
Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/ClassExtradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-32211) human cyborg

Occupation: Assassin

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Unidentified rebels

Enemies: Ryker family of Earth-616 (Harlan, Anna, Rebecca, Brian)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: None

First Appearance: Avengers Arena I#2 (December 19, 2012)

Powers/Abilities: Deathlok's body has been augmented with cybernetics to an unrevealed degree.

    He presumably possesses enhanced strength and durability characteristic of other Deathloks.

    He carried a high-yield explosive device on his body during the mission.

Height: 6'3" (approximation)
Weight: 570 lbs. (approximation)
Eyes: White, red cybernetic left eye
Hair: Brown

History: (Avengers Arena I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok was associated with a group of rebels on Earth-32211. The rebels wanted to assassinate Harlan Ryker, one of the creators of Deathloks, before he could ever invent the technology. They sent Deathlok into the past, but an error caused Deathlok to miss the target date and arrive after Deathlok technology had already been invented.

(Avengers Arena I#2 (fb)) - Arriving on Earth-616, Deathlok went to Ryker's house, but he was not there. Instead, Deathlok only found Harlan's young son, Brian, and his wife, Anna, whom he held at gunpoint while also activating an explosive device. When Harlan's daughter Rebecca unexpectedly returned home from practice, Deathlok detonated the explosive to kill his targets in a suicide move. Only Rebecca survived, albeit with grave injuries.

(Avengers Arena I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan rebuilt Rebecca as a Deathlok-like cyborg, and she eventually became known as Death Locket.

Comments: Created by Dennis Hallum and Kev Walker.

    The motivations of Deathlok and of the rebels who sent him have only been stated by Harlan Ryker himself. Depending on his level of knowledge, he could have been stating a fact or mere speculation.
    My issue of Avengers Arena#2 is missing several pages in a row, including the ones showing Harlan working on Rebecca and discussing the matters with her. Comparing to the numbered pages on Marvel Unlimited, my copy is missing pg. 10-17. Anyone else?

Profile by HBK123.

Deathlok-32211 should not be confused with:

Earth-32211 rebels

    These rebels wanted to alter their timeline by assassinating Harlan Ryker before he could invent Deathlok technology. To that end, they sent Deathlok into the past, but the rebels' poor knowldge of time travel caused Deathlok to arrive after the intended point in time, thus failing the ultimate goal even if he could kill his target.

--Avengers Arena I#2 (fb) - BTS

images: (without ads)
Avengers Arena I#2, p7, pan3 (main image)

Avengers Arena I#2 (December 19, 2012) - Dennis Hallum (writer), Kev Walker (pencils, inks), Bill Rosemann (editor)

First Posted: 07/16/2024
Last updated: 07/16/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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