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Real Name: Lucille Carter

Identity/Class: Normal human (later 1940s era)

Occupation: Newspaper romance columnist

Group Membership: Daily Bugle newspaper staff

Affiliations: Larry Barrett, Sam (last name unrevealed)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: father, mother (names unrevealed)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, USA

First Appearance: Junior Miss II#35/3 (July, 1949)

Powers/Abilities: Lucille Carter is a hardworking newspaper columnist who feels sufficiently self-confident to tell people how to respond to romance matters, despite having no experience in romance herself.

Height: 5'2
Weight: 105 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown


(Junior Miss II#35/3 (fb) - BTS) - Lucille Carter was a hardworking romance columnist who worked for the Daily Bugle newspaper. She had various lovelorn reader letters and her responses published, but also sent personal responses to the many letters sent to her desk. She regularly took work home with her and lived with her parents, who were worried that she wasn't dating men and instead stayed home. Meanwhile, fellow staffer reporter Larry Barrett developed a romantic interest in Carter with hopes for marriage. Barrett passed several handwritten notes to the busy Carter, asking for dates, but she dismissed each one.

(Junior Miss II#35/3 (fb)) - Carter passed the latest transcript for her column to Sam the copy boy, who also passed to her the latest note from Barrett. Again, she angrily sent it away, but Barrett was nearby this time and used the excuse that it was important for her to experience romance to accurately provide advice in her column. He suddenly held her close and forced a kiss on her lips, and then left, leaving Carter angered but dizzy and tingling with excitement. Frustrated that Barrett was now on her mind while she was working, she went to his desk and crossly slapped him in front of his coworkers. Carter went home with work, feeling more convinced that sentiment should never interfere with work; however, her mother voiced her concern that Lucille wasn't out dating guys. Lucille admitted that she was a little frightened of getting caught in the same romantic jams as those of her readers. The next day, Barrett avoided her after her forceful rebuttal, yet she secretly missed their friendly banter. However, Barrett began to secretly write as a lovelorn reader under the pseudonym "Frustrated", stating he loved a career woman who ignored him; her advice was that he should keep trying. Sam questioned why she advised the opposite to how she behaved, but she just berated the copy boy. More letters from "Frustrated" followed in a similar vein and Carter felt responsible for his emotional well-being, but she still remembered Barrett's sudden kiss. Barrett submitted a final despondent letter as "Frustrated", claiming he would jump to his death from Sampson St Bridge at 6 pm. Shocked and feeling responsible for his welfare, Carter rushed by taxi to the bridge but found no one there. She began to cry until Barrett walked up and confessed to the ruse; Carter then admitted that she loved him too and had been foolish to push him away. The pair kissed passionately, watched by admiring (if somewhat voyeuristic) pedestrians.

(Junior Miss II#35/3) - Carter related her experience to the reader.

Comments: Creators not credited.

The "Sampson St Bridge" referred to in the story is a suspension bridge with what appears to be three towers. I can't identify any such bridge around New York City, but its appearance is similar to the Manhattan Bridge, but without the tower flourishes.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Lucille Carter has no known connections to:

Larry Barrett

Larry Barrett was a reporter at the Daily Bugle newspaper. He was keen on fellow staffer and romance columnist Lucille Carter, secretly hoping to marry her and wrote Carter short notes inviting her out, but she dismissed each one. At one point, he even forced a kiss on her lips, but she rebuffed him. However, she secretly thought of him romantically. Desperate for her affection, Barrett wrote to her, pretending to be one of her romance-forlorn readers, signing off as "Frustrated", but Carter was too absorbed in her work to deduce Barrett was the true author. Writing as "Frustrated", he feigned a suicide note stating he would jump from a bridge at a certain time. Carter rushed to stop "Frustrated" but instead met Barrett, who confessed the ruse. The two kissed passionately as she admitted her affection, their kiss watched by admiring (if somewhat voyeuristic) pedestrians.










--Junior Miss II#35/3

images: (without ads)
Junior Miss II#35/3, p6, pan5 (main image)
   p2, pan1 (headshot)
   p6, pan7 (smooching)
   p5, pan5 (Barrett)

Junior Miss II#35/3 (July, 1949) - writer, artist(s), editor not credited

First posted: 02/14/2025 - happy Valentine's Day!
Last updated: 02/14/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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