main image


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-13393, 3999 A.D.) human mutant? (see comments)

Occupation: Freedom fighter

Group Membership: Clan Chosen (Boak, Cable/Nathan Summers, Tyler Dayspring, Hope, Garrison Kane);
    formerly Magneto's army of Earth-92131 (Arclight/Philippa Sontag, Blockbuster/Michael Baer, Callisto, Copycat/Vanessa Carlysle, Feral/Maria Callasantos, Forearm/Michael McCain, Garrison Kane, Kangaroo/Frank Oliver, Marianna, Mole, Moondragon/Heather Douglas, Reaper/Pantu Hurageb, Sunder/Mark Hallett, Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida, Toad/Mortimer Toynbee, Tusk, Warpath/James Proudstar and unrevealed others)

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Apocalypse

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Earth-13393, 3999 A.D.

First Appearance: X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I" (December 11, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: As a freedom fighter Dawnsilk was a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, she was proficient in the use of large and heavy weaponry. It's been unrevealed if Dawnsilk is a mutant and as such what her powers or abilities would be.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 160 lbs.)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red


(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I" - BTS) - Growing up in a dystopian world ruled by mutant supremacist Apocalypse, the woman known as Dawnsilk became a freedom fighter determined to end Apocalypse's reign. Part of the Clan Chosen, Dawnsilk fought alongside the time-traveling mutant Cable who made it his life's mission to destroy Apocalypse.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I" - BTS) - 3999 A.D. - Dawnsilk and the Clan Chosen made their way to the war torn city of New York to oppose Apocalypse's army of killer androids.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I") - 3999 A.D. - Making their way through the ruins of New York City, Dawnsilk and the Clan Chosen fought Apocalypse's army of killer androids. Refusing to retreat, Cable ordered the Clan Chosen to counter their attack. The Clan Chosen followed Cable onto the battlefield to strike at the androids while Apocalypse himself watched their struggle from atop a large building, self-assured he could never be defeated. While charging at the killer androids, Dawnsilk and Boak were caught in an explosion hurling them into the air. However just then, a temporal storm appeared out of nowhere and engulfed the battlefield, unbeknownst to the Clan Chosen the temporal storm was inadvertently caused by Bishop of Earth-121193 as he traveled back in time to prevent the release of a plague that ravaged his reality. Both Garrison Kane and Hope were pulled into the temporal storm while calling for Cable's help, seemingly erased from the timeline. Cable however, managed to evade the storm and set out to stop Bishop and save his reality. It's seems likely Dawnsilk was also pulled into the temporal storm.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part II" - BTS) - Cable eventually joined forces with both Bishop and the X-Men to stop Apocalypse of Earth-92131 and end the mutant plague, saving both Bishop and Cable's timeline. As such those lost in the temporal storm were returned to normal.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part I") - Learning of Apocalypse's regenerative Lazarus Chamber, Dawnsilk and the Clan Chosen planned to destroy it in the hopes of permanently dealing with Apocalypse. The Clan Chosen made their way to Cairo in Egypt where they successfully located the mysterious pyramid. Dawnsilk, Garrison Kane and Tyler stood watch outside while Cable, Boak and Hope made their way inside the pyramid which inevitably lead Apocalypse to steal Cable's time traveling device with which Apocalypse discovered the Axis of Time, a realm outside of time. Enraged he'd been played, Cable returned to his friends, revealing the mutant supremacist had stolen his time traveling device.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part II" - BTS) - Determined to stop Apocalypse, Cable and the Clan Chosen decided on a plan to travel back in time to destroy the Lazarus Chamber at the point of its creation, to do so they planned to use a secret time machine which was kept under strict protection by the United States government as it was deemed to dangerous to use.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part III") - Stationed near the power station that powered the impenetrable energy dome surrounding the secret facility, Dawnsilk and the Clan Chosen were given the go-ahead by Tyler Dayspring to destroy it. Dawnsilk, Garrison Kane and Boak ran into heavy resistance as they had been spotted by the armed guards. It wasn't until Garrison Kane was able to detonate several explosives the energy dome was taken down, allowing Cable to gain entrance to the secret facility and use the time machine.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Graduation Day" - BTS) - For unrevealed reasons Dawnsilk and Garrison Kane travelled to Earth-92131 where they appeared in Genosha where former slave-workers had built their own civilization who viewed Magneto as their leader.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Graduation Day") - When mutant uprisings were seen throughout the world following the televised attack on Charles Xavier over a "mutant containment bill", Dawnsilk and others impatiently wondered when their enigmatic leader Magneto would finally lead them into war against humankind. Then, moments later Magneto addressed his people and calling all mutants from around the world to stand beside them.

    However, the X-Men also picked up the message which led them to send a small strike team consisting of Cyclops, Jean Grey and Wolverine to try and persuade Magneto to stop. During the night when Dawnsilk was sleeping, Sunfire and Feral noticed suspicious movement in the encampment, discovering the X-Men. However, because it was night, both mutants didn't recognize the mutant heroes and inadvertently woke up the sleeping mutants who gathered round the X-Men. But just then Magneto appeared again which allowed the X-Men to sneak away. The X-Men successfully reached Magneto after which they revealed Charles Xavier was dying and could be saved if he'd help them send a message to Shi'ar empress Lilandra. Determined to help Xavier, Magneto called off the impending mutant war and left with the X-Men.

Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza and Art Thibert;
    adapted by Mark Edwards Eden and AKOM Productions. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

Like her Earth-4935 counterpart, it's been unrevealed if Dawnsilk was human or mutant.

Dawnsilk and Garrison Kane's appearance in "Graduation Day" is a dubious one. In reality it would've been an error as at this point during the production the show was animated by the Philippines Animation Studio and it seems they just used every animated model sheet they could find to fill Magneto's army, regardless if they even fit. However, in this reality it was Dawnsilk and Garrison Kane who appeared, so for some unrevealed reason they travelled to Earth-92131 to appear in Magneto's army.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Dawnsilk has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
X-Men The Art and Making of The Animated Series book, p125 (main image, digitally colored by MarvellousLuke)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I" (closeup)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part III" (infiltration the power station)

X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Time Fugitives - Part I" (December 11, 1993) - Mark Edwards Eden (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Steve Olds (prop design), Alfredo Alcala, Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Claude Denis, Drew Gentle, Ric Chavez, Ric Quiroz, Ted Blackman, Tim Soman, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson, Flavia Mitman, Tania Burton, Allyn Conley, Sparky (color key), Denis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Armando Carillo, Dan Veesenmeyer, Don Manuel, Frank Squillace, Greg Garcia, John Fox, Keith Tucker, Larry Houston, Lewis Williams, Michale Swanigan, Pat Agnasin, Patrick Archibald, Romeo Francisco, Tenny Henson, Vic Dachele (storyboards), Abel Laxamana, Alan Gibson, Cesar Magsombol, Del Barras, Romeo Lopez, Rudy Messina, Steve Simone (storyboard cleanup),AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part I" (November 4, 1995) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner (character design), Mark Lewis (character design, prop design, storyboard cleanup), Darrel Bowen, Warren Greenwood, Andre Nieves, Steve Olds, Shayne Poindexter (prop design), Claude Denis (prop design, layout design), Marcos Borregales (prop design, storyboard cleanup), Cesar Magsombol, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Terry Henson (layout design, storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Frank Squillance (layout design, storyboards), Patricio Agnasin (layout design, storyboard cleanup), Helga Vanden Berge (ink & paint), Jerry Acerno, Troy D. Adomitis, Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras, Francisco Barrios, Armando Carrillo, Romeo Francisco, Greg Garcia, Rick Hoberg, Tom Nesbitt, David Simons, Keith Tucker, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Michael Sosnowski (storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Gerald Forton, Ernie G. Guanlao, Abel Laxamana, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac (storyboard cleanup), Akom Production Company (animation studio), Larry Houston (director, producer), J.K. Kim, Sue Peters (animation directors), Eric Lewald (developer for television, story editor), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good and Evil - Part III" (November 18, 1995) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner (character design), Mark Lewis (character design, prop design, storyboard cleanup), Darrel Bowen, Warren Greenwood, Andre Nieves, Steve Olds, Shayne Poindexter (prop design), Claude Denis (prop design, layout design), Marcos Borregales (prop design, storyboard cleanup), Cesar Magsombol, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Terry Henson (layout design, storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Frank Squillance (layout design, storyboards), Patricio Agnasin (layout design, storyboard cleanup), Helga Vanden Berge (ink & paint), Jerry Acerno, Troy D. Adomitis, Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras, Francisco Barrios, Armando Carrillo, Romeo Francisco, Greg Garcia, Rick Hoberg, Tom Nesbitt, David Simons, Keith Tucker, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Michael Sosnowski (storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Gerald Forton, Ernie G. Guanlao, Abel Laxamana, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac (storyboard cleanup), Akom Production Company (animation studio), Larry Houston (director, producer), J.K. Kim, Sue Peters (animation directors), Eric Lewald (developer for television, story editor), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Graduation Day" (September 20, 1997) - James Krieg (writer), Roy Burdine, Mark Lewis (model design), James Agnasin (model clean-up), Marcos Borregales, Vadim Sokolov (prop design), Patricio Agnasin, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Joe Dempsey, Romeo Francisco, Bob Fuentes, Rick Hoberg, Aleta Kozak Tom Nesbit, Danny Taverna, Thomas Tholen, Danilo Tolentino, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboard design), Patricio Agnasin, Ernie Chan, Vinton Heuck, Abel Laxamana, John T. Miller, Kirk Van Wormer (storyboard clean-up), Trish Mendelson (color key), Ladonna Hannover, Trish Mendelson (ink and paint), Kelly Akins, Rey Zipagan (color backgrounds), Philippines Animation Studio Inc. (animation), Tom McLaughlin (producer)

First Posted: 07/26/2024
Last Updated: 07/26/2024

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