dagmar-kurt-impostor-martian-ani9-seated KURT DAGMAR

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial ("Martian") advanced technology user

Occupation: Arms dealer, terrorist

Group Membership: "Martians" (counterparts of Reality-691's "Martian Masters," extraterrestrials who had colonized Mars);
    leader of own organization, which he at least once had pretend to be A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics)
    formerly the head of Stasi, the East German secret police

Affiliations: Bekker, Hydra, the Maggia, "all of the major terror groups"; unidentified Roxxon employee(s), robot and cyborg warriors;
    his Multiversal Deathlok army were forced to serve his will

EnemiesA.I.M., Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning) of Earth-7484, Invaders (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Human Torch/Jim Hammond, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Winter Soldier/James Barnes), Iron Cross (Clare Gruler), S.H.I.E.L.D., Toro (Thomas Raymond);
    his Multiversal Deathlok army were forced to serve his will

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    apparently perished in his base in Germany's Black Forest, Earth-616;
    formerly Madripoor;
    formerly an unspecified location in East Germany prior to 1989 A.D.dagmar-kurt-impostor-martian-ani9-face

First Appearance: (Mentioned) All-New Invaders#8 (September, 2014);
    (seen) All-New Invaders#9 (October, 2014)

Powers/Abilities: Dagmar's true form was somewhat of a red cephalopod, with a central maw (with three radially spaced beak-like components), multiple tentacles and possibly four eyes on short stalks.
    As his form was somewhat different from those seen in Reality-691's Martian Masters, it is unrevealed how many/much of their abilities he shared.
    He may have been a shapeshifter, or he may have used technology to project an illusory self.

    Dagmar may have had some degree of telepathy and/or mind control powers (although he apparently used some sort of nanovirus to control the Deathloks).

    He possessed a device that allowed him to open portals to various alternate realties and/or time periods and summon beings from those realities to Earth-616. The device also prevented these beings from being drawn back to their native realities.

    He had the means to dampen Iron Cross

    He had numerous operatives as well as robots and cyborgs serving as defense in his base.

    He had a particular interest in androids, robots and cyborgs.

Height: Unrevealed; (as Dagmar, approximately 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (as Dagmar, approximately 180 lbs.)
Eyes: Apparently red (as Dagmar, blue)
Hair: None (as Dagmar, blond)

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - Kurt Dagmar was apparently an East German terrorist who was at some point either replaced or created as an identity by a Martian (a counterpart of the "Martian Masters" who were opposed by Killraven in Earth-691's early 21st century).
    As we don't know when the replacement took place (or even that Dagmar was an actual person as opposed to an identity created by the Martian, I'm going to refer to him as Dagmar from this point on;  putting quotation marks around his name or calling him the Dagmar impostor throughout is somewhat tedious and painful to read)

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - Dagmar was the head of Stasi, the East German secret police.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) <1989> - When the Berlin Wall fell, Dagmar lost his position in the Stasi.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - Dagmar arrived as a refugee in Madripoor.

    He eventually established himself as an arms dealer on the island, achieving some measure of wealth.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - Dagmar traded ultra-tech to the major terror groups, including Hydra and the Maggia.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) <Years before the main story> - Dagmar somehow learned of various multiversal incarnations of Deathlok (Luther Manning) of Earth-7484, with whom he became fascinated.

    Dagmar acquired his first Deathlok by bribing a Roxxon employee.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dagmar established a base in Germany's Black Forest.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Dagmar acquired a number of robots and cyborgs to function as defense for his base(s).

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dagmar traded some weaponry to obtain a device that functioned as a doorway to the timestream and alternate realities.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - Via this device, Dagmar transported multiple such Deathloks to Earth-616 and placed them under his control (possibly via Iron Cross (Clare Gruler, whom he had also captured and controlled). Dagmar dampened Gruler's abilities and stopped her from accessing computers to send messages.

    The device also prevented the Deathloks from returning to their own realities/times.

    At some point, Dagmar summoned Deathlok (Luther Manning) of Earth-7484 to Earth-616 where he put Manning under his control as part of an army of alternate reality Deathloks he had assembled.

(All-New Invaders#11: title/intro page (fb) - BTS) - The Deathlok army was nanovirus-controlled.

(All-New Invaders#1 (fb) - BTS / All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Winter Soldier was dealing with Dagmar when the Invaders were attacked by the Kree.
    Barnes thought that he had put an end to Dagmar's operations, but he later appreciated that the job was half done.


(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS / All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS / All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to take control of the android Human Torch (Jim Hammond), Dagmar had his agents assault the S.H.I.E.L.D. base holding the cocoon containing Toro (Thomas Raymond, whose Inhuman nature had been recently discovered), framing A.I.M. for the theft in order to buy him some time. Many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents perished during this operation.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - During the same operation, Dagmar's forces obtained the Iron Cross (Clare Gruler, who was both an Inhuman and a human-machine hybrid, as she had merged with her armor).

