commonhate-7484-fuller Dr. COMMONHATE

Real Name: Commonhate (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-7484) human circa late 1990 A.D.

Occupation: Presumed psychologist, dream therapist, etc.

Group Membership: Possibly Project: Alpha-Mech

Affiliations: Hugo, Simon Ryker, US Army

Enemies: Deathlok (Luther Manning)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    presumably formerly Simon Ryker's World Trade Center base;

First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 (September, 1982)

Powers/Abilities: Dr. Commonhate has experience in using drugs and thought probes to create various scenarios within the mind of another.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 170 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (only shown in opaque glasses)
Hair: Black

Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok initially killed when commanded. Gradually, he came to question his orders, and finally he became aware of what he was: A hideous aberration composed of rotting flesh and polished metal, and he began to rebel.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok demonstrated tendencies toward rebellion against his built-in computer.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb)) - Deathlok apparently attempted to confront Ryker, but an inches thick door delayed him sufficiently for Ryker's agents to introduce anesthesia into Deathlok's chemical bloodstream, incapacitating him.

(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Simon Ryker had Deathlok brought in for examination and questioning. After receiving injectable sedation under Peters' direction, Deathlok was placed in a power siphon.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2) - In an effort to restore their control over Deathlok, a group of scientists, including Hugo and Dr. Commonhate, used drugs and thought probes to subject Deathlok to various scenarios.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 - BTS) - The first scenario allowed Deathlok to believe that he had escaped captivity, after which they introduced scenarios of his past existence.commonhate-7484-dlokproximity

   Deathlok seemingly found himself in the park by a lake in which he had spent time with Janice when she (and possibly both of them) was still in high school. However, the scenario showed him an adult Janice, who asked him to come sit by him. Both Deathlok and his computer realized that Janice's age was inappropriate for the location/memory, and he considered that this was some sort of trick/set-up. He told this to "Janice," further noting that she would be screaming at the sight of his face, but she showed him in the water's reflection the image of his normal Luther Manning face. "Janice" tried to get him to kiss her, forget his terrible nightmares and stay with her instead and be happy, but Deathlok insisted that this was a lie and that she was not the real Janice. As he said this, he backhanded "Janice," causing her into fall into the lake and sink beneath its surface.

    Deathlok was next pulled into another scenario of the beach house where he and Janice had spent their first summer together.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 (fb) - BTS) - Hugo and Dr. Commonhate prevented Deathlok's computer from interacting with him in this scenario.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 - BTS) - Deathlok seemed to have reverted back into a normal Luther Manning, although still wearing Deathlok's uniform. Realizing that he did not hear the computer's voice in his head, Manning wondered if he had only imagined being Deathlok and he had possibly killed the real Janice. When his old pet Collie came running toward him, he was initially even more concerned, but then the dog turned into a cyborg and attacked him. Reverting back into Deathlok, Manning broke the attacking creature's neck.

    Deathlok next shifted into a scenario where only his computer inhabited the cyborg form. The computer continued to note the implausibility of the scenario as Deathlok was assaulted and overpowered by a pair of aged orderlies.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2) - Dr. Commonhate terminated the false scenarios, noting Deathlok's violent refusal to accept them. He reviewed that it mattered not whether they had had both Manning's mind and the computer present vs. just either one, as all scenarios had failed. After Dr. Commonhate stated that he reluctantly admitting defeat, Hugo voiced that Deathlok was just a creep. Noting this to be a very unscientific observation, as the two departed the room Dr. Commonhate also agreed that it was unfortunately true.

(Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 - BTS) - Realizing that his escape and everything that happened afterward was all part of Ryker's scientists' mindgames, Deathlok was furious at the "high-minded sadists" for using his cherished memories against him.

Comments: Created by David Anthony Kraft, Michael Golden and Bob Downs.

    This story appears to take place during the period -- observed in Astonishing Tales I#25 and 26 --  when Deathlok was hooked up to the power siphon, shortly before he broke free. Simon Ryker may or may not be present behind the scenes, and the same is true of Peters.

    I believe Dr. Commonhate is meant to be a play on Dr. Strangelove, the 1964 political satire black comedy film.

Profile by Snood.

Dr. Commonhate
should be distinguished from:


commonhate-7484-hugo     Presumably a nurse or technician, as he referred to Commonhate as doctor while Commonhate referred to him as "Hugo."

     He assisted Dr. Commonhate in subjecting Deathlok to various scenarios, but after these had failed to allow them to regain control of Deathlok, Hugo noted Deathlok to be a "totally violent screw-up" as he had killed his own pet dog while bereft of his computer's influence.

     Dr. Commonhate admitted defeat, and Hugo replied, "A creep's a creep. What can you do, Dr. Commonhate?"

Marvel Fanfare I#4/2

: (without ads)

Marvel Fanfare I#4/2

Marvel Fanfare I#4/2 "Mindgames" (September, 1982) - David Anthony Kraft (writer), Michael Golden (pencils), Bob Downs (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)

First posted: 08/23/2024
Last updated: 08/23/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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