
Classification: Alternate reality (Earth-7484) advanced technology

Creator: Presumably created by/for the US Army;
    connected to the Omni-Computer (and through that to Nina Ferry) by unrevealed parties under the supervision of Simon Ryker

Possessors: Simon Ryker, Trouble-Shooters (five unidentified agents of Ryker)

Enemies: Deathlok (Luther Manning), Linc Shane

Aliases: Super-Tank, Tank-Car

death-machine-7484-at28-approachFirst Appearance: (As Super-Tank) Astonishing Tales I#28 (February, 1975);
    (as Death-Machine)
Astonishing Tales I#30 (June, 1975)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Death-Machine was a conventional tank that could be remotely controlled via the Omni-Computer. Additionally, Nina Ferry was linked to the Omni-Computer, resulting in a "thinking, almost human tank-weapon."

    A heavily armored weapon, the Death-Machine could carry at least five people within its interior, affording them protection from injury. However, a object of sufficient durability fired at the appropriate speed and power could apparently tear off its entire upper portion (holding the tank gun), incapacitating it.

    While it took some time to build up speed, it could likely reach speeds of 30-40 mph on its treads, either smashing through or crushing objects in its path. With appropriate speed, it could smash through a 3' thick brick wall.

    It carried heavy artillery fired from its gun, able to blow a whole through a 3' thick wall. The tank could swivel to aim at targets 360 degrees around it, and it could likely aim higher or lower as well.

(Astonishing Tales#28 (fb) - BTS ) - Ryker used the mind of Nina Ferry -- his former assistant and lover whom he had placed into an electronic-sleep after she had discovered his cyborg nature -- linked to the Omni-Computer, allowing a synergy between computer programming and the human mind, to send a tank after Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 - BTS) - Ryker's Terminal Eye noted that Deathlok was unaware of "cannibal-decoys" and that it was initiating phase two of plan.

(Astonishing Tales#28 (fb) - BTS) - As Deathlok fought a group of cannibals in the vicinity of the 42nd street museum, the Super-Tank headed toward him.

(Astonishing Tales I#28) - As Deathlok finished off the cannibals, he was shocked to see the approaching tank. However, he had no idea of the tank's true nature. death-machine-7484-at30-shaneexplosion

    Having previously destroyed his laser pistol in a pique of anger, Deathlok hurled a grenade he had claimed from an armory in a park near Fort Dix, New Jersey. However, Deathlok was disappointed when the grenade proved to be a dud and did not go off.

    Ryker's Trouble-Shooters -- five men armed with laser rifles having apparently ridden within the Super-Tank -- then exited and fired on Deathlok, forcing him to flee. Deathlok then encountered the revolutionary Linc Shane; after some discussion, Shane joined Deathlok in fleeing from the pursuing men with laser rifles.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 - BTS) - Observing the events via his Omni-Computer, Simon Ryker was pleased, praising Nina (despite her being unconscious) and telling her that they would make full use of her brain: "Even now your brain's impulses are being monitored and coded -- with your mind functioning in rapport with his Omni-Computer, the resulting effect is a thinking, almost human tank-weapon.Ryker resolved that either his Trouble-Shooter agents or his Super-Tank would destroy Deathlok.

    Deathlok led Shane toward his waiting helicopter atop a nearby building two blocks east, but other agents of Ryker pushed the helicopter off of the building, causing it to crash to the ground. The two continued to flee on foot but then ran into a dead end at the North Wall. As the tank approached them, Deathlok advised Shane to take cover, but he was frustrated when his automatic weapon -- obtained from the same armory as his grenades -- jammed. Unwilling to just wait for the Trouble-Shooters to arrive, Shane charged the tank armed only with his handgun.

death-machine-7484-at30-blastwall(Astonishing Tales I#30) - As Deathlok's computer reported that the Death-Machine's weapon had locked onto Shane, Deathlok rushed toward Shane, carrying him out of the way of a direct hit. However, the concussion knocked them both to the ground, and Shane's body was punctured with multiple pieces of shrapnel. As the tank prepared to fire at point blank range, Deathlok ran to the wounded Shane, picked him up and tried to leap over the wall while dodging fire from the Trouble-Shooters. Shane's weight prevented Deathlok from clearing the wall, but he was able to grab the top of it. However, before Deathlok could pull himself and Shane over to the other side, the Trouble-Shooters shot Shane repeatedly, killing him.

    Reluctantly dropping Shane's corpse, Deathlok pulled himself over the top of the wall and hit the ground, after which the tank blasted a hole in the wall and then moved at high speed to smash its way through the damaged wall. Encountering the smaller Columbus Circle perimeter of the barricade surrounding Suicide Park, Deathlok vaulted over it.

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - Ryker enjoyed watching Deathlok fleeing from the Super-Tank, considering him to be "running scared," and feeling assured that his supreme Death-Machine would overtake and expunge Deathlok in "less than minutes." He was surprised when Deathlok vaulted another wall to escape his tank, but pleased to see that Deathlok had landed on his head, with the injury giving his tank time to breach the second wall and catch up with him. However, Deathlok's chemo-solutions allowed him to recover quickly and flee again.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - While the tank had to back up to build up sufficient speed to smash through this wall, the Trouble-Shooters pursued Deathlok on foot.death-machine-7484-at30-des

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - After Deathlok had taken down two of the Trouble-Shooters, Ryker instructed the Omni-Computer to decrease psychic extraction from Nina by 75%. Appreciating that she could now hear him, Ryker taunted her with how her mind was being forced to direct the Death-Machine against Deathlok. Ryker subsequently departed to take the next step to become the "Savior Machine."

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - Coming across a junkyard outside the "Flesh Factory," Deathlok assembled a giant makeshift crossbow from some cable, a car bumper and a metal spar, with a girder to serve as its "arrow." With the "Factory," Deathlok slew the remaining Trouble-Shooters

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - As the Death-Machine approached him outside the "Factory," Deathlok used his makeshift crossbow to fire the girder into the tank, apparently explosively tearing its top off and incapacitating it.

    Deathlok was surprised to find that there was no one inside the tank, and he wondered how it had been guided.

(Astonishing Tales I#31) - Deathlok shouted in triumph, "The Death-Machine is dead! Long live the Death-Machine!"

    Subsequently considering that the Death-Machine was just "cold metal with nothing inside to guide it...nothing but the urge to kill...just like me..." Deathlok departed, leaving the tank's flaming wreckage behind.

CommentsCreated by Rich Buckler.

    So, despite all of the discussion of being bonded to Nina Ferry and having human reactions, the tank didn't do anything but lumber slowly, like any other tank.
    It may be that Nina subconsciously resisted Ryker's commands and that she is what caused the tank to pause a few times, giving Deathlok time to escape or otherwise react.

    Perhaps someone with more military knowledge can identify the tank model of the Super-Tank and provide more detail about its specifications.

Profile by Snood.

The Death-Machine should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads):
Astonishing Tales I#28 cover (Trouble-Shooters exiting tank and firing on Deathlok);
        pg. 12, panel 1 (full, confronting Deathlok);
    #30, pg. 1, panel 3 (Linc Shane charging tank);
       pg. 2, panel 3 (Deathlok pulling Shane away from explosion);

Astonishing Tales I#28 (February, 1975) - Rich Buckler (writer/artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#30 (June, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Arvell Jones (pencils), Al McWilliams (inks), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales#31 (August, 1975) - Doug Moench (writer), Rich Buckler & Keith Pollard (pencils), Klaus Janson (inker), Len Wein (editor)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

First posted: 08/04/2024
Last updated: 08/11/2024

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