occupation: SHIELD regional chief (Los Angeles)

Group Membership: SHIELD (Laura Brown, Jeff Cochren, Margaret Huff, Jerry Hunt, unidentified others)

Affiliations: Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)

Enemies: Cult of Kali, Nekra

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: SHIELD HQ, Los Angeles, California

First Appearance: Spider-Woman I#13 (April, 1979)

Powers/Abilities: Barth Bukowski possesses no know superhuman abilities. He is an experienced SHIELD agent with command training and access to all the advanced technology available to the agency. Bukowski engages in intensive, regular exercise.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'2")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 185 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde


(Spider-Woman I#13 (fb) - BTS) - SHIELD agent Barth Bukowski served as the agency's regional chief for Los Angeles. He ordered field agents Jeffrey Cochren and Margaret Huff to investigate an LA murder cult.

(Spider-Woman I#13) - When Cochren and Huff failed to report in, Bukowski summoned four more agents, including Jerry Hunt and Laura Brown, to find out what happened to them. Bukowski paired up Hunt and Brown, seemingly unaware that they did not like each other.

(Spider-Woman I#16 (fb) - BTS) - With some help from Spider-Woman, Hunt and his associates took on the LA murder cult, which turned out to be the Cult of
Kâli. They took several cultists to SHIELD headquarters for questioning.

(Spider-Woman I#16 - BTS) - Bukowski was busy investigating the recent break-in at SHIELD headquarters, committed by Spider-Woman and the Shroud.

(Spider-Woman I#16) - Bukowski checked in with Jerry Hunt and Laura Brown to find out how the interrogation of the cultists was coming along. He was saddened to hear that the bodies of his fellow agents Cochren and Huff had been found at the
Kâli cult's place of worship. He tasked Brown and Hunt with the follow up investigation before moving on to other matters.

Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Carmen Infantino, Al Gordon.

Barth Bukowski hasn't done much since he was introduced back in 1979. In two appearances all he did was hand out an assignment and ask for a status update. Pretty cushy job!

Still, are you really that obscure when you have more appearances in handbooks than in actual comics? Barth is listed in the S.H.I.E.L.D. entries in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#11 and All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z I#10.

Profile by Norvo

Barth Bukowski should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
Spider-Woman I#13, p5, pans4&6 (main image)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe deluxe edition I#11, p58, pan5 (close-up)
Spider-Woman I#16, p6, pan2 (debriefing)

Spider-Woman I#13 (April, 1979) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Carmen Infantino (pencils), Al Gordon (inks), Roger Stern (editor)
Spider-Woman I#16 (June, 1979) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Carmen Infantino (pencils), Al Gordon (inks), Roger Stern (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10 (July, 1983) - Mark Gruenwald, Eliot R. Brown, Peter Sanderson, Mark Lerer, Tom DeFalco (writers), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Michael Carlin (editors)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#11 (July, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald, Peter Sanderson (writers), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Howard Mackie (editors)
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z I#10 (October, 2006) - Jeff Christiansen, Mark O’English, Chad Anderson, Ronald Byrd, Sean McQuaid, Michael Hoskin, Al Sjoerdsma, Stuart Vandal, Anthony Flamini, Eric J. Moreels, Mike Fichera, Rich Green, Madison Carter (writers), Jeff Youngquist, Jennifer Grunwald (editors)

First Posted: 05/14/2024
Last Updated: 05/14/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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