(from Reality-94064)

Classification: Alternate timeline (Reality-94064) reanimated deceased humans activated as cyborgs via bionics 

Purpose: To serve as autonomous mass destruction weapons to be sold and/or rented as a mercenary force of sorts to any paying interest; to destroy at the whim of the highest bidder

Creators: Cybertek, including Harlan Ryker and Michael Collins (in Reality-94064)

Membership: John Kelly from Reality-94064 (deceased but still active)

Affiliations: Cybertek; sold and/or rented to Estrella government, Arab interests and others (in Reality-94064)

Enemies: Estrella resistance, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Nick Fury (all in Reality-94064)

Location/Base of Operations: Paterson, New Jersey, for its original creation; afterward, mobile through the world including Estrella (South America) and Arab countries (in Reality-94064)

First Appearance: Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: The Deathloks in the Deathlok Army were cyborgs controlled by an artificial CPU that was in turn controlled by Cybertek; this allowed Cybertek to override any decision made by the cyborg's living brain. The cyborgs were able to hold heavy energy weapons from a single arm, and durable enough to be dropped from a flying vehicle without harm.

   In other powers, it is reasonable to assume that these Deathloks were very similar to the design used by Harlan Ryker on Reality-616, which means that:

Paraphernalia: The original Deathlok prototype had a plasma assault rifle, a plasma grenade launcher and a plasma pistol, all powered by the cyborg's generator, and keyed to the cyborg itself, meaning that any other individual holding the weapon would be unable to shoot it. It is unclear whether the Deathlok Army had this feature programmed individually or at a unit level (meaning that a given Army member could use another Army member's weapon). The Deathlok Army was seen using a number of other weapons, including flamethrowers, and occasionally riding tanks.

Type: Bilaterally symmetric human cyborgs, with apparently standardized bionic implants
Eyes: Possibly one or two, color depending on the individual, if applicable
Hair: Possibly variable, if applicable
Fingers: Four, plus opposing thumb
Toes: Two
Skin color: Probably greyish, covered with a layer of shiny metal
Average Height: 7'2" with some variability
Average Weight: 825 lbs. with some variability

History: (Deathlok II#29 (fb); Deathlok I#1) - On Reality-94064, Cybertek (Roxxon Oil Corporation's applied cybernetics division) was developing advanced technology, including weapons-related projects. Cybertek's head Harlan Ryker was creating a combat cyborg, Deathlok, for mass production, to sell or rent it to any nation or interest that could afford it. One of the software programmers responsible for the project was Michael Collins, who was unaware that he was working on a weapons project; Cybertek kept this information from him explicitly because Collins' morals would have resisted this. However, Collins might have discovered this had he been concerned about Cybertek's intended use of his work.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb); Marvel Comics Presents I#62/4; Deathlok I#1) - Also through trickery and deceit, Ryker managed to get retired military officer John Kelly to volunteer to have his brain transplanted into the Deathlok prototype. Kelly believed he would control the cyborg; but Ryker intended to wrest control from Kelly with the onboard computer whenever necessary, knowing that Cybertek intended to use Deathlok for purposes Kelly would not approve of.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb)) - Feeling that he was neglecting his wife and son, Collins decided to leave his job at Cybertek and from then on spent more time with his family.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb); Marvel Comics Presents I#62/4; Deathlok I#1; Deathlok I#3) - Through a complication, the Deathlok prototype killed Kelly's brain. At the time, Roxxon intended to send Cybertek's new weapon to Estrella, a South American country, in an operation to crush the local guerrillas that threatened Roxxon's plan to build a dam to divert rivers and generate dry land for the corrupt government. However, before doing that, Cybertek needed to replace the prototype's brain and find a solution to the software glitch that had allowed the onboard computer to kill the brain.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb) - BTS) - Somehow, Cybertek solved both problems and was able to mass produce an army of Deathlok cyborgs. They also solved the problem affecting the prototype, so Kelly's brain-dead cyborg could be returned to active service.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb)) - Cybertek launched an army of Deathloks on Estrella, and they pacified the country by wiping out resistance, murdering enemies and innocents, and burning down the local jungles, as well as allowing Roxxon to carry out its project. After this success, Cybertek mass-produced Deathloks that it sold or rented around the world as mass destruction weapons to be released in other countries.

(Deathlok II#29 (fb)) - The Deathlok with Kelly's brain collaborated with enemies of freedom and interests opposed to the United States, as well as in operations involving Arab groups. In another operation, he confronted and brutally defeated the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Nick Fury. Kelly could not stop any of this, being a passenger in his own corpse.

