Real Name: Colossal Deathlok

Identity/Class: Robot (see comments)

Occupation: Combat instrument

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol), Fu Manchu, Mentallo (Marvin Flumm)

Enemies: Goliath (Erik Josten), several street level heroes (in the game the suggested options are: Daredevil/Matt Murdock, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Mockingbird/Barbara "Bobbi" Morse Barton, Moon Knight/Marc Spector, Shang Chi, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)

Known Relatives: Deathlok (Luther Manning, template), Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol, creator), Deathlok Simulacrum ("brother")

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes MLA3 Adventure "Night Life" (1990)

Powers/Abilities: Composed of Osmium steel, the Colossal Deathlok was extremely durable and resistant to attacks, especially energy ones; however, the armor on its knee joints was weaker than the rest of its body thanks to a design flaw. It was incapable of autonomous activities, but was instead had a compartment built within its head that carried a pilot who controlled its actions and weapon systems; the compartment could also carry at least two additional passengers. It possessed superhuman strength (able to lift around 100 tons), and had energy blasters built into its hands; thanks to Fu Manchu's arcane knowledge these produced blasts of eldritch energy rather than any more standard discharge. It could also fire oscillating globes of eldritch energy from an aperture on its chest, able to ensnare targets for several minutes before dissipating harmlessly, and it had a powerful tractor beam that emanated from its head. The robot also provided the pilot with infra-red/ultraviolet vision, telescopic vision and audio enhancement capabilities. The control compartment could be detached (or ejected) from the rest of the robot, to be used as an escape pod; once detached it could fly and still had access to the tractor beam, but none of the robot's other systems. 

Height: 50'
Weight: 148 tons (by estimation - see comments)
(left) red; (right) blue (probably - see comments)
Gray-brown (probably - see comments)

(Marvel Two-In-One I#27 (fb) - BTS) - While the Deathlok cyborg of Earth-7484 was in his possession, the Fixer made a detailed computerized template of him.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "After Midnight (fb) - BTS) - Some time later the Fixer and his partner Mentallo formed their own criminal organization, the Faces of Fear.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves (fb) - BTS) - Needing a front man for the Faces, Fixer constructed a Deathlok Simulacrum, a metal machine with no organic parts. The robot was programmed to act as their enforcer and be the puppet-leader of the Faces.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves") - Fixer and Mentallo had the robot ambush a group of heroes who had begun interfering with the Faces, but it was defeated.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA3 Adventure "Night Life" (fb) - BTS) - Despite this defeat Fixer and Mentallo were pleased with the general performance of the Simulacrum, so they built a giant version of the Simulacrum, which they named the Colossal Deathlok. Like the Simulacrum, it was a mindless robot that possessed no organic parts.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA3 Adventure "Night Life") - Having formed an alliance with Fu Manchu against Hammerhead and his Maggia, Fixer, Mentallo and the Devil Doctor used the Colossal Deathlok to attack Hammerhead's mansion next to Richmond Park, Queens, riding within a compartment built into the robot's cranium. However Hammerhead had enlisted the criminal Goliath to defend his home. Unaware that Hammerhead had already made his escape, the Colossal Deathlok engaged Goliath in battle, a conflict that soon garnered television coverage. The news footage brought the same heroes who had stopped the Deathlok Simulacrum to the scene, and they formed a temporary alliance of convenience with Goliath to destroy the giant robot.

Comments: Created by Anthony Herring.

   Appearing only in a single black and white image, it's hard to be sure what color the robot's eyes were. If they were completely patterned on Deathlok then one was red and one blue, but unlike the Simulacrum it's not like anyone was intended to be fooled into thinking the Colossal Deathlok was really the original cyborg, so Fixer might not have bothered with that level of accurate reproduction. That said, the image does seem to show some hair atop the robot's head, so maybe Fixer really did go the whole hog. If the Colossal Deathlok's weight was scaled up to the same extent as its height then the robot weighed around 148 tons, but it's entirely possible that Fixer found ways to make it proportionally lighter in weight (while still presumably being very heavy) than its size would have implied, simply to prevent it being crushed by its own weight or having the ground beneath it constantly collapsing.

   The Colossal Deathlok is described as a robot, but also carries passengers in its head who control its actions. This technically makes it more of a mecha (the term used in anime for a giant robot that generally can't act autonomously, but is instead piloted by someone within it - c.f. Red Ronin or the Shogun Warriors for Marvel's most notable examples, or the Jaegers from the Pacific Rim movies) than a robot in my estimation.

   In continuity?: I personally don't see anything major in the game modules that would prevent them taking place on Earth-616, the "real" Marvel reality, but like any character only mentioned in the game the Colossal Deathlok would be a fringe character.

Profile by Loki.

Colossal Deathlok has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Marvel Super Heroes MLA3 Adventure "Night Life", p46, pan1 (main image)

Marvel Super Heroes MLA3 Adventure "Night Life" (1990) - Anthong Herring (writer), Jeff Butler with Mike Machlin (art), Karen S. Boomgarden (editor)

First Posted: 08/30/2024
Last updated: 08/30/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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