(from Reality-94064)

Real Name: Michael Collins

Identity/ClassAlternate Reality (Earth-94064) human

Occupation: Software programmer

Group Membership: Formerly Cybertek

Affiliations: Tracy Collins, Nick Collins and Tisha Collins
    formerly Cybertek

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Tracy Collins (wife), Nicholas "Nick" Collins (son), Patricia "Tisha" Collins (daughter)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Collins family home in Paterson, New Jersey, United States of America

Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

First Appearance: Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: Michael Collins was a skilled software programmer with a Master's degree in computer science and a Ph.D. in prosthetics/neuroscience.

    He used his qualifications to develop advanced software with applications in cybernetics.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown (including mustache)

Michael Collins goes homeHistory: (Deathlok II#29 (fb)) - Michael Collins was an engineer, married to Tracy and father to Nick; the family lived in Paterson, New Jersey. Michael worked at Cybertek, participating in the design of the Deathlok cyborg, unaware that his software was going to be used to create a weapon that the company intended to sell to the highest bidder. As Michael was a very moral man, Cybertek hid this information from him, lest he would refuse to work on the project. Michael could have figured out what his company was up to, but he did not bothered to do so.

    However, Michael decided to leave his job at Cybertek, which allowed him to spend more time with his family; this new situation was especially welcomed by Tracy. Michael then fathered a second child with Tracy, Patricia (Tisha).

(Deathlok II#29 (fb)) - Cybertek continued the Deathlok program without Michael, managing to build a Deathlok Army that they sent to the South American country of Estrella to annihilate local resistance against an aggressive industrialization project. The Deathlok Army slaughtered their enemies and laid waste to Estrella.

(Deathlok II#29) - On Michael's birthday, he returned from an undisclosed location where he had been busy, and his family was waiting to dine with him during a brief celebration.

(Deathlok II#29 - BTS) - In Reality-616, during the Infinity Crusade, the Michael Collins there (who had become Deathlok against his will and had successfully confronted Cybertek to stop their plans, but in the process had been forced away from his family) was apparently devoured by a wave of destruction generated by the Goddess, and then had a vision of Reality-94064. In the vision, Michael of Reality-616 entered the body of Michael of Reality-94064, receiving the affection of his family. Neither Nick nor Tracy noticed anything amiss in Michael's strange words, who wondered how he had become human again. After a happy dinner, Michael and Tracy tucked their kids away, much to his satisfaction, and then Tracy took Michael into the bedroom for romantic purposes. Michael of Reality-616 was then separated from Michael of Reality-94064, so that he would see other differences between the two worlds.

Comments: Created by Greg Wright, Kevin Kobasic and Greg Adams.

    In Reality-616, Michael Collins became Deathlok in Deathlok I#1. By this time, Tracy is pregnant, though it is not apparent yet. Tracy was still pregnant during the invasion of Wakanda seen in Deathlok II#23-25, so months pass from Deathlok I#1 until baby Tisha is born.
    In Reality-94064, Michael left Cybertek before the events of Deathlok I#1, so from the time the baby is born, months have passed since Michael's resignation. Tracy, however, pointed out the pros of Michael no longer working at Cybertek, as if it had been a recent development.

    In Deathlok I#1, it is mentioned that Michael Collins of Reality-616 worked on an operating system and spend a lot of time writing software for high-tech artificial limbs for the Deathlok project (though it is possible that he worked on more parts of the Deathlok project that have not been revealed). It is assumed that Michael Collins of Reality-94064 also worked on those same parts of the Deathlok project.

    The Collinses' Paterson home in Reality-616 had been destroyed by an enemy of Deathlok (seen in Deathlok II#26). During the vision, Michael Collins of Reality-616 recognized his old home, meaning that the house was not destroyed in Reality-94064.

    Michael's favorite dish in Reality-94064 was apparently to be roast beef.

Michael Collins from Reality-94064 should not be confused with his alternate version from any other reality, a number of whom (Earth-616, Earth-13178, Earth-29121, Earth-33734, Earth-37946, Earth-79324, Earth-77640) had been turned into Deathlok cyborgs, often against his wishes.

    Similarly, Collins' relatives should not be confused with their alternate versions from other realities, including Earth-616 and, for Nick, a nightmare reality seen on Deathlok Annnual #1/2.

TracyTracy Collins

    Tracy Collins was wife to Michael and the mother of Nick and Tisha. Tracy was delighted that her husband had left his job at Cybertek, because it allowed him to spend more time at home. On Michael's birthday, he was due home for dinner, so Tracy made him his favorite dish and made sure the kids were there. At the time, Michael was possessed by his alternate version of Reality-616, a cyborg, so Michael especially appreciated the food because, in his world, he could not eat. Tracy paid no attention to Michael's words, instead expressing her gratitude towards him, and poured him wine. Afterward, they put their children to bed, and Tracy brought Michael into the bedroom for romantic purposes, still not understanding that another person was controlling her husband's body. Michael of Reality-616 left his body at that point, to see other differences between his home world and this one.

Tracy showed some cooking skills to prepare her husband's dinner.

--Deathlok II#29

NickNicholas "Nick" Collins

    Nick was Michael and Tracy's oldest child, a pre-teen boy who loved his family and often spoke in abbreviations. On Michael's birthday, Nick greeted him as he left the house to tell him that Tracy, Michael's wife and Nick's mother, had cooked Michael's favorite dish for dinner. Nick, especially looking forward to spending time with his family, was not surprised that his father was surprised that he was human (because at the time Michael was possessed by his alternate version of Reality-616, a cyborg). Michael had dinner with his family and then allowed himself to be put to bed in the same bedroom as his sister Tisha. Michael was delighted to see his children sleeping peacefully.

--Deathlok II#29

TishaTisha Collins

    Patricia (Tisha) was Michael and Tracy's youngest child. On Michael's birthday, Tisha was sitting in a baby chair with a bottle while the rest of her family ate dinner. After dinner, Tisha was taken to her crib to sleep in the same bedroom where her brother Nick was resting. Michael was delighted to see his children sleeping peacefully.

Tisha was a baby with limited movement capabilities, but she learned to say "dah-dah."

images: (without ads)
Deathlok II#29, p2, panel 3 (Michael)
    p2, panel 2 (Michael goes home)
    p2, panel 2 (Tracy)
    p3, panel 1 (Nick)
    p2, panel 3 (Tisha)

Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993) - Greg Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 08/17/2024
Last updated:

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