czar-as&w5-full CZAR


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human (at least formerly empowered by time diamonds)

Occupation: Drug-dealer (at least formerly);
    former agent of Mojo

Group Membership: Partner of Big Murder

Affiliations: Joan of Arc (presumably some alternate reality counterpart) and a harem of others; his own slightly younger self;
    at least formerly Mojo, an Orbling (presumably Marty); possibly an unidentified killer and/or some pawn in Earth-10964's 65 million BC;
    mixed adversarial relationship with his middle-aged and eldest future incarnations;
    I don't know that he has any direct contact/affiliation/antagonism with the Orb, but he apparently would not have gained the time diamonds if Orb had not led his Orblings to rob that bank

Enemies: Genghis Khan (presumably some alternate reality counterpart), Kang the Conqueror, Knights Templar (presumably some alternate reality counterpart), Minutemen, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Time Variance Authority, Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan);
    mixed adversarial relationship with his middle-aged and eldest future incarnations;

Known Relatives: Unidentified father, unidentified grandmother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    at least formerly an apartment or something in Manhattan, New York;
    at least formerly an estate on an asteroid somewhen around the end of time;
    formerly mobile throughout time on various alterate Earths;
    formerly Mojoworldczar-as&w2-ts&teeth

First Appearance: (Identified and partially shown (shadowed/distant full body; hands & teeth) Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (September, 2010);
    (fully shown) Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (February, 2011)


Powers/Abilities: Czar at least formerly possessed a number of time diamonds, some of which he bonded to his teeth, and some of which he bonded to a baseball bat that he called his Timestick.

    Typically swinging the bat and striking a victim, he could freeze him or her in time, send him or her backward or forward in time to a specific destination (or sometimes he did not know the destination and felt that the time diamonds chose), etc.

    His trans-temporal abilities allowed him to transport himself and at least one other (usually Big Murder) across time as well, and he could exist simultaneously with his past and future selves.

    At some point, his right hand was severed, so incarnations after that point in time are lacking a right hand. However, one of middle-aged incarnation still appeared to carry a Timestick, and a senior incarnation had a bionic hand.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 315 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (including beard)

History: (See comments)

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - Temporally-powered diamonds grew on trees on a short-lived planet with an unstable core. The planet eventually exploded, scattering the diamonds throughout the cosmos.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 / Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - An asteroid loaded with these diamonds struck Earth (at least Earth-10964, and possibly Earth-616) during the Cretaceous period. czar-as&w6-drugdealer

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 (fb) - BTS) - A number of these diamonds ended up in a safety deposit box at an unspecified bank in Manhattan, New York.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - The youth who would become Czar was frequently "whooped" by his father.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) - The youth who would become Czar was allegedly told by his grandmother, "Sometimes you gotta cut the $%'#, baby...and get to the part where somebody's dyin'."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) - The man who would become Czar allegedly killed his own parents.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#6 (fb) - BTS) - Working alongside his diminutive associate, Big Murder, Czar became a wealthy drug dealer of some renown.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 - BTS) - The Orb (the one with an actual eye for a head; not Drake Shannon) and his Orblings robbed the bank that contained the time diamonds.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 - BTS) - Someone (presumably Czar vs. Mojo) convinced -- by telling him that he would be made famous by movies made of his life -- an unidentified repeat murderer to lead Wolverine to the bank before committing suicide.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 - BTS) - Both Spider-Man and Wolverine arrived at the bank, and when one of the Orblings (Marty) discovered the diamonds and ran out to tell his boss, Spider-Man swung into him. Knocked out of Marty's hands, the time diamonds struck the ground, and then energies transported Spider-Man and Wolverine back in time circa 65 million B.C. where their actions diverged that reality to Earth-10964.
    Some of this reality overlapped with Reality-616, causing persistence in Reality-616 of objects, etc. created in Reality-10964.