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - Dagmar's lackeys apparently did not realize that he was not human.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - Although Dagmar had dampened Iron Cross' abilities and prevented her from accessing computers, she managed to access a weak signal and send out a message.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - The Winter Soldier received the Iron Cross' message (although he did not know who had sent it).

 (All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - At the time believed to be dead and wishing to avoid encountering S.H.I.E.L.D., the Winter Soldier covertly sent information on Toro's location -- at a secret, alleged A.I.M. base in Germany's Black Forest -- to the Torch, telling him he would reveal his identity when he arrived there. Barnes requested the Torch, Namor the Sub-Mariner and Captain America; Captain America was at the time dealing with Avengers business.

(All-New Invaders#8 - BTS) - The Torch was joined by Namor, and they met up with the Winter Soldier, who shared what information he knew at the time, notably that Dagmar's forces were specifically expecting the Torch. Having a plan, Barnes sent Namor and the Torch in to create a distraction.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Winter Soldier told the Torch and Namor that Dagmar had a Deathlok.

(All-New Invaders#8 - BTS) - Invading Dagmar's base, Namor and the Torch fought their way past multiple cyborgs and/or robots, after which they were ambushed by an army of Deathloks.

(All-New Invaders#9 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok-7484 remained by Dagmar's side.

(All-New Invaders#9 - BTS) - As the alternate reality Deathloks engaged Namor and the Torch, Captain America -- who was approaching by jet -- communicated with the Winter Soldier, learning of the situation; Barnes told Rogers that he appreciated that the whole maneuver was about artificial humanity and an attempt to bring in the Torch.

      Captain America was subsequently approached by a Captain America-like Deathlok with some sort of jetpack, and he ejected from his jet to engage this Deathlok.

(All-New Invaders#9) - Meanwhile, Dagmar had his aide Bekker attempt to take control of the Torch. Dagmar noted how the Torch had truly immersed himself in the speech and cadence of a human and that he truly was a synthetic man.

    Deathlok-7484, still possessing control of his mind but not his body, warned Dagmar that he would kill him for what he was doing. Dagmar mocked Manning as tiresome, but when Bekker suggested that he could increase the mental restraint on Manning to shut him up, Dagmar declined, noting that he actually enjoyed Manning's idle threats. Dagmar continued, noting that it reminded him of how powerful he had become since acquiring Deathlok and his brothers and sisters.

    Dagmar further taunted Manning with his various alternate reality counterparts serving under him.

    Deathlok-7484 warned Dagmar that he would not let him play with time, reality or his life, but Dagmar corrected Manning, noting that by the virtue of being a Deathlok, he was already dead.

    When Bekker informed Dagmar that the Winter Soldier had breached the central storage hub (implying that he had encountered Iron Cross), Dagmar asked how long they had estimated for him to have accomplished this, and Bekker reported that they had estimated five minutes and 17 seconds from his point of entry into the facility but that Barnes had done it in four minutes and 38 seconds. Unconcerned, Dagmar replied, "If that isn't an endorsement of Soviet conditioning, I don't know what is."

    Dagmar further advised Bekker that he would be ever-so grateful if he flipped the on-switch and slew the Winter Soldier. Bekker complied, at which point an army of robotic organisms dropped down to slay him.

    Dagmar then had Bekker take control of and incapacitate the Torch, after which Dagmar mockingly told Namor that Hammond would be fine -- admittedly in a vegetated state -- but better than the Sub-Mariner would soon be.

    Dagmar subsequently stated that while this would normally be the time that similar opponents would spend swapping quips and witticisms, but he noted that he detested that sort of thing and that Namor was too dangerous to be left alive.dagmar-kurt-impostor-martian-ani9-true

    Dagmar then ordered Deathlok-7484 to use a weapon -- an improved version of a weapon used by the Kree Tanalth the Pursuer -- to slay Namor. Namor expressed curiosity about how Dagmar would have known about Tanalth and how the device had come into Dagmar's possession so quickly and so rapidly improved, but Dagmar replied that Namor would die with his questions unanswered. Dagmar then instructed Deathlok-7484 to carry out his order, and he fired the weapon.

     However, the blast was deflected by the shield of the arriving Captain America (who had incapacitated the Captain America Deathlok) and instead fatally struck Dagmar, who in death was apparently revealed as a Martian Master.dagmar-kurt-impostor-martian-ani10-true

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - With Dagmar's death, Deathlok-7484 regained his free will and also took command of the other Deathloks, halting the conflict.

(All-New Invaders#10) - The Invaders, Iron Cross and the various Deathloks started at Dagmar's corpse.

(All-New Invaders#10 - BTS) - Iron Cross incapacitated Dagmar's robots and cyborgs, and she confirmed that Toro's cocoon was safely within a containment area and that Toro had been bait to lure Jim Hammond there.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - Namor and Iron Cross, at least, concluded that Dagmar and his associates did not actually care about Inhumans, and that his interest was in cybernetics and A.I.'s of varying types.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - After Captain America respectfully informed Deathlok-7484 of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s imminent arrival and their potential plans for the Deathloks, Manning destroyed the device that was preventing himself and the other Deathloks from returning to their worlds.

