Identity/Class: Super-powered presumably human mutate or mutant (see comments) Occupation: Mercenary Group Membership: None known
Affiliations: Formerly Freeman Bonding, Inc. Enemies: Freeman Bonding, Inc.; Known Relatives: Unidentified ex-wife, unidentified daughter, unidentified son- or daughter-in-law Aliases: None Base of Operations: At least formerly New York City, New York; First Appearance: She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (February, 2009) |
He likely has enhanced strength, agility, endurance, and/or enhanced senses; however, he did not demonstrate any of those abilities in his limited appearances. As a mercenary, he likely had fighting skills, armed and/or unarmed, but again, the degree of his abilities is undefined. .
Weight: Unrevealed (he seemed to be very stocky; approximately 175-200 lbs.) Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown History: (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - Also known as Captain Feral, Max Farrell was a low-rent mercenary. At some point, whether before or after his mercenary career (see comments), Farrell was married and had a daughter. Farrell and his wife were divorced. Under unspecified circumstances, Farrell's ex-wife successfully filed a restraining order against him (presumably because he assaulted or threatened her). After being arrested in (apparently in New York), Farrell employed Freeman Bonding, Inc. to pay his bail. Despite the restraining order, Farrell resolved to see his daughter's wedding, intending to view from a distance. Farrell jumped bail, traveling to Milwaukee, Wisconsin (presumably the location of the wedding). Freeman Bonding, Inc. employed She-Hulk and Jazinda to recover Farrell when he skipped bail. |
When Farrell informed them that he just wanted
three days to see his daughter's wedding, and he swore that after that
he would turn himself in, but She-Hulk reminded him that his ex-wife
had a restraining order against him. Farrell argued that the wedding
was going to take place in a park and that he could watch from far
enough away that neither his ex-wife nor his daughter would even see
him. He asked She-Hulk to have a heart, but -- feeling
that criminals tended to lie at not be trustworthy -- she refused.
Jazinda thought they should give him a chance, feeling it to be a
reasonable request. However, as She-Hulk was explaining her reasons, they were interrupted by Unum, who thought to kill them both. After the Collector teleported both She-Hulk and Jazinda away and Unum pursued them, Farrell headed out. (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - Three days later, having presumably watched his daughter's wedding as planned, Farrell returned to New York and turned himself in. (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - After returning to Earth, She-Hulk was surprised to learn that Farrell had indeed turned himself in. |
Comments: Created by Peter David, Mahmud A. Asrar, and Scott Hanna.
Did Farrell work in Milwaukee, or did he only return there for his daughter's wedding?
Is Farrell a mutant, mutate, Inhuman, humanoid extraterrestrial or something else? We don't know, nor will we, until some story follows up on him.
It is hard to tell from the
limited images available if the lines seen on Farrell's face are just
shading or whether he actually has tiger stripe-like markings.
Profile by Snood.
Captain Feral should be distinguished from:
First posted: 11/06/2024
Last updated: 11/06/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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