main image


Membership: None identified

Purpose: To worship Cyttorak the Rage-father and to protect the Gem of Cyttorak

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Cyttorak, Juggernaut (Cain Marko)

Enemies: Thor (Odinson)

Base of Operations: Thailand, Crimson Temple of Cyttorak;
    formerly Korea, Temple of Cyttorak

First Appearance: Thor VII#1 (August, 2018)

Powers: The Disciples were all armed with melee weapons and trained to use them: long knives, scimitars, long-hilted broad scimitars, glaives, maces. They were belligerent and showed no fear to confront head-to-head even a God of Thunder.

    Their teeth were pointed, and they used them to eat human flesh.

    The disciples were also priests of Cyttorak's belief. The knowledge acquired in this role comprised arcane matters. Some of them knew magic and used it when needed, including performing a ritual of dream-binding or helping Cyttorak to interact with someone he wanted to test. Their arcane knowledge allowed them to recognize a magic item of power such as the Warlock's Eye, as well as to know how to use it. They recognized Thor and his Asgardian heritage. They also knew about Mjolnir and the rules that accompanied it.

    They considered Thor a blasphemous god and all the ones who believed in him to be blasphemers

    The priests wore similar outfits.

    They all had (presumably) shaved heads, with the exception of a tall hair crest, combed in different shapes. Many of them had eyebrows joined from eye to eye and eyes abnormally open, with very tiny pupils or no pupils at all.

head shotHistory: (Thor VII#1) - The Disciples of Cyttorak lived in the Temple of Cyttorak, worshipping their god, protecting the Temple and the Gem of Cyttorak. They also ate human flesh. They didn't despise to eat the flesh of other intelligent beings such as an Asgardian's.

    When Asgardia exploded, and many dangerous items of powers in Odin's vault were scattered throughout the Realms, the Warlock's Eye was found by the Disciples of the Temple. The Eye was an ancient weapon of mind control, and the priests of the Temple recognized it. They decided to use it to conquer the world and bring glory to Cyttorak.

disciples of Cyttorak in Thailand Warlock's Eye was too dangerous to stay in their possession, so, shortly thereafter, Thor invaded the Temple to seize back the Eye. He knew that the Disciples were armed and bloodthirsty, but he hoped he could get out without too much violence. The Disciples discovered Thor and, very eager to bite his flesh, cornered him onto the edge of the high cliff where the Temple arose.

    The disciples mocked Thor, but they didn't attack him because the Temple hosted the Champion of Cyttorak, and they respected the honor of first blood that belonged to the Juggernaut. Thor learned that the Juggernaut was stronger than ever while standing in the Temple, thanks to the greater quantity of power he received from Cyttorak. So, Thor conjured all the mighty enchanted hammers that the dwarves of Nidavellir had forged for him. One of the disciples tried to grab one of them, but Thor used his power of God of Thunder to strike them down with lightning bolts. They all fell except Juggernaut.

    In the end, Thor defeated Juggernaut and left the Temple with the Warlock's Eye.

(X-Men Black: Juggernaut) - Displeased that his avatar had been defeated by Thor, Cyttorak ordered a group of priests of the Temple to dream-bind Cain, so the demon-god could test him in the illusion and see if Cain was still worthy.

    In the dream, Juggernaut could see his true self under the influence of the priests' ritual. Marko could hear the priest near the Gem of Cyttorak telling that Juggernaut was weak. But that scene, too, was an illusion. When Marko shattered the dream-scene and Cyttorak revealed to the priests and to him, the priests were annihilated by Cyttorak for having failed him.

    Marko's rage enabled him to punch even Cyttorak. It was another dream, but the rage was true, letting Juggernaut pass the test. The priests were still alive, around Juggernaut, and the ritual ended.

    The priests knelt to honor the Champion, but when one of the priests heard Juggernaut crying for revenge, he advised him that Cyttorak was safe in the Crimson Cosmos and that to reach him the Champion had to gather all the eight gems, at least. The behemoth grabbed the priest and flung him away.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron and Michael del Mundo.

    Thanks to their belief and their continual presence in the Temple, it was easier for the priests to be contacted by Cyttorak.

    The presence of the disciples in the Temple does not totally exclude the presence of the lower demons that protected the Gem when Ahmet Abdol was chosen as a Champion of Cyttorak; it is unlikely but not impossible, if they all followed the orders of Cyttorak.

Profile by Spidermay.

The disciples of Cyttorak should be distinguished from:

  • The Guardians of the temple of Cyttorak - present in the Temple was in Korea, masked warriors using oriental weapons, destroyed by Excalibur--New Excalibur#13
  • The shining Crimson-skinned, horned, winged lower demons that guarded the Crimson Ruby of Cyttorak in the Temple--Amazing X-Men#15
  • The monks that were in the Temple centuries ago,when the Emerald of Cyttorak was shattered--X-Men: The Jewels of Cytorrak

    and have no known connections to:

  • any other "disciple or "Cyttorak" characters, groups, items, events, races or places...

Images: (without ads)
Thor VII#1 (main image), p2, pan2 (disciples)
Thor VII#1, p4, pan1 (head shot)
X-Men Black: Juggernaut, p16, pan2 (priests during a ritual)

Thor VII (August, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Michael del Mundo (art), Marco D'Alfonso, Michael del Mundo (colors), Wilson Moss (editor)
X-Men: Black - Juggernaut (October, 2018) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Shawn Crystal (pencils, inks), Darren Shan, Chris Robinson (editors

First Posted: 01/29/2025
Last Updated: 01/29/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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