deathlok-82338-headshot "DEATHLOK"

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-82338) human cyborg

Occupation: Adventurer (allegedly)

Group Membership: None known

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: None known (beyond whatever authorities were trying to arrest/contain him)

Known Relatives: None known

Aliases: None known;
    he wasn't actually identified on panel, so Deathlok is actually just a presumed alias

Base of Operations: Mobile

First appearance: Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur cartoon series, episode "Skip This Ad...olescence" (March 8, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Nothing is known about the powers and abilities of Deathlok of Earth-82338, but it can be assumed that he, being a cyborg, has superhuman strength and durability a computer brain.

Height: Unrevealed (impossible to determine)
Weight: Unrevealed (impossible to determine)
Eyes: Unrevealed (impossible to determine)
Hair: Unrevealed, possibly white or blond (see comments)

History: (Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur episode "Skip This Ad...olescence") - In the dystopian future of Earth-82338, Deathlok was declared a criminal and was one of the heroes on the wanted list.

Comments: Created by Haima Lucas and Greg Baldwin.

deathlok-82338-fullposter    Earth-82338 is a potential dystopian future of Earth-32102, briefly visited by Moon Girl (Lunella Lafayette) from the latter reality.

    The scene in which it appears is, of course, an homage to the iconic cover of X-Men I#141.

    Steve Loter posted the poster seen in the episode (drawn by Greg Baldwin) separately on his Twitter page, giving us a better look at the characters.

    In addition to Deathlok, the poster also features Blue Marvel, Sleepwalker, Darkhawk, Swordsman, Jocasta, White Tiger, 3-D Man, Moon Dragon, Hellcat, Paladin, Stingray, Jolt, Nighthawk, Demolition Man and Smasher.

    The Days of Future Past easter egg was not in the original script and was boarded by Samir Barrett. When it was decided to keep the scene, Barrett himself suggested the characters who appeared in the background.

    Deathlok's identity remains unrevealed, and it is currently impossible to determine who he is in this reality – Luther Manning, Michael Collins, Henry Hayes or someone else altogether? We also cannot determine his height, weight, eye or hair color. Due to the fact that the poster seems to be black and white, it is unclear what color his eyes and hair actually are: his eyes can be any color, but his hair is apparently either white or blond.

Profile by Mike Castle

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Deathlok's uncovered face is from Steve Loter’s Twitter page
Moon Girl with a wanted poster in the background is a screenshot from the animated series.

Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur cartoon series, episode "Skip This Ad...olescence" (March 8, 2023)

First posted: 07/17/2024
Last updated: 07/19/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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