Real Name: Deathlok Simulacrum FIX-MEN-01

Identity/Class: Robot

Occupation: Servant

Group Membership: Faces of Fear (several unidentified thugs, Doctor Frankenstein robot, Frankenstein's Monster robot, Hemlock the Clown, robot children, robot dragons, robot mummy, robot skeletons, robot vampire, robot werewolf, others) - see comments

Affiliations: Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol), Mentallo (Marvin Flumm)

Enemies: Several street level heroes (in the game the suggested options are: Cloak/Tyrone Johnson, Dagger/Tandy Bowen, Daredevil/Matt Murdock, Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Moon Knight/Marc Spector, Power Man/Luke Cage, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)

Known Relatives: Deathlok (Luther Manning, template), Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol, creator), Colossal Deathlok ("brother")

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: House of Madness amusement arcade, near the Chinatown Museum, Oliver Street, Chinatown, Manhattan, NYC 

First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves" (1990)

Powers/Abilities: The robot's steel body made it extremely durable against attacks. It possessed superhuman strength (able to lift approx. 2000 lbs.), infra-red/ultraviolet vision, telescopic vision and audio enhancement capabilities. 

Height: 6'4" (presumably - see comments)
Weight: 600 lbs. (probably - see comments)
Eyes: (left) red; (right) blue (probably - see comments)
Hair: Gray-brown (probably - see comments)

(Marvel Two-In-One I#27 (fb) - BTS) - While the Deathlok cyborg of Earth-7484 was in his possession, the Fixer made a detailed computerized template of him.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "After Midnight (fb) - BTS) - Some time later the Fixer and his partner Mentallo formed their own criminal organization, the Faces of Fear, duping Mr. Fear (Alan Fagan) into fronting the gang so that he would take the fall if their activities were targeted by crimefighters or law enforcement. They also recruited several supervillain operatives, many either controlled or unwittingly influenced by Mentallo with the aid of Fixer's technology. However, the Faces soon came into conflict with Hammerhead's Maggia, which in turn drew the unwanted attention of several street level heroes who ultimately captured Fagan.

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves (fb) - BTS) - Needing a new front man for the Faces, Fixer constructed a Deathlok Simulacrum, and the Faces set up base in the House of Madness amusement arcade in Chinatown, entering into an alliance with the Si Fan against Hammerhead's organization. As the heroes gradually worked their way through the Faces closer to the leaders, Fixer and Mentallo departed the House, leaving behind the Simulacrum with orders to kill the meddlers, either with robotic monsters they had placed in the arcade, or by himself if the heroes got past the other robots. 

(Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves) - Following a long trail of leads, the heroes ultimately reached the House of Madness, battled their way past the numerous robotic versions of iconic horror movie monsters, and confronted the Deathlok Simulacrum and six Halloween masked thugs. Only the Simulacrum proved any kind of real threat, and even it was soon defeated. 

Comments: Created by Anthony Herring.

   The Deathlok Simulacrum appeared in a module for the Marvel Super-Heroes Roleplaying Game released by TSR, but wasn't actually pictured; however, he presumably looked pretty much identical to Deathlok, and thus I assume similar physical stats. The game identifies Fixer AND Mentallo as the creators, but based on their respective skill sets it is probably safe to say that Mentallo didn't do much if any of the actual construction work.

   The membership of the Faces of Fear is a little unclear - there are many supervillains attached to the organization but it's hard to say in many cases if they are actually members or just duped or controlled, and even then the game's not clear which if any actually deal with the Deathlok Simulacrum. As such I've only listed the ones that appear in the chapter where the Simulacrum shows up, and even then I'm not entirely sure if the robots in the amusement arcade (who were simple automatons following preset instructions) should be counted as members of the group or just tools used by them.

Profile by Loki.

Deathlok Simulacrum has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
None available.

Marvel Super Heroes MLA2 Adventure "Night Moves (1990) - Anthong Herring (writer), Karen S. Boomgarden (editor)

First Posted: 08/25/2024
Last updated: 08/25/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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