
Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-1298) human cyborg

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: Avengers (Black Widow/Natasha Romanova, Hawkeye/Clinton Barton, Iron Giant Man/Anthony Stark, Typhoid Mary/Mary Walker)

Affiliations: United States Government

Enemies: The Six (Bloodstorm/Ororo Munroe, Brute/Hank McCoy, Captain America, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Ice-Man/Bob Drake)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: Mutant X#30 (February 14, 2001)

Powers/Abilities: Deathlok's body has extensive cybernetics, including the left half of his head. His left hand functions as an energy cannon. He can fly by using what appears to be a jetpack on his back. His strength and speed are such that he is considered one of the world's most powerful super-heroes.

Height: 6'2" (approximation)
Weight: 560 lbs. (approximation)
Eyes: Black, white cybernetic left eye
Hair: White

(Mutant X#30 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok was a member of the Avengers, considered to be the world's most powerful superheroes. They have been authorized by the United States government to enforce international policies and prevent any superpowered individuals from crossing into Canada from the American side of the border.

(Mutant X#30) - The Avengers intercepted the jet of the mutant superhero team the Six who were on their way to rescue their leader Havok. Iron Giant Man forced them to land, and Captain America (not Steve Rogers, but his mutant successor) reached out to his former Avengers teammates in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. Black Widow re-affirmed that the Six would not be allowed to cross and told them to turn back. Bloodstorm of the Six then struck Widow with her lightning, and Deathlok called on the Avengers to attack.

(Mutant X#30 - BTS) - Captain America's mutant power went out of control due to his unstable personality, and he ended up knocking out everyone on both teams unconscious. They were found by Havok, Jean Grey and Wolverine who were fleeing from the Canadian side.

(Mutant X#31) - After Captain America tapped into his mutant power to destroy Professor Hudson and his Super-Soldiers who were chasing after Logan, the Avengers got up, and Captain America, his sanity slipping, killed Iron Giant Man in front of his teammates. Deathlok and the others attacked him, but Captain America unleashed an energy blast from his eyes, seemingly disintegrating them instantly.

(Mutant X Annual 2001 - BTS) - The Beyonder found Captain America and read his mind, witnessing his confrontation with Deathlok and the Avengers and commending that they posed no challenge to him.

Comments: Created by Howard Mackie and Ron Lim.

    Deathlok does not get to do much within the story before dying, his only words being "Avengers Attack!"

    The names of Deathlok's fellow Avengers are presumed to be the same as their Earth-616 counterparts. The identity of Deathlok himself cannot be thus assumed because of the multiple known Deathlok characters.

Profile by HBK123.

Deathlok-1298 should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Mutant X#30, p5, pan1 (main image)
Mutant X#30, p12, pan3 (headshot)

Mutant X#30 (February 14, 2001) - Howard Mackie (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Andrew Pepoy (inks), Lysa Hawkins (editor)
Mutant X#31 (March 7, 2001) - Howard Mackie (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Andrew Pepoy (inks), Lysa Hawkins (editor)
Mutant X Annual 2001 (March 28, 2001) - Howard Mackie (writer), James Fry (pencils), Andrew Pepoy (inks), Lysa Hawkins (editor)

First Posted: 08/08/2024
Last updated: 08/08/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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