(All-New Invaders#10 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok-7484 destroyed the master-machine controlling the Deathloks.

      The other Deathloks all vanished, presumably returning to their own realities/times, after which Deathlok-7484 similarly vanished.

Comments: Created by James Robinson and Steve Pugh.

    Kurt Dagmar was allegedly an East German terrorist, and I at least initially assumed that a Martian slew and replaced the original Dagmar at some point, but that was not confirmed in-story. It may be that the Martian simply created the identity of Dagmar long ago and that there never was a human Kurt Dagmar.
    Or the Martian could have replaced him at almost any point in the above history.

    On a somewhat related note, I don't think the Berlin Wall date has to be topical. Even Dagmar was supposed to be human, his access to advanced technology certain could have retarded his age.

    It's difficult to piece together the chronology in these stories, as information was revealed in piecemeal fashion. I'm not sure how Dagmar controlled the Deathloks, but I thought his control of the Iron Cross was part of that, and he obtained control of the Iron Cross in the same operation that his agents obtained Toro's cocoon...however, he also notes that he obtained his first Deathlok "years ago," which would not fit with Marvel's sliding timescale...
    As Martian Masters had some degree of mind control powers, that would eliminate the need for Dagmar having acquired the Iron Cross before the army of Deathloks...that make the most sense for the story to me...
    The intro page in All-New Invaders said that the Deathloks were controlled via a nanovirus; however, these pages are not necessarily always accurate, as they are often written by assistant or junior editors without the writer's input. But, there's nothing to contradict it as far as I know.

    James Robinson totally appreciated the history and characterization of the Invaders members, and he touched on details of continuity stretching back forty-some years before this series. It's really tragic that series like this get cancelled...we need a follow-up to where James was going with the Martian Masters...

    In All-New Invaders#10, the Destroyer (Roger Aubrey), Spitfire (Jaqueline Falsworth, Lady Crichton), Union Jack (Joey Chapman) encountered a Martian tripod in London. The story of their battle was told in ANI#11.
    In All-New Invaders#12 recounts the 1917 A.D. story of Freedom's Five (Crimson Cavalier/Jean-Luc Batroc, Phantom Eagle/Karl Kaufmann, Sir Steel/Ned Chapel, Union Jack/Montgomery Falsworth/Lord Falsworth, plus temporary member Iron Fist/Orson Randall) were joined by Eben Stafford and his Men on the Wall in battling Martian tripods and Martian Masters in London. Some history of the Martian Masters on Earth-616 is discussed in the comments in Stafford's profile.
    Those stories also feature Killraven, apparently brought to Earth-616, whom the Martians wished to capture.
    In All-New Invaders#13, a group of Martian Masters who were also shape-shifters took the forms of the statues at what had been a playboard for a race of space titans. Defeated by Tanalth the Accuser and Makkari of the Eternals, they reverted to their true forms before self-immolating. Another group, likely also Martians Masters, had earlier impersonated Tanalth's elite guard and also self-immolated, apparently to escape detection.
       This latter group was presumably somehow involved with Dagmar gaining the improved version of Tanalth's weapon.
    Toward the end of All-New Invaders#15, the then-depowered and aged Steve Rogers noted how the Winter Soldier and the British Invaders were working with Killraven...and then the series ended, and the plot has remained cold ever since, as far as I know.
    However, as far as I could tell, Dagmar was not mentioned again.

    All-New Invaders#14 mentions Dagmar a few times, but it is all references to material previously revealed or shown. There was nothing new.

    I am unsure if Derek Malloy was connected to Kurt Dagmar...I will profile Malloy in the near future...

Profile by Snood.

Kurt Dagmar should be distinguished from:

robots and cyborgs



(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Dagmar established a base in Germany's Black Forest.

(All-New Invaders#8 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Dagmar acquired a number of robots and cyborgs to function as defense for his base(s).

(All-New Invaders#8 - BTS) - Invading Dagmar's base, Namor and the Torch fought their way past multiple cyborgs and/or robots, after which they were ambushed by an army of Deathloks.

--All-New Invaders#8

These beings presumably had some degree of superhuman strength and durability and possibly other offensive capabilities, but they were no challenge for Namor or the Torch.

images: (without ads)
All-New Invaders#8, pg. 11, panel 1 ("AIM" agents stealing Toro's cocoon);
        pg. 15, panel 2 (Namor and Torch vs. Dagmar's cyborgs and robots; Namor right oblique);
        pg. 16, panel 2 (Namor and Torch vs. Dagmar's cyborgs and robots; Namor left oblique);
    #9, pg. 8, panel 1 (seated)
        pg. 12, panel 3 (face);
        pg. 20 (true form);
    #10, pg. 8, panel 1 (true form; slightly different perspective)

All-New Invaders#8-11 (September-December, 2014) - James Robinson (writer), Steve Pugh (artist), Emily Shaw (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)

First posted: 08/19/2024
Last updated: 08/19/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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