Real Name: Combat Cat

Identity/Class: Feline (Post-World War II Era)

Occupation: Mascot

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Easy Company (Billy, Corporal Capper)

Enemies: Chinese army

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile in Korea

First Appearance: Battle Action I#27 (February, 1957)

Powers/Abilities: Combat Cat was a typical feline who proved capable as a scout because he was drawn to the scent of fish.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 9" at withers)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 10 lbs.)
Eyes: Yellow
Fur: White

(Battle Action I#27) - The feline later dubbed "Combat Cat" was inside a North Korean home as Easy Company was going through the village destroying encamped Chinese soldiers. Billy and Corporal Capper assaulted the house with grenades and killed the enemy soldiers inside. Capper heard the cat trying to escape the wreckage and assumed it was a surviving soldier but Billy prevented him from throwing another grenade, instead reaching into the wreckage and liberating the cat. Billy took the feline under his protection and, having recently learned about the battle-capable K-9 Army Corps, he dubbed the animal "Combat Cat." Capper objected to Billy keeping the cat with him but Billy insisted he could teach Combat Cat how to scout for them. Capper insisted that cats weren't as smart as dogs and couldn't be trained how to scout.

    During breaks over the next several days, Billy exposed Combat Cat to an enemy cap and trained him to recognize the enemy cap's scent from among G.I. equipment. Although Combat Cat passed Billy's tests, Capper insisted the cat was merely lucky. One night, Combat Cat came back from an evening prowl and meowed at Billy. Billy believed this indicated enemy troops were nearby and that Combat Cat was trying to warn him. Easy Company's lieutenant ordered Sgt. Brown to send a patrol to investigate. The patrol found no trace of the Chinese forces but Billy continued to insist the enemy must be there and for them to give Combat Cat a chance to find the enemy. Billy was finally given his opportunity and he set Combat Cat loose then followed him through the town. As the Chinese troops were feeding on fish, Combat Cat was immediately drawn to the scent of their food and guided Billy and Corporal Capper to their location. With this intelligence, Billy and Capper informed the rest of Easy Company where the Chinese had concealed themselves. Easy Company were so elated that they all welcomed Combat Cat as their mascot and one of them milked a cow to bring Combat Cat a helmet full of milk. When Corporal Capper saw that Combat Cat had been drawn to the scent of fish, the company lieutenant remarked that it should be their secret that Combat Cat was a "chowhound instead of a combat cat scout." Regardless, the lieutenant was grateful that Billy and Combat Cat had saved the entire outfit from an ambush.

Comments: Created by an unidentified writer and Joe Sinnott.

    This profile was prepared to celebrate our own Snood's birthday!

Profile by Prime Eternal.

Combat Cat should not be confused with:



Billy was a member of Easy Company who served during the Korean War. After witnessing a K-9 Army Corps dog, Billy was inspired to promote the feline "Combat Cat" into the role of Easy Company's mascot. The rest of Easy Company didn't accept Combat Cat could be their scout, especially Corporal Capper, but when Billy insisted that Combat Cat had detected enemy troops nearby, he convinced their lieutenant to send out a patrol to find them. Billy followed Combat Cat to where the enemy troops had concealed themselves in underground bunkers. Bringing this intelligence back to the lieutenant, Billy helped save Easy Company from an ambush. Although Combat Cat had only found the Chinese because he smelled their fish dinner, Billy and Combat Cat were credited with saving Easy Company.

--Battle Action I#27


Corporal Capper

Corporal Capper was a member of Easy Company who worked alongside Billy. He was skeptical of Billy's insistence that Combat Cat could be used as a scout, believing dogs were much smarter than cats. Capper and Billy followed Combat Cat to find where the Chinese had concealed themselves in an underground bunker. After Easy Company captured the Chinese forces and prevented an ambush, Capper learned Combat Cat had only led them to the Chinese because he had smelled their fish dinner.

--Battle Action I#27

images: (without ads)
Battle Action I#27, page 5, panel 2 (Combat Cat, main)
Battle Action I#27, page 4, panel 2 (Combat Cat in action)
Battle Action I#27, page 3, panel 3 (Billy)
Battle Action I#27, page 3, panel 4 (Capper)

Battle Action I#27 (February, 1957) - unidentified writer, Joe Sinnott (artist), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 07/15/2023
Last updated: 07/15/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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