Real Name: D'Andre DeAngelo

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Damage Control (Robin Chapel, Gus), KLJT-Man (Burr Dalen), Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne), his family

Enemies: Scarlet Beetle

Known Relatives: Unidentified wife, son and daughter

Aliases: DAndreDeAngelo (Chirp screenname), "Daddy," "Sweetheart" (nicknames)

Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA

First Appearance: Damage Control IV#2 (November, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: D'Andre DeAngelo does not possess any superhuman powers though he is a loving husband and father, albeit one who is perhaps a bit overly nervous and easily driven to panic.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

(Damage Control IV#3 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, D'Andre DeAngelo made an account with the social media platform Chirp.

(Damage Control IV#2 (fb)) - D'Andre DeAngelo took his family for a special weekend vacation at Lido Beach as a way to make things up to his daughter for missing her ballet recital. After getting some ice cream, the family walked into a battle between Ant-Man and the Scarlet Beetle. D'Andre immediately ordered his children back into the shop until the fight was over but his kids begged to stay outside to watch the fight. When his wife reminded him that he had promised to make the weekend special after missing his daughter's recital, D'Andre reluctantly allowed his family to watch the fight. Unfortunately, when Ant-Man used Pym Particles to shrink the Scarlet Beetle, inadvertently shrinking D'Andre's family in the process. Able to see his shrunken family on the ground, D'Andre gathered them up in a shoebox for their own safety and his story made nationwide headlines.

(Damage Control IV#2) - A week later, D'Andre appeared at Damage Control to plead his case for an insurance claim, unaware that Damage Control intern Gus had just been scolded for believing every sob story his claimants gave him. Clutching the shoebox containing his family in his arms, D'Andre entered Gus' "office" (a bathroom) and began to give his story to Gus, who disregarded D'Andre's story in an effort to be less gullible. After hearing D'Andre's story, a disbelieving Gus asked to see the shoebox with D'Andre's family in and crushed it. When the terrified D'Andre screamed, Gus' boss, Robin Chapel, looked into the office to check on things and when Gus explained the situation, thinking he was proving to Chapel that he would not gullibly believe every story, Chapel scolded Gus and pointed out how D'Andre's story had been all over the news for a week. Chapel immediately consoled D'Andre and ordered Gus to contact G.I.R.L. Labs to let them know they were bringing D'Andre there.

    Shortly after, D'Andre accompanied Chapel and Gus to G.I.R.L. Labs, where Gus attempted to apologize to D'Andre for crumpling the box housing his family. When Ant-Man and the Wasp successfully enlarged the contents of the box, they were met by the Microverse hero KLJT-Man, at which point the unknowing Gus exclaimed that KLJT-Man was a monster who had eaten the DeAngelo family and had come to finish the job. Wasp and Ant-Man immediately reassured the panicked D'Andre that KLJT-Man was no monster and KLJT-Man revealed the DeAngelo family, whom he had kept protected from Microverse monsters during their time shrunk. D'Andre happily reunited with his family as Gus was fired from the Consumer Affairs department of Damage Control.

(Damage Control IV#3) - D'Andre got on Damage Control's Chirp social media account and again thanked Damage Control for resolving the situation with his family, noting that his family was all able to return home safely. He then suggested Damage Control reconsider how they trained employees who talked to people going through some of the hardest times of their life. Gus replied to D'Andre by commenting on how rude another Chirp user, KLJT-Man, was and suggesting Damage Control get KLJT-Man some sensitivity training. D'Andre then responded to Gus' comment by blocking him on Chirp, which Gus assumed was accidental.

Comments: Created by Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff and Will Robson.

Profile by Proto-Man.

D'Andre DeAngelo
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#2, p18, pan2 (D'Andre DeAngelo, main image)
Damage Control IV#2, p14, pan4 (D'Andre DeAngelo, headshot)
Damage Control IV#2, p15, pan5  (D'Andre in vacation clothes)

Damage Control IV#2 (November, 2022) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Will Robson (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Damage Control IV#3 (January, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)

First posted08/06/2024
Last updated: 08/06/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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