Time travel shenanigans happened...Czar's history may or may not jump forward to this point (or that point occurs before this point) before continuing on again...czar-as&w4-full&bm

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - Discovering Czar and his Timestick (both bonded with time diamonds), Mojo employed him (and Big Murder) to allow them to produce shows taking place anywhere from the dawn to the end of time. Mojo paid Czar "more money than the gross national products of most planets" for his services.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - Czar and Big Murder mocked Kang as "the ain't-never-conquered-$#*@."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 (fb) - BTS) - Traveling through time and across realities, Czar and his partner, Big Murder, encountered Genghis Khan in the deserts, presumably in the early 13th century somewhere. According to Big Murder, Genghis "talked all crazy and then <Czar> ripped out his tongue and he was whimpering like a little baby."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (fb) - BTS) - Czar and Big Murder brought Joan of Arc to their party at the end of time; they considered her to be a freak (a compliment on her excesses).

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 - BTS) - Time Variance Authority Minutemen opened a portal in space-time onto Earth-10964 through which they pulled the Orb, despite his insistence that they wanted not him but the Czar.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2) - Observing Earth-10964 remotely, Czar was pleased when Wolverine knocked out Spider-Man and took the "Phoenix Gun" from him to sacrifice himself instead to stop Doom the Living Planet. He noted, "They was funny at first, you know, in that sorta pathetic kinda way, like crippled kids or old people. But all they do is bicker and argue. It's like living with my parents again. You know, back before I killed 'em."

    Big Murder reminded him that the big man (Mojo) was paying them good money for "all this" and that the Czar always delivered. Czar replied, "That I do. But money ain't everything, you know. It's those little simple pleasures that really make life worth snapping a fool's neck when he's getting on your nerves. It's like my grandmomma always used to say, 'Sometimes you gotta cut the $%'#, baby...and get to the part where somebody's dyin'."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3) - Czar and Big Murder continued to monitor Wolverine and Spider-Man on Earth-10964. 

    After Wolverine had been slain using the "Phoenix Gun" to destroy Doom the Living Planet and then been resurrected by Spider-Man using a Cosmic Cube-ish deal, Wolverine attacked Spider-Man, having wanted to be reunited in death with his mother. Big Murder advised that they could not let them kill each other, reminding Czar how upset the "Big Man" (Mojo) got when Czar let "the hairy one" die. Czar considered that it would be a good fight, but Big Murder countered that the hairy one was just a brawler while the other was all talk. czar-as&w4-twoczars

    Resolving that the show must go on, as that was what the "Big Man," was paying for, Czar chose to use "the stick" (his bat embedded with "time diamonds") to send them somewhere; he didn't know where, but sensed that the two were bonded in a way only the diamonds could understand.

    Czar then struck the pair with his Timestick, sending Wolverine to a world where he was a costumed performer about to battle a Spider-Man who was a champion in fighting (like against Crusher Hogan) and sending Spider-Man to a world where he was confronted by the feral youth James Howlett/Logan.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4) - Traveling through time and across realities, Czar and Big Murder confronted a group of Knights Templar (apparently around 1150 A.D.), who considered them to be a large moor and a gnome. When the Knights warned them to step aside or face the wrath of God, Czar countered that he himself was the real wrath of God.

    After the knights brandished their swords, Czar struck one of the knights with his Timestick to demonstrate its power, banishing the knight to Hiroshima (presumably at the time of the nuclear bombing, August 6, 1945). Appreciating that the knights would have no idea of the significance of Hiroshima, Czar suggested they ask him why he was traveling through time, "messing with fools like ya'll for no real reason at all?" He then answered the question, "Cause '@#$* ya'll,' that's why. Any more stupid questions?"

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (fb) - BTS) - Czar and Big Murder slaughtered and/or banished the rest of the knights.

czar-as&w5-batsmash(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4) - Afterward, Czar noted that next time he wanted to do "Indians" (Native Americans) or pirates, the latter of which, at least, they had never done before. At Czar's direction, Big Murder then brought them "home," to an estate on an asteroid somewhen around the end of time. Although the place was filled with people and creatures from all time periods, Czar eventually considered that the party was getting stale and that they needed to grab some fresh Helen of Troy, whom Big Murder apparently repeatedly referenced, or Joan of Arc again.

    Czar further suggested they get a young James Brown and have him play with Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis. Czar subsequently wondered where his harem was, but he soon realized they were with another counterpart of his. Although neither man knew which of them was from the past vs. the future, the older one figured it out when the other noted that he had not yet "whooped on them Spider-Man and Wolverine dudes." Encouraging his past self to have fun when he eventually did that and receiving similar advice to have fun, Czar departed with Big Murder, noting that they had fools to slap.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4) - When Wolverine attempted to break into the bank from which he and Spider-Man had been sent to Earth-10964's past, Czar surprised him from within the bank vault, smashing him back with his Timestick.

