Luther Manning
Real Name: Luther Manning
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-1610; Earth-Ultimates) human cyborg
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Spider-Man (Peter
Parker), The Ultimates (Black Widow/Natalia Romanova, Captain
America/Steven Rogers, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Iron Man/Antonio Stark) -
all Earth-1610
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: None
First Appearance: Ultimate Spider-Man I#70 (December 15, 2004)
Height: 6'4" (presumably the same as his Earth-7484 counterpart)
Weight: 600 lbs. (presumably the same as his Earth-7484 counterpart)
Eyes: Red
Hair: Bald
History: (Ultimate Spider-Man I#70 - BTS) - Under circumstances threatening national security of the United Stats, Luther Manning was engaged in a battle with the Ultimates in the middle of New York City.
(Ultimate Spider-Man I#70) - Having taken several arrows from Hawkeye, Manning fired a pulse charge at Iron Man, disabling his armor and briefly taking him out of combat. He then fired a shot at Captain America who dodged out of the way. At this point Spider-Man, who happened to be in the area and noticed the ongoing battle, swung behind Manning, and knocked him in the head with both legs hard enough to incapacitate him. The Ultimates then informed Nick Fury that Manning has been restrained and prepared his unconscious body for transort to an undisclosed location.
Comments: Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley.Never referred as "Deathlok" in his first and only apperance, it is possible that Luther Manning had yet to obtain that name by the time of his fight with the Ultimates. Whatever the case, he was never seen again.
Because the Ultimate Universe frequently featured significant changes to established origins of characters, it is possible that this version of Luther Manning is native to the present time of Earth-1610 rather than being from an alternate future.
Luther Manning-1610 should not be confused with:
images: (without ads)
Ultimate Spider-Man I#70, p5, pan1 (main image)
Ultimate Spider-Man I#70, p5, pan3 (headshot)
Ultimate Spider-Man I#70, p5, pan4 (clocked by Spider-Man)
Ultimate Spider-Man I#70 (December 15, 2004) -
Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 07/16/2024
Last updated: 07/16/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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