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Real Name: Randolph Conroy

Identity/Class: Human, citizen of the United States

Occupation: CEO

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Jessica Drew, Phil Rodriguez, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin)

Enemies: Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York.

First Appearance: Spider-Woman III#1 (July, 1999)

Powers/Abilities: Randolph Conroy possessed no known superhuman abilities.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'1")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 190 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray (balding)


(Spider-Woman III#1 (fb) - BTS) - In the past Randolph Conroy had personal dealings with acclaimed New York fashion designer Charlotte Witter.

(Spider-Woman III#1 (fb) - BTS) - Following a series of brutal experiments that resulted in her getting superpowers, Witter was driven mad. Now calling herself Spider-Woman, she began to drink the blood of men. To feed her need, she kidnapped a number of CEO's starting with Andrew Ramsey whose brownstone in Greenwich Village she started to use as her nest. Up in the attic, she trapped her victims in web cocoons, allowing her to feed off them at her leisure.

(Spider-Woman III#1) - Randolph Conroy was surprised to find Charlotte Witter in his Manhattan skyscraper office. She sensed he was afraid of him, mocking the scared business tycoon who pressed a silent alarm to summon security. Witter didn't care, easily taking out the summoned security guards and taking off with Conroy.

(Spider-Woman III#1 - BTS) - Conroy noticed they were headed for Greenwich Village.

(Spider-Woman III#1) - Once at the brownstone, he was shocked to discover her 'pantry': a number of abducted men, webbed up and dangling from the ceiling. He quickly joined them, trapped upside down in a cocoon and forced to watch Witter drain the life from a nearby, already emaciated victim. She assured the horrified Conroy he'd soon pass out from the blood draining into his head.

(Spider-Woman III#1 - BTS) - It didn't take long for Jessica Drew and Mattie Franklin to deduce where Charlotte Witter was hiding. At the same time NYPD detective Phil Rodriguez showed up at the brownstone to look for the missing CEOs. With Mattie fighting Witter off, Phil Rodriguez and Jessica Drew discovered the villainess' stash of victims (see comments).

Comments: Created by John Byrne, Bart Sears, Randy Elliot & Raymond Kryssing.

We never see Conroy and the others get rescued by either Mattie or the authorities, but because Conroy was only briefly held captive there's a good chance he survived the ordeal.

Profile by Norvo

Randolph Conroy should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
Spider-Woman III#1, p3, pan1 (main image)
Spider-Woman III#1, p4, pan2 (closeup)
Spider-Woman III#1, p12, pans1&2 (tied up)

Spider-Woman III#1 (July, 1999) - John Byrne (writer), Bart Sears (pencils), Randy Elliot & Raymond Kryssing (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

First Posted: 04/22/2024
Last Updated: 04/22/202

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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