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Real Name: Tandy Bowen

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-92131) human mutate

Occupation: Crimefighter

Group Membership: partner of Cloak (Tyrone Johnson)

Affiliations: Daredevil (Matt Murdock)

Enemies: Bastion (Sebastion Gilberti), Prime Sentinels

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III" (May 15, 2024)

Powers/Abilities: Due to her exposure to an experimental drug, Dagger gained the ability to generate and project light energy in the form of daggers. These light daggers can drain life force, heal wounds, or cure drug addictions. She can also illuminate areas, dispel darkness, and create a protective shield of light. Additionally, Dagger has heightened agility and combat skills, making her an effective fighter.

Height: 5'5" (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Weight: 115 lbs. (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde


(X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III" - BTS) - Due to their exposure to an experimental drug, Tandy and Tyrone developed superhuman abilities. Banding together, Dagger and Cloak worked as a crimefighting duo, keeping the streets of New York City save.

(X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III") - Dagger and Cloak were in New York City when both Sentinel hybrid Bastion and mutant terrorist Magneto posed a global threat. After Earth's magnetic field was restored, Bastion regained control over his Prime Sentinels and turned them against both mutants and humans alike, believing humanity needed protection from itself. Consequently, a large army of Prime Sentinels descended upon New York City and other parts of the world. Dagger and Cloak appeared out of thin air to assist Daredevil when he was shot down by the Prime Sentinels after trying to stop looters from destroying the city. Dagger, Cloak, Daredevil and heroes across the world were quickly overwhelmed by the staggering army of overpowered Prime Sentinels. In the end it was Jean Grey using the Phoenix's powers that permanently severed Bastion's connection to the Prime Sentinels causing them to revert back to their human selves.

Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo and Ed Hannigan;
    adapted by Beau DeMayo and Marvel Studios. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

When, in 2015's Secret Wars, the Multiverse was destroyed following the incursions of planets it appeared as if Reality-92131 was drafted onto Battleworld as the Westchester domain. However, this has since been debunked. As such the reality seen in the two volumes of X-Men '92 (2015 and 2016-2017) now have their own reality-designation of Earth-15730. The X-Men '92: House of XCII (2022) series was inspired by both the animated series and Hickman's House of X run but is its own separate reality. The limited series X-Men '97 (2024), however, is Reality-92131 and bridges the gap between the original X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon and the new X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Dagger has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III" (main image)
X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III" (facing the Prime Sentinels)

X-Men '97: the Animated Series cartoon - "Tolerance is Extinction - Part III" (May 15, 2024) - Beau DeMayo, Anthony Sellitti (writers), Chase Conley (director), Roger Oda (art director), David Maximo (assistant director), Naseer Pasha (animation lead), Jarret Ballard, Christopher Graybill, Hilda Karadsheh, Marisa Ledina, Anthony Martin, Russell McCoy (composite artists), Marty Walker (lead retake animator), John Berry, Fabian Corona, Allister Jones, Chayadoll Lomtong, Daisy Schofield (retake animators), Walter Kim, Derek Kosol, Mark Taihei, Adri Torres (prop designers), David D. Au, Jay Baker, Marvin Britt, Justin Brown, Jalin Harden, Gillian Hei, Andrew Huerta, Ibraheem Jara, Kathy J. Liu, Marvin Madrid (storyboard artists), Jordan Willis (storyboard revisionist), Marvel Studios (animation), Beau DeMayo, Victoria Alonso, Louis D'Esposito, Kevin Feige, Brad Winderbaum (executive producer), Dana Vasquez-Eberhard (co-executive producter)

First Posted: 06/28/2024
Last Updated: 06/28/2024

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