
Membership: D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K., Jigsaw 2099, the Prime Deathlok (Ultron), numerous other unidentified Deathlok cyborgs;
    formerly Anti-Venom ("Flash" Thompson of Earth-616), Black Knight (Dane Whitman of Earth-616), Cloak (Tyrone Johnson of Earth-616), Dagger (Tandy Bowen of Earth-616), Daredevil (Elektra Natchios of Earth-616), Anji Gallows, Dean Gallows, Punisher 2099 (Jake Gallows), Weapon H (Clayton Cortez of Earth-616)

Purpose: To serve Ultron

Aliases: "Killer Robots"

Affiliations: The Public Eye;
    formerly Alchemax (Tyler Stone, others)

: Doom 2099 (Victor von Doom), Punisher 2099 (Jake Gallows), the Savage Avengers of Earth-616 (Anti-Venom/"Flash" Thompson, Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Cloak/Tyrone Johnson, Dagger/Tandy Bowen, Daredevil/Elektra Natchios, Deathlok/Miles Morales of Earth-807128, Weapon H/Clayton Cortez), the Savage Avengers 2099 (Bloodhawk, Ghost Rider 2099, La Lunatica, Ravage 2099, Spider-Man 2099, Strange 2099)

Base of Operations: The former Alchemax offices, Nueva York, USA

First Appearance: (a Deathlok mentioned) Savage Avengers II#5 (November, 2022);
    (fully seen as a group) Savage Avengers II#6 (December, 2022)

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)) - In 2067 A.D., corporate wars ran rampant across the United States after the Alchemax corporation successfully reverse engineered its first Deathlok technology strain from the severed arm of a Deathlok (Miles Morales) temporal counterpart of Earth-807128 that had been confiscated from a superhero battle during the modern era. Soon after, Alchemax CEO Tyler Stone introduced Formula-D to the world, a nanotech solution that could convert human corpses into Deathlok cyborgs, and he quickly utilized the newly-created Deathloks against his corporate competition. Fearful of Alchemax's dominance, Stark-Fujikawa reactivated the ancient artificial intelligence Ultron, who took over the Deathloks and ultimately transformed over 75% of humanity into his Deathlok soldiers. Leader of his so-called Machine Empire, Ultron became known to his soldiers as the Prime Deathlok.

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron considered the Deathloks as the perfect bridge between humanity and machines.

(Savage Avengers II#9 (fb)) - At some point, Ultron flooded a human colony with Formula-D, transforming all of its residents into Deathloks. The newly-transformed Deathloks breached the colony's walls, allowing more Deathloks to enter and attack those not transformed. Unaware of the body count or payload of the attack, patrolman Jake Gallows rushed to his colony home and fought the Deathloks, demanding to know where his family was and what the Deathloks had done to them. Gallows battled the Deathloks but was overwhelmed by a particular Deathlok. The Deathloks then continued their attack on the colony, apprehending some of the residents and killing others. Seeing the colony being overrun by Deathloks renewed Gallows' vigor and he shot down one of the Deathloks, only to realize the Deathlok was his transformed son Dean. Seeing her son killed provoked Anji Gallows to overcome her own Deathlok programming just as Jake Gallows stabbed her in the heart. When Anji cried out for Dean, a horrified Jake Gallows realized he had killed his own transformed wife Anji. Immediately apologizing, Jake was told by his mortally wounded wife how good of a father and husband he was before she begged that she could not live her life as a Deathlok. Jake then shot Anji dead, putting her out of her misery.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)) - Blaming the Deathloks for taking his family from him, Jake Gallows swore he would punish those responsible.

(Savage Avengers II#8 (fb)) - While burying his wife and son, Jake Gallows took a vow to take down as many Deathloks as he could to punish them for taking his family.

(Savage Avengers II#9 (fb) - BTS) - Rededicating his life to punishing all Deathloks, Gallows took the identity of the Punisher and spent years battling Deathloks using every weapon at his disposal.

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - Eventually, much of the world succumbed to the Deathlok plague created by Formula-D and Ultron became the ruler of the world.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron turned the radioactive Hellrock into a prison camp for those resisting his rule and installed a Deathlok-transformed M.O.D.O.K. as the warden, complete with a small army of Deathloks to act as his guards.

(Savage Avengers II#8 (fb)) - In 2091 A.D., the Prime Deathlok Ultron led an army of Deathloks in a massive siege on the nation of Latveria with Ultron personally battling Doom and ordering him to surrender the codes to the Latverian missile silos. Surrounded by Deathloks, Doom pressed a subsonic trigger for the Latverian defense grid, the Iron Front, activating a battalion of ancient Doombots to battle the Deathloks outside while Ultron and the other Deathloks beat him down.