(Deathlok II#29; Infinity Crusade#5-6) - During the Infinity Crusade on Reality-616, the Goddess spread a wave of destruction all over the universe that was soon revealed to be illusory. When Deathlok (Michael Collins) and John Kelly of Reality-616 were apparently melted by flames, they both had visions of what they perceived as their sins, and in which they saw their counterparts of Reality-94064, as well as the Deathlok Army. They both realized that, for all the troubles, it had been advantageous for Collins to have stayed in Cybertek on Reality-616, even though it led to him becoming Deathlok, because that had prevented the creation of the Deathlok Army on Reality-616 and other misfortunes.

Comments: Created by Greg Wright, Kevin Kobasic and Greg Adams

    In Reality-616, Collins was writing software for high-tech artificial limbs, believing them to be used for people with disabilities, and working on an operating system. Possibly he was also responsible of those parts of the development on Reality-94046. However, as Collins had left Cybertek before the Deathlok prototype was ready, another person may have worked on the limb software and the operating system

    Deathlok (Collins)'s profile in both All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z I#3 (2006) and Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z I#3 (2008), both co-authored by Snood himself, confirm that Cybertek's Deathlok design was reverse-engineered from Luther Manning from Reality-7484. This was confirmed in Deathlok II#32, among other issues--Snood.
    This means that either Reality-94064 forks from Earth-616, meaning that both Cybertek from 616 and Cybertek from 94064 had access to Manning from 7484; or that some other (as yet unspecified) alternate reality's Deathlok fell in the hands of Cybertek from 94064.
    I think the two realities diverged after Ryker worked on Deathlok, so it most likely was just Deathlok-7484, but whether his existence was duplicated, etc. is more complex (and unknowalbe) than we need to worry about.--Snood

    There are a few minor visual differences between the members of the Deathlok Army from Reality-94064 and the Deathlok (Collins / Kelly) that was sent to Estrella on Reality-616. In Reality-616, the red uniform has three vertical orange embroidered lines in the front, under the chin; there is a chromed area from the kneecap to the boot; and the boot has a red part that does not cover the heel or the toes. In Reality-94064, the orange lines have the approximate shape of an inverted triangle; the chromed area in the lower leg is not present; and the red boot covers the heel and adds a circular metallic item in the inner ankle.

    The reason for the confrontation between Kelly and several superheroes, including Nick Fury, is not explained in detail. In Reality-616, Nick Fury was explicitly trying to catch Cybertek due to their illegal weapons sale at that point, as seen in Deathlok I#3

exactly as and

Profile by Skippy Farlstendoiro.

CLARIFICATIONS:  The Deathlok Army should be distinguished from:

Additionally, Cybertek from Reality-94064 must be distinguished from Cybertek from Reality-616

Similarly, John Kelly from Reality-94064 must be distinguished from John Kelly (Siege) from Reality-616 and Biohazard (that reality's Kelly's reanimated brain)  

Cybertek (Reality-94064)

    Cybertek was a company that developed advanced technology, including weapons, for both Roxxon Oil Corporation and other interests. Cybertek's head Harlan Ryker had the cyborg Deathlok built, with part of the design commissioned by software programmer Michael Collins, to use it as a weapon in an operation against the resistance on South American country Estrella, and to sell or rent it to paying customers. They hid the nature of the project fromthe  moral Collins, although Collins didn't ask either; regardlessly, Collins left Cybertek before the project was completed. Cybertek also recruited ex-military man John Kelly as a voluntary brain donor, leading Kelly to believe that he would control the cyborg body; but from the beginning Ryker intended to override Kelly as needed, since he'd sell the cyborg to foreign interests that Kelly would not want to work for. Kelly's brain was killed in a test, but Cybertek continued to use the cyborg. Cybertek managed to create an army of Deathloks and unleashed it on Estrella, calcinating the place and obliterating the enemies. After that, they launched the Deathlok Army in other countries, also successfully, and collaborated with other groups.


--Deathlok II#29

John Kelly (Reality-94064)

    John Kelly was an ex-military man who was convinced by Cybertek to be a willing brain donor for the cyborg Deathlok. Kelly believed that he would control the cyborg's body through "wetware" technology; but in reality Cybertek's head Harlan Ryker intended from the beginning to use the onboard computer to take control of Deathlok at any time, and thus dedicate the cyborg to operations that Kelly would not approve of. Although Kelly's brain died in a test, Cybertek managed to keep the cyborg body active, sending it along with other mass-produced cyborgs (the Deathlok Army) in operations against freedom and in favor of enemies of the United States, as well as in collaboration with Arab countries. Kelly also brutally defeated superheroes Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Nick Fury, either as part of a Cybertek mission or for other reasons.


--Deathlok II#29




Deathlok II#29, p4, panel 3 (several cyborgs being dropped)
    p5, panel 1 (shooting innocents)
    p10, panel 4 (defeated superheroes)
    p9, panel 4 (Kelly)

Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993) - Greg Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 08/16/2024
Last updated:

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