Real Name: Possibly Duck Carter
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-63748) anatine-humanoid
Occupation: Unrevealed; presumably an adventurer and warrior;
possibly a former soldier, or who knows what?
Group Membership: None known
Affiliations: Unrevealed
Enemies: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Mars, fourth planet from the sun in the Sol(ar) system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-63748
First Appearance: Crazy Magazine#36 "Other Versions of Howard the Duck" (April, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Duck Carter carried and presumably could use some sort of pistol and a rapier
He also apparently likes to smoke cigars.
(Crazy Magazine#36 "Other Versions of Howard the Duck") - Duck Carter adventured on Mars.
Comments: Created by Jim Newsome.
Duck Carter appears in a single panel with the name "Duck Carter of Mars" as one of a number of Howard counterparts in the "Other Versions of Howard the Duck" in two-page feature in Crazy Magazine#36.
Clearly, Duck Carter was something of a mash-up of Howard the Duck and John Carter of Mars, a Virginia
soldier/veteran of the Civil War who was transported to Mars (called
Barsoom by its inhabitants) where he had numerous adventures and
encountered various "mythological beasts, alien armies and malevolent
foes" (just ask his Wikipedia entry).
No further context is available, but it makes me wonder:
Profile by Snood.
Duck Carter is an homage and apparent counterpart to:
First posted: 03/01/2025
Last updated: 01/10/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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