main image


Real Name: Emma Steed

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of the United States

Occupation: Assassin

Group Membership: None, formerly Pale Riders (Dead Man Wade/Wade Wilson, Danielle Moonstar)

Affiliations: Destiny (Irene Adler), Cain Marco, Mystique (Raven Darkholme), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Douglas Ramsey, Switchback, formerly Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Shadow King

Enemies: Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Deadman Wade, Shadow King

Known Relatives: Unrevealed


Base of Operations: Avalon, Antarctica;
    formerly Apocalypse Island, New York;
    formerly London, England

First Appearance: X-Calibre I#1 (March, 1995) 

Powers/Abilities: Damask is a mutant telepath who has mastered the ability of psionic skinning. She can form blades of pure psionic energy that she can use as physical weapons. The blades allow her to warp the minds of her opponents, trigger pain sensors and even damage portions of the brain. Damask's abilities allow her to hurt a telepath's psionic form. Her powers render her virtually immune to all telepathic intrusion and psionic attack. Damask is a highly skilled, ruthless assassin who has no qualms about killing. Damask is a smoker.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 125 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black


(X-Calibre I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Growing up, the young girl who would become Damask wanted to do the right thing. However, because the world was bad, she became bad as well.

(X-Calibre I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Emma Peel entered the service of Apocalypse where her unique psionic talents caught the eye of the Shadow King who personally oversaw her training. Now known as Damask, Peel felt the King fancied her, always sensing him leering at her. She relished the notion of turning her psionic blades on him one day.

(X-Calibre I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Damask became one of Apocalypse's top level assassins, leading her own squad called the Pale Riders.

(X-Calibre I#1) - When Damask's teammate Danielle Moonstar learned that the fabled refuge Avalon was in the Antarctic and that Nightcrawler was traveling there to meet with his mother for an important mission, she informed Apocalypse. He personally ordered Damask to take Moonstar and Dead Man Wade to follow Nightcrawler and locate the place for future reference. Damask looked forward to skinning the blue-furred rebel alive.

(X-Calibre I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Damask and her two Pale Riders used an airship to covertly pursue Nightcrawler who traveled to Avalon on board a rusty, old sub-marine. The trek took many days.

(X-Calibre I#2) - Monitoring Nightcrawler's progress, or lack thereof, Damask figured that Avalon has to be pretty much empty given how frightfully cumbersome it was to get there. She then told the sadistic Dani Moonstar to find another way to pass the time than by giving Deadman Wade tattoos and then stripping them off with a razor. Damask was then contacted by Apocalypse himself on a secure channel. He had new orders: no longer were they to simply locate Avalon, he now wanted the place destroyed. He announced he was sending a secondary expedition that followed them. While she took in the news, she grew so annoyed with Moonstar continuing to torment Deadman Wade that she beat her to death. Covered in her teammate's blood, she assured Wilson that she loved it.

(X-Calibre I#3) - Damask continued to monitor Nightcrawler's trip. She was delighted when Kurt met up with his mother Mystique who swiftly brought him Antarctica on her own plane. Damask discreetly tailed their craft, while assuring the mourning Deadman Wade that Moonstar never really cared about him to begin with.

(X-Calibre I#3 - BTS) - Damask and Deadman Wade watched Nightcrawler and Mystique make the trek from the Antarctic waystation Cold Grey to Avalon.

(X-Calibre I#3) - Upon entering Avalon, Damask was instantly overwhelmed by the sight and sounds of the lush, verdant jungle that greeted her. She never imagined the world could be like this and stopped for a moment to take it all in. However, being surrounded by so much life infuriated her death obsessed teammate Deadman Wade wanted to kill everything he could get his hands on. As soon as they located the refuge, Wade launched a rocket at the camp. Wilson urged Damask to use her powers against the inhabitants of Avalon who were mounting a counter offensive. However, Damask decided to switch sides because she wanted to preserve this world. She manifested two psionic blades and stabbed Wilson in the neck which disoriented him long enough for Nightcrawler to decapitate him with his teleportation powers. Damask announced she was defecting and informed Kurt and the others Apocalypse was sending forces to kill them all.

(X-Calibre I#4) - A few hours after Damask defected, the Shadow King made his presence known on Avalon, cruelly possessing the locals including the electricity generating Wendy and the energy wielder Marcus. Damask informed her newfound allies about the way the King existed in a lower dimension which he used to travel from mind to mind. Damask decided to take action when the King, now in Marcus' body, went after Destiny. She manifested her psionic skinning blades and jammed them deep into the folds of his brain, making it impossible for the King to continue to inhabit this host. But instead of killing the King, Damask's blades only hurt the mind of the host.

(X-Calibre I#4 - BTS) - The Shadow King then took over Mystique, using her shapeshifting powers to turn into Nightcrawler's alleged father Sabretooth.

(X-Calibre I#4) - Nightcrawler came up with a way to take on the Shadow King: he reasoned that his teleportation powers access the same lower dimension as the King's. Taking Damask and the time delaying mutant Switchback, he teleported them to the adjacent dimension where they came face to face with the King in his Amahl Farouk form. Damask wasted no time and tore the intellect of the Shadow King to shreds. In the aftermath, she stayed behind on Avalon while Nightcrawler carried out his original mission: escorting Destiny to meet with Magneto.

Comments: Created by Warren Ellis, Ken Lashley, Phil Moy, Bud LaRosa Tom Wegrzyn.

Unlike most of the characters introduced during the Age of Apocalypse, Damask did not have an existing counterpart on Earth-616. Warren Ellis would introduce the 616-version of the character, simply called Emma Steed, almost a year later in February 1996's Excalibur I#96.

"Damask" is the name for a silky textile, a particular shade of (rosy) red and the name for a type of steel used in the making of swords and knives. Given her powers, that's a little like calling the Punisher "Smith & Wesson". Damask might also be a reference to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, a zealous prosecutor of early Christians who reached enlightenment while on the road to Damascus. It certainly fits her character arc.

Her real name 'Emma Steed' is likely an homage to John Steed and Emma Peel, the lead characters of the 1960s British spy show The Avengers. It's also a nice nod to her psionic skinning powers that allow her to peel a mind like a grape.

Leave it to Warren Ellis to come up with fitting names with multilayered meaning.

All locations mentioned are Earth-295, unless otherwise specified.

Profile by Norvo

Damask of Earth-295 should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
X-Calibre I#1, p20, pan2 (main image)
X-Calibre I#2, p14, pan5 (kills Moonstar)
X-Calibre I#3, p14, pans2,5 (taken by Avalon's beauty)
X-Calibre I#4, p14, pan2 (psionic skinning blades)

X-Calibre I#1 (March, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Ken Lashley (pencils), Phil Moy, Bud LaRosa, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
X-Calibre I#2 (April, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Roger Cruz, Renato Arlem, Charles Mota, Eddie Wagner (pencils), Harry Candelario, Phil Moy, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
X-Calibre I#3 (May, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Ken Lashley (pencils), Phil Moy, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
X-Calibre I#4 (June, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Ken Lashley (pencils), Phil Moy, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)

First Posted: 01/04/2025
Last Updated: 01/04/2025

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