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Real Name: Wade Wilson

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-92131) human mutate

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Wolverine (Logan);
    presumably Morph (see comments)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Deadly Reunions" (January 23, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: Deadpool possesses a remarkable healing factor derived from Wolverine, allowing him to recover from almost any physical injury, including lethal damages like decapitation. He also has enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes, which make him exceptionally skilled in combat. As a master martial artist, swordsman, and marksman, Deadpool is highly proficient in both armed and unarmed combat, making him a formidable and versatile fighter.

Height: 6'2" (presumably same as his 616 counterpart)
Weight: 210 lbs. (presumably same as his 616 counterpart)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald


(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Deadly Reunions" (fb)) - At an unrevealed point in the past Deadpool was affiliated with Sabretooth and Wolverine.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Deadly Reunions" - BTS) - When the volatile mutant Sabretooth (Victor Creed) was incarcerated at the Xavier Institute, Charles Xavier used his telepathic abilities to connect with the madman in the hopes of rehabilitating him. While in Creed's mind, Xavier witnessed images of Deadpool and Wolverine along with others from his days with Team X such as Maverick, S.H.I.V.A., Omega Red and Janice Hollenbeck.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Whatever It Takes" - BTS) - Dealing with the effects of being mindcontrolled by Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), Morph used their shapeshifting abilities to change into Deadpool, Omega Red, Maverick and even a rhino while opposing Wolverine in the Brazilian Amazon.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "The Phoenix Saga - Part II: The Dark Shroud" - BTS) - When Charles Xavier's subconscious dark side taunted the X-Men he used illusions of Deadpool, Yuriko Oyama and Sabretooth to haunt and attack Wolverine with.

Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld;
    adapted by Don Glutt and AKOM Productions. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

The fact that Morph used their shapeshifting abilities to turn into Deadpool while opposing Wolverine would be an indication he was familiar with him and his history with Wolverine.

X-Men '97 creator Beau Demayo revealed Deadpool was "off limits" for the new animated series.

When, in 2015's Secret Wars, the Multiverse was destroyed following the incursions of planets it appeared as if Reality-92131 was drafted onto Battleworld as the Westchester domain. However, this has since been debunked. As such the reality seen in the two volumes of X-Men '92 (2015 and 2016-2017) now have their own reality-designation of Earth-15730. The X-Men '92: House of XCII (2022) series was inspired by both the animated series and Hickman's House of X run but is its own separate reality. The limited series X-Men '97 (2024), however, is Reality-92131 and bridges the gap between the original X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon and the new X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Deadpool has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
X-Men The Art and Making of The Animated Series book, p261 (main image, digitally colored by MarvellousLuke)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Deadly Reunions" (in Sabretooth's mind)

X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Deadly Reunions" (January 23, 1993) - Don Glutt (writer), Eric Lewald (story editor), Bob Harras (story consultant), Kathi Castillo, Rick Hoberg, Louis Williams (model design), Thibault Descamps, Steve Olds (prop design), Steve Olds (layout design), Jeff Richards, Dennis Venizelos (background design), Flavia Mitman, Trish Mendelson (color key design), Dan Fausett, Michael Swanigan, Romeo Francisco, Douglas P. Battle, Clint Taylor, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, John Ahern, Armando Carillo (storyboard directors), Fred Carillo, Pat Agnasin, Rudy Mesina, Cesar Magsombol, Steve Simone, Abel Laxamana (storyboard cleanup), Akom Animation (animation)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Whatever It Takes" (November 6, 1993) - Julia Jane Lewald (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Armando Carrillo, Dan Veesenmeyer, Don Manuel, Greg Garcia, John Fox, Keith Tucker, Larry Houston, Lewis Williams, Michale Swanigan, Pat Agnasin, Partrick Archibald, Romeo Francisco, Tenny Henson, Vic Dachele (storyboards), Frank Squillance (storyboards, layout design), Alfredo Alcala, Claude Denis, Drew Gentle, Ric Chavez, Ric Quiroz, Ted Blackman, Tim Soman, Wayne Schultz, Charles Payne (layout design), Cesar Magsombol (layout design, storyboard cleanup), Abel Laxamana, Alan Gibson, Del Barras, Romeo Lopez, Rudy Messina, Steve Simone (storyboard cleanup), Akom Animation (animation), Eric Lewald (developed for television/story editor), Richard Bowman (supervising director)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Phoenix Saga - Part II: The Dark Shroud" (September 6, 1994) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russell Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patricio Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation), Sharon Janis (editor)

First Posted: 06/26/2024
Last Updated: 06/26/2024

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