    As Dog confronted the young James Howlett/Logan, Big Murder flattened Spider-Man and then Czar struck him with the Timestick.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (fb) - BTS) - Unnoticed by Czar at the time, Spider-Man stole one of his time diamonds.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 - BTS) - Spider-Man and Wolverine found themselves tied to a stake that was being lit on fire, but Spider-Man revealed that he had at least one of the time diamonds. Mojo was not happy with the cinematography.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - When Mojo took credit for his shows taking place across time, Czar confronted him, reminding him that all Mojo had done was find him, and that he and his Timestick had done the rest. Mojo countered that his paying Czar so exorbitantly allowed him the privilege of embellishing a bit from time to time when dealing with the media. Czar then revealed that he had discovered that Spider-Man had stolen one of his time diamonds and that Spider-Man and Wolverine were now traveling through time outside of his power. Czar speculated that -- as the diamonds seemed to have a mind of their own -- that the pair could be lost in time forever. Or...?

    Spider-Man and Wolverine then arrived in Mojo's chambers, but as they charged, Czar smashed Wolverine back with his Timestick, while Big Murder blasted Spider-Man away. Czar then froze time for both heroes, and Big Murder retrieved the time diamond from Spider-Man, but when Czar considered murdering the pair, Wolverine -- using the Phoenix Force power he had gained via the Phoenix gun -- unleashed a burst of energy that restored temporal movement for himself and Spider-Man. Taking advantage of the distraction, Spider-Man elbowed Big Murder in the face.czar-as&w5-young&midbond

    Pointing to the time diamonds, Czar noted how he could wipe out Wolverine in many ways, and he summoned Dog and an armored warrior to attack him. Wolverine suggested that Czar fight like a man, but Czar noted that Wolverine was like a gnat to him, and he bragged about himself and Big Murder traveling through time like walking hurricanes, killing men you read about in history books and bibles: "When God prays, he prays to us." Unimpressed, Wolverine suggested that if Czar was so smart, he would have traveled back in time to warn himself about all of the things he (Wolverine) was about to do to which point an elderly Czar arrived to warn his younger self.

    The younger Czar was appalled at his older self's frail nature, asking what had happened to him, but the older Czar advised him to kill Wolverine now or he was dead. Asking his older self if he had gone senile, the younger Czar assured him that Wolverine could not take him out, but the older Czar told his "ignorant young buck" self that he was talking about the whole world being at risk. When the older Czar attempted to go after Wolverine himself with his cane, the younger Czar got mad at his interfering with his plans and warned him that he would not be disrespected by anyone, even himself. The older Czar told his younger self that he was even dumber than he remembered and warned him to get out of his way or he would "whoop you just like our daddy used to."czar-as&w5-vwolv

    Taking advantage of the distraction, Wolverine rushed forward and cut off Czar's right hand, taking it and the Timestick with him and then departing with Spider-Man (who had been beaten back by Big Murder). Czar asked his older self why he didn't warn him that that was about to happen, at which point a Czar intermediate in age between the previous two emerged through a time portal, warning his younger self that "he's about to cut off your..." and then realizing he was too late, finished with, "Oh damn. My bad."

    Although Mojo's agents warned him that this was a certified disaster, Mojo was exultant, noting that this was the one that he wanted them to remember him by.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 - BTS) - Wolverine led Spider-Man to the short-lived planet on which's trees the time diamonds had grown, and the heroes used them to coat their claws and facemask/gloves/feet, respectively.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - The middlest Czar tried to calm the eldest Czar, who denounced his youngest self as an arrogant pup too stupid to realize what he had gotten himself into, and the youngest Czar, who accused his eldest self of being a worthless old woman who had forgotten what it was like to be worth a damn. Ultimately, the youngest Czar shot the eldest Czar in the head, noting that if he ever turned out to be such a pathetic old man, he'd want somebody to shoot him. Impressed, the middle-aged Czar bonded with his younger self, but as Spider-Man and Wolverine returned, the middle-aged Czar noted that he had forgotten to tell his younger self that this did not end well at all.