(Savage Avengers II#5 - BTS) - When Earth-616's Savage Avengers attempted to time travel from their reality's Hyborian era (in which they were stranded) to their present day, their member Deathlok (Miles Morales of Earth-807128) overshot their time jump and ended up stranding the team in the divergent future of Earth-22925 circa 2099 A.D., where they were almost immediately attacked by Punisher 2099, who admitted he had never seen a sentient Deathlok before and demanded to know who they were.

(Savage Avengers II#6) - Punisher then pursued the Savage Avengers as they attempted to escape, noting to himself that if the Savage Avengers were planning something with a Deathlok, they deserved what was coming to them. The Prime Deathlok, Ultron, soon noticed the Savage Avengers on surveillance cameras and deduced that they were time-travelers, ordering Deathloks to kill them all and deliver Earth-807128's Deathlok to him. A short time later, as the Savage Avengers were attempting to raid the former Avengers Mansion, a small group of Deathloks attacked them, announcing that the Savage Avengers had been charged with crimes against the Prime Deathlok's machine empire. Upon seeing the Deathloks, Earth-616's Daredevil asked if they were friends of her teammate, Deathlok-807128, but Deathlok-807128 replied in the negative, insisting that they were all in terrible danger and expressing worries that he had broken the timestream. The Savage Avengers were subsequently rescued by Punisher 2099, who revealed that if the Prime Deathlok wanted them dead, they might be useful to the Punisher. The Deathloks quickly regrouped and summoned reinforcements but Punisher took out three of them with sidewinder shots. Punisher was quickly overwhelmed but Deathlok-807128 came to his aid, asking Punisher if he ever had a Deathlok save his life before as he helped take down more of the Earth-22925 Deathloks. The Deathloks continued coming though, eventually overwhelming both Punisher and Deathlok-807128, but the Savage Avengers helped turn the tide by utilizing ancient weapons raided from the former Avengers Mansion. While most Deathloks were destroyed in the ensuing battle, some made their way back to Ultron.

(Savage Avengers II#7) - After the Savage Avengers and Punisher infiltrated Ultron's stronghold via cyberspace, a group of Deathlok watched Ultron interrogate a human working for his Public Eye surveillance group to learn how the Savage Avengers had gotten past his defenses. Upon learning the Savage Avengers had entered through cyberspace, Ultron killed the human and ordered his Deathloks to bring him the Savage Avengers, suggesting they bring every Deathlok on the grid if they had to. Learning from Ultron's network that Doom 2099 was being held in Hellrock prison camp, the Savage Avengers infiltrated Hellrock disguised as prisoners of Deathlok-807128, who used a stolen authentication code to get past the Deathlok guards. The Deathloks quickly discovered the ruse however and attacked the heroes while Weapon H, Dagger and Anti-Venom attempted to take down warden D.EA.T.H.D.O.K. During the battle, the Deathloks unleashed the patchwork Deathlok, Jigsaw 2099, and the Savage Avengers were soon on the verge of being overwhelmed. Just before being overtaken, however, Cloak transported Punisher 2099 into Hellrock, who raged into battle declaring open season on all Deathloks. D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. quickly downed most of the Savage Avengers by telepathically attacking their nervous systems but Deathlok-807128 defeated D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. after overcoming the telepathic assault due to his synthetic nervous system, allowing Dagger to free Doom 2099.

(Savage Avengers II#8) - Doom 2099 then led the Savage Avengers towards Latveria to acquire his Time-Array Gauntlet in hopes of using the gauntlet to travel back to prevent the divergent of Earth-22925 and during the trip, Punisher expressed his desire to take down as many of Ultron's Deathlok as he could. As they approached Latveria, however, Deathloks attacked from the ground and one hit the Savage Avengers' transport jet with heavy artillery, downing it. When the injured Savage Avengers emerged from the jet, they were surrounded by Deathloks, only to be rescued by Doom. The Savage Avengers and their allies then made their way to the lost fortress of Tiger Wylde to retrieve the Time-Array Gauntlet but Doom's attempt to retrieve the Gauntlet was met with neural feedback and the group found themselves surrounded by Ultron and another large group of Deathloks. Ultron, inspired by the idea of using the Gauntlet himself to time-travel and conquer other time periods, quickly murdered most of the Savage Avengers and while Punisher and Deathlok-807128 escaped, Ultron placed the Savage Avengers' corpses into vats of Formula-D to transform them into loyal Deathlok soldiers.

(Savage Avengers II#9) - The transformed Deathlok Savage Avengers were soon sent after Punisher and Deathlok-807128 and when they found the duo in the sewers attempting to sneak into Ultron's Alchemax headquarters, they attacked, charging Deathlok-807128 and Punisher with crimes against the Machine Empire. The two fought back but the Savage Avengers easily overpowered the duo