main image

of Earth-50810

Real Name: Steve Rogers

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-50810) human mutate

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: Unrevealed
   formerly U.S. Army

Affiliations: Col. Nick Fury, Ghost Rider, Hulk, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate), Spider-Man, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Wolverine

Enemies: Doombots, Dr. Doom, Dr. Octopus, Red Ronin

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: USA

First Appearance: Mega Morphs#1 (October, 2005)

Powers/Abilities: Captain America has been enhanced with a Super Soldier serum that has pushed him to the peak of human physical perfection, granting him superior strength, speed, agility, endurance and reaction time. Charismatic and admired, he is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant and strategist, as well as an intuitive pilot and team player, bravely entering frays. He carries and is well trained in the use of a personal disc-shaped shield that can be used for defense or hurled as a weapon. He also wears a light mesh armor. Captain America was loaned a giant Stark-built humanoid mecha battle suit called a Mega Morph that can transform into an armed helicopter and is uniquely powered by his abilities.

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond


(Mega Morphs: Captain America mini comic (fb) - BTS) - During World War II, patriotic Steve Rogers was denied army recruitment due to his frailty, but a military experiment granted him powers to peak human perfection and he became a super soldier. But at war's end, he was frozen in suspended animation, then woken in the modern age. He adapted and continued to fight as a courageous hero against evil.

   Billionaire inventor Tony Stark developed and built attack vehicles that could transform into giant metal warriors uniquely powered by the super-hero inside, but the plans were stolen by the nefarious Dr. Octopus, who still intended to build an additional secret weapon. So Stark recruited Wolverine, Spider-Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider and Captain America, each with their own Mega Morph tailored to their individual power set. Captain America's could shift between a giant humanoid mecha and an attack helicopter.

(Mega Morphs: Captain America mini comic) - Captain America piloted his Mega Morph to Liberty Island in New York to where Dr. Octopus, in his own custom Mega Morph, had finished strapping rockets to the Statue of Liberty. Captain America transformed his machine into mecha mode and challenged Dr. Octopus, who instead viciously attacked. The mecha-to-mecha duel distracted the hero long enough for Dr. Octopus to launch the Statue far away while the villain also quickly fled. Captain America felt helpless as he could not pursue either fast enough; Stark asked him to return to base.

(Mega Morphs: Dr. Octopus mini comic) - Captain America joined the other four heroes in their Mega Morphs confronting Dr. Octopus atop Mt. Everest, where he had assembled all the parts to a weapon that began sucking away the powers of every super-powered being on Earth, including those in the Mega Morphs. But Ghost Rider rallied the heroes, emphasizing their willpower, and they fought back, smashing the weapon. However, the heroes realized that Dr. Octopus had not acted alone.

(Mega Morphs#1) - Several weeks later, Dr. Doom's machinations led to the Mega Morph squad being reassembled. In his own Mega Morph, Captain America carried Wolverine's to the Xavier Institute and the mutant joined him.

(Mega Morphs#2) - Each in their Mega Morphs, Wolverine and Captain America joined Spider-Man and Ghost Rider in successfully fighting off an army of giant Doombot mecha. They later grouped aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, where they learned that Hulk had been coerced into freeing Dr. Octopus and their own Mega Morphs. Col. Fury then revealed Hulk and Dr. Octopus were being tracked to Iceland, where the giant robot Red Ronin was hidden.

(Mega Morphs#3) - In their Mega Morphs, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider and Captain America rushed to confront Dr. Octopus, only to find the powerful Red Ronin remotely controlled by Dr. Doom, who had betrayed his pawn Dr. Octopus. Cap rallied his teammates but combined attacks failed until Hulk, now freed of Doom's mind control (but still inside his Mega Morph), helped stop the enormous robot. The heroes regrouped with S.H.I.E.L.D., but were suddenly alerted that Doombot signals had been detected, heading for Washington, DC. The Mega Morph squad rushed to intercept.

(Mega Morphs#4) - The smaller Doombots had been built to detonate when in proximity to any Mega Morph. As resilient as the machines were, they still took damage until Stark overrode the signal and made them return to their Latverian origin. The Mega Morph pilots, Stark and Fury followed in a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet and confronted Doom, especially the angry Captain America. However Fury stepped in, recognizing the impending international escalation and how Doom was technically legally in the right. The heroes returned home frustrated.

Comments: Originally created by Jack Kirby & Joe Simon. Earth-50810 version adapted by Sean McKeever, Lou Kang, Pat Davidson.

Mega Morphs were a 2005 toy line developed by Toy Biz incorporating Marvel characters and were similar to Transformers in that they were humanoid in shape and, with a few clicks and twists, could turn into a different machine, but unlike Transformers, these Mega Morphs incorporated pilots (similar to Gundams and other mecha). (Catch the exciting TV ad on YouTube!) The Mega Morphs included mini comics with nine models produced in total - see image at right for Cap's). However, it was not confirmed that this took place on an alternate Earth until 10 years later in Web Warriors.

Unfortunately, there's no clear full body shot of Captain America; the series focuses much more on the Mega Morphs.

I'm not 100% sure on the release dates of the mini comics (which came with the toys), but as far as I can tell, the first set was timed with the Marvel limited series. The first six mini comics and the Marvel limited series were later published in digest format.

Captain America-50810's height and weight stats are taken from his Earth-616 counterpart due to their similarity.


Profile by Grendel Prime.

Captain America of Earth-50810 has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Mega Morphs#1, p15, pan4 (main image)
Mega Morphs: Captain America mini comic, p4, pan3 (piloting Mega Morph)
Mega Morphs#1, p15, pan2 (in civvies)

Mega Morphs#1 (October, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (pencils), Pat Davidson (inks), John Barber (editor)
Mega Morphs: Captain America mini comic (October, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (pencils), Pat Davidson (inks), John Barber (editor)
Mega Morphs: Dr. Octopus mini comic (October, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (pencils), Wayne Faucher (inks), John Barber (editor)
Mega Morphs#2 (October, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (pencils), Pat Davidson (inks), John Barber (editor)
Mega Morphs#3 (November, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (layouts), Logan Lubera (pencils), Craig Yeung (inks), John Barber (editor)
Mega Morphs#4 (December, 2005) - Sean McKeever (writer), Lou Kang (pencils), Pat Davidson (inks), John Barber (editor)

First posted: 07/04/2024
Last updated: 07/04/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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