    Spider-Man kicked the Middle-Aged Czar, taking him out of the fight (it was unclear whether he was knocked out or sent back to his own time, but I don't think we saw him again).

    The youngest Czar told Wolverine that if he was waiting for him to beg, they were going to be there all day, but Wolverine returned his Timestick to him before engaging him.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man hit Big Murder, who the time diamonds turned into a baby.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - Wolverine progressively sliced the timebat to pieces but apparently entered into a berserker rage while fully accessing the Phoenix Force and threatening to destroy all reality.czar-as&w6-minutemen

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#6 (fb)) - Sitting by the infant Big Murder and the pieces of his timebat, Czar considered that they were dead.

    After Spider-Man had talked down Wolverine and allowed him to apparently cast out the Phoenix Force, the Time Variance Authority's Minutemen arrived, pulling the Orb, Big Murder, and Czar through temporal portals. As the Minutemen reached for Spider-Man and Wolverine, however, Spider-Man accessed the last of the time diamonds they possessed, sending him, Wolverine and Sara Bailey (a woman who had been a teller at the initial bank robbery) back to the 19th century.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#6 - BTS) - After three years, four months, and 13 days, the Minutemen appeared again, sending Spider-Man and Wolverine back to their own time, and they returned to the scene of the bank robbery, where the time diamonds vanished.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#6) - One of the Orblings (possibly Marty), having escaped before the police arrived, had escaped with a number of the time diamonds. He sought out the drug dealer known as the Czar, hoping he could pay them well for them. Initially not interested, Czar reconsidered and sent Big Murder to get his bat.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron, Adam Kubert, and Mark Morales.

    The series was fun to read, but hard to make sense of. I was heavy on detail in the history rather than try to summarize/interpret what was happening...partly because I really could not make sense of it at the end.
    Time travel shenanigans abound. Due to the order of the telling of the story and the revision of timelines by the TVA/Minutemen, etc., it is extremely difficult to tell Czar's history in a linear fashion.

Did he receive the time diamonds from an Orbling originally, or is that only how he got them after the reality of the bank robbery and the fate of the time diamonds was altered by the Time Variance Authority?

Did Czar guide Wolverine to be present at the bank (even though he didn't get the time diamonds until after the bank robbery)?

Was it an agent of Czar that enountered Wolverine in 65 million BC on Earth-10964?

    Jason Aaron apparently has had a long-term desire to extend human history back to the time of the dinosaurs, as he has did so much in the pages of the Avengers series he wrote.
    This story predates those stories by several years. When I first read the story, it started out as seemingly having Spider-Man and Wolverine sent into their own past and diverging it, but it just seemed to work on the common misconception that Devil Dinosaur's history (with Moon-Boy being one of the Small Folk) took place on Earth-616. That made me really lose interest in the series, and I forgot about it. When Doom the Living Planet showed up in Aaron's Avengers Assemble arc, I didn't even recall he had created the character (or a version thereof) like a decade beforehand. Re-reading the series for this and other profiles, I got to enjoy it a lot more.
    Anyway, Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy (and those Small Folk) originated from Earth-78411 as confirmed by the original master of the obscure and guiding force of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Mark Gruenwald.
    Regardless, having reviewed and re-reviewed this series for this profile and a couple other issues, the story with Doom the Living Planet wiping out human society and the Small Folk -- who had survived via a time-traveling Wolverine's guidance -- are clearly part of an alternate timeline, Earth-10964...

Profile by Snood.

Czar should be distinguished from:

Czar the middlest

czar-as&w5-middlest-profileczar-as&w5-middlest-mybad(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - Taking advantage of the distraction of Czar arguing with his elder self, Wolverine rushed forward and cut off Czar's right hand, taking it and the Timestick with him and then departing with Spider-Man.

   Czar asked his older self why he didn't warn him that that was about to happen, at which point a Czar intermediate in age between the previous two emerged through a time portal, warning his younger self that "he's about to cut off your..." and then realizing he was too late, finished with, "Oh damn. My bad."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 - BTS) - Wolverine led Spider-Man to the short-lived planet on which's trees the time diamonds had grown, and the heroes used them to coat their claws and facemask/gloves/feet, respectively.

czar-as&w5-3conflictczar-as&w5-midkicked(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - The middlest Czar tried to calm the eldest Czar, who denounced his youngest self as an arrogant pup too stupid to realize what he had gotten himself into, and the youngest Czar, who accused his eldest self of being a worthless old woman who had forgotten what it was like to be worth a damn.

