
Real Name: Steven Rogers

Identity/ClassExtradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-22423) human mutate cyborg

Occupation: Assassin

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Vanora of Earth-7153, Dormammu of Earth-30468, Damian Tryp of Earth-6124

Enemies: Iron Man/Tony Stark, X-Factor Investigations of Earth-616 (Multiple Man/Jamie Madrox, Havok/Alex Summers, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella, Polaris/Lorna Dane)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Cap

Base of Operations: Imperial Studios, Los Angeles, California, Earth-616;
   formerly New York City, New York, Earth-22423

First Appearance: X-Factor I#231 (February 1, 2012)

Powers/Abilities: Presumably already possessing peak human strength and reflexes granted to him by the Super-Soldier Serum, Steve Rogers has been transformed into a cyborg Deathlok. He had described his own body as a synthesis of Stark technology and eldritch power. The full extent of his cybernetics is unrevealed, but only part of his head is shown being organic. The rest of his body is either encased in metal armor or is cybernetic entirely, which grants him enhanced durability and strength.

    Both of his forearms are protected by shields in traditional Captain America colors that can withstand Iron Man Armor's repulsor blasts (whether the shields are made of vibranium is unrevealed).

    His right arm transforms into an energy cannon.

Height: 6'2" (presumably the same as his Earth-616 counterpart)
Weight: 550 lbs. (approximation for increased weight due to cybernetic body)
Eyes: Blue, red cybernetic left eye
Hair: Blond

History: (X-Factor I#231 (fb) - BTS) - When Scarlet Witch whispered "No More Humans," 90% of regular humans were turned into monsters, while those with powers were transformed into monstrous shadows of themselves. Steve Rogers became a Deathlok compelled to finish the job, eliminating the remaining humans whom he now deeply hated.

(X-Factor I#231 (fb)) - Deathlok was approached by Damian Tryp from Earth-6124, who cryptically promised him a key to a better world in the form of Multiple Man/James Madrox from Earth-616, currently transplanted to Earth-22423. Deathlok climbed to the top of the skyscraper where Madrox was meeting with Tony Stark, leader of the remaining Human Resistance.

(X-Factor I#231) - Deathlok crashed through the window, but Stark showed no sign of surprise. Tryp moved on to protect Madrox, while Stark quicky summoned his Iron Man Armor and engaged Deathlok after a brief exchange of verbal barbs. The fight spilled out of the office into the lobby, where Deathlok blew off the head of Stark's secretary, only for her to be revealed as a robot who joined the fight on Iron Man's side. Deathlok took her out, and his fight with Iron Man progressed into a physical brawl, which pushed Madrox through the broken window. Tryp urged Deathlok to let Iron Man save Madrox, but Deathlok choose to continue firing at his enemy instead, commenting that he would rather have a mutant die that be indebted to a human.

(X-Factor I#232) - Madrox was transported home to Earth-616 by the spirit of Doctor Strange of Earth-30468 (a world where Dormammu had slain Strange), but due to a complication with a spell so were three of the adversaries he had recently encountered: Deathlok, Dormammu-30468 and Vanora of Earth-7153 (daughter of Earth-7153's Wolfsbane), who all found themselves at the abandoned movie studio in Los Angeles.

(X-Factor I#241 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok, Dormammu and Vanora were approached by Tryp, who urged them to stay put until their situation could be sorted out, especially as Dormammu only had a sliver of his usual strength. Deathlok was repulsed to find himself in a world with more humans than any of them could take out.

(X-Factor I#241) - Deathlok and Dormammu eventually grew tired of waiting and started bickering with each other when Tryp showed himself again and revealed that a suitable opportunity for them had presented itself.

(X-Factor I#241 - BTS) - They set up a trap for X-Factor Investigations members Madrox and Havok, whose status as dimensional Nexus beings Dormammu planned to exploit to regain his power. Vanora posed as her mother's Earth-616 counterpart and called Multiple Man and Havok to meet her in New York's Central Park, where Dormammu had made preparations for his ritual.

(X-Factor I#241) - Deathlok sat in ambush as Havok and Multiple Man approached "Wolfsbane." Expecting a trap, Madrox refused to come near her, so Deathlok left his cover and attacked them. Havok was able to repel his energy blasts, and Deathlok commented that the two of them could have been allies in his world. Dormammu trapped both of their targets in energy bubbles and began his ritual, but was knocked off by Strong Guy, which broke the spell's concentration.

    Deathlok prepared to execute Havok but found his arm cannon aimed at his own head by Polaris. She then used her magnetic powers to pull the trigger, blowing off Deathlok's head for threatening her boyfriend.

Comments: Created by Peter David and Emanuela Lupacchino.

    Deathlok is the only victim of Scarlet Witch's spell who appeared on page. The context of which kind of monsters the humans were turned into and whether other superhumans also became Deathloks or something else entirely remains unrevealed.

Profile by HBK123.

Deathlok-22423 should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
X-Factor I#231, p11, pan1 (main image)
X-Factor I#241, p3, pan3 (headshot)
X-Factor I#231, p12, pan4 (forearm shields)
X-Factor I#231, p13, pan4 (arm cannon)

X-Factor I#231 (February 1, 2012) - Peter David (writer), Emanuela Lupacchino (pencils), Guillermo Ortego (inks), Elizabeth Brei (editor)
X-Factor I#232 (February 15, 2012) - Peter David (writer), Emanuela Lupacchino (pencils), Guillermo Ortego (inks), Elizabeth Brei (editor)
X-Factor I#241 (August 1, 2012) - Peter David (writer), Emanuela Lupacchino (pencils), Guillermo Ortego (inks), Elizabeth Brei (editor)

First Posted: 07/13/2024
Last updated: 07/13/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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