     Ultimately, the youngest Czar shot the eldest Czar in the head, noting that if he ever turned out to be such a pathetic old man, he'd want somebody to shoot him.

      Impressed, the middle-aged Czar bonded with his younger self, but as Spider-Man and Wolverine returned, the middle-aged Czar noted that he had forgotten to tell his younger self that this did not end well at all.

    Spider-Man kicked the Middle-Aged Czar, taking him out of the fight (it was unclear whether he was knocked out or sent back to his own time, but I don't think we saw him again).

--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5

Note: "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes" is a song from Paul Simon's 1986 Graceland album. Great music.

Czar the eldest

czar-as&w5-eldest-upperczar-as&w5-eldest-face(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 - BTS) - Spider-Man and Wolverine used a time diamond that Spider-Man had stolen from Czar to transport themselves into the Mojoverse to confront those who had been manipulating them.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - After Czar bragged about his power, Wolverine suggested that if Czar was so smart, he would have traveled back in time to warn himself about all of the things he (Wolverine) was about to do to which point an elderly Czar arrived to warn his younger self.

    The younger Czar was appalled at his older self's frail nature, asking what had happened to him, but the older Czar advised him to kill Wolverine now or he was dead.

     Asking his older self if he had gone senile, the younger Czar assured him that Wolverine could not take him out, but the older Czar told his "ignorant young buck" self that he was talking about the whole world being at risk.

czar-as&w5-eldest-caneczar-as&w5-eldshot     When the older Czar attempted to go after Wolverine himself with his cane, the younger Czar got mad at his interfering with his plans and warned him that he would not be disrespected by anyone, even himself.

     The older Czar told his younger self that he was even dumber than he remembered and warned him to get out of his way or he would "whoop you just like our daddy used to."

    Taking advantage of the distraction, Wolverine rushed forward and cut off Czar's right hand, taking it and the Timestick with him and then departing with Spider-Man.

     Czar asked his older self why he didn't warn him that that was about to happen, at which point a Czar intermediate in age between the previous two emerged through a time portal, warning his younger self that "he's about to cut off your..." and then realizing he was too late, finished with, "Oh damn. My bad."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 - BTS) - Wolverine led Spider-Man to the short-lived planet on which's trees the time diamonds had grown, and the heroes used them to coat their claws and facemask/gloves/feet, respectively.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5) - The middlest Czar tried to calm the eldest Czar, who denounced his youngest self as an arrogant pup too stupid to realize what he had gotten himself into, and the youngest Czar, who accused his eldest self of being a worthless old woman who had forgotten what it was like to be worth a damn.

     Ultimately, the youngest Czar shot the eldest Czar in the head, noting that if he ever turned out to be such a pathetic old man, he'd want somebody to shoot him.

     The middlest Czar appreciated this sentiment, and the pair ponded.

--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5

Czar's estate
czar-as&w4-estate-extczar-as&w4-estate-int    At some point, using the power of the time diamonds and the wealth he had accumulated from Mojo, Czar established a mansion/estate atop an asteroid "somewhen around the end of time."

    Bringing people -- such as Joan of Arc and Helen of Troy -- and creatures - such as dinosaurs -- and treasures from across time, they established a constant party state.

     Czar and Big Murder's own past and future selves frequented the state, causing some confusion and inconvenience, such as when Czar's younger self occupied his harem.

Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4

Note: I'm sure others can identify some other specific people present in the image to the right. I would the woman in the bottom right of that image is meant to be Marilyn Munroe, based on her dress being blown up.



(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 (fb) - BTS) - Someone (presumably Czar vs. Mojo) convinced -- by telling him that he would be made famous by movies made of his life -- an unidentified repeat murderer to lead Wolverine to the bank in which the time diamonds were held.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1) - The man fled from Wolverine into an alley next to the bank.

    As Wolverine approached, noting "Nowhere else to run, scumbag. It's just you and me now," the killer -- while pulling his gun -- replied that he had been leading Wolverine there.

    Wolverine advised the man that the gun wouldn't do him any good and that his killing spree ended now, but the killer countered that he still had one left to kill. He quickly clarified that he was not referring to Wolverine, as "he" had big plans for him.

    The killer continued that he had been paid to bring him there, and that his employer had told him that he would make him famous for it, saying there would be movies about his life.

    As the bank's alarm went off, the killer noted that he heard his employer calling him already in the bank next door.

    Advising Wolverine to hurry and to have a great trip, the killer put the gun to his head...

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 - BTS) - ...and presumably killed himself.

--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1

Note: As Mojo employed Czar to orchestrate/facilitate his adventures across time, it would seem likely that the Czar is the one who made the deal with the killer to get him to lure Wolverine there.

     Alternatively, as the enticement was specifically to have movies about his life, it could well have been another agent of Mojo.

     As this series is all about time travel and the hijinks that ensue, it is hard to write a linear/chronological profile on the characters/events.
     If Czar sent this guy to make sure Wolverine was at the bank, then he had to have traveled back in time to do so, as Czar apparently received the diamonds after the bank robbery. Obviously that's not a problem for a time-traveling, but it makes me scratch my head, as Czar wouldn't have sent Wolverine there the first time, before Czar had the power of time travel or the reason to do so, so why was Wolverine at that bank in the first place.
     Maybe Czar had received the time diamonds following some previous incarnation of the bank robbery, maybe even in another timeline, and then he later went back and messed with Wolverine and Spider-Man for Mojo?

metallic serpentine-haired pawn circa 65 million B.C. on Earth-10964

czar-as&w1-65mbc-pawn1-2czar-as&w1-65mbc-pawn3(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man and Wolverine were sent back and across time to Earth-10469's 65 million B.C. by time diamonds.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1- BTS) - The asteroid that struck the Earth some months or years after their arrival was loaded with the same diamonds.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1) - Just before the asteroid struck, Wolverine heard someone behind him, and he tackled that person, who begged not to be killed, telling Wolverine that it was his(?) employer that had done this to him...but before the person could name his/her employer, the asteroid struck, and Spider-Man and Wolverine were sent to the relative present of that Earth/reality.

--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1

Note: Who is this person with metallic, snake-like hair (like Knockout from the Femme Fatales, but snakier)? This hair even coiled around Wolverine's arms. The outfit looks somewhat symbiote-like?

    I would think it to most likely be an agent of Czar (or Mojo), but I've re-re-reviewed the series and don't see this character again...

images: (without ads)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1, pg. 14, panel 1 & 3 (murderer, full; murder, partial face);
        pg. 21, panel 1-2, and pg. 22, panel 2 (Wolverine struggling with unidentified agent of Czar(?));
    #2, last page, panels 7-8 (Timestick, time diamond teeth, rings)
    #4, story pg. 3, panel 1 (full, with Big Murder in front of his left leg);
       pg. 6, panel 1 (inside of estate);
          panel 2 (outside of estate);
          panel 3 (face);
       pg. 7, panel 1 (with Big Murder facing past selves);
    #5 cover (upper; Big Murder on arm);
       pg. 5, panel 1 (full body)
       pg. 8, panel 2 (smashing Wolverine with Timestick);
       pg. 13, panel 3 & 5 (eldest Czar thighs up & face);
       pg. 14, panel 1 (eldest with cane);
       pg. 16, panel 1-2 (middlest Czar emerging through portal; calves up);
       pg. 19, panel 1-2 (three Czars arguing; youngest shooting eldest);
          panel 4 (youngest and middlest bonding);
       pg. 21, panel 5 (youngest vs. Wolverine);
    #6, pg. 11, panel 2 (pulled through time portal by Minutemen);
       pg. 20, panel 4 (as drug dealer);

Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#1 (July, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales w/ Dexer Vines (inker), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (September, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 (November, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (February, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#5 (May, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Roslan (digital inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor) - Justin Ponsor was listed as one of the writers in the credits for this issue. Justin was a great artist (and a nice guy!), and he usually worked as a colorist. His credit as colorist was in the same position in the credits in the other issues, an the trade paperback confirmed he was the colorist and not a writer of the series).
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#6 (July, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Roslan (digital inker), Sebastian Girner (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)

First posted: 08/04/2024
Last updated: 08/08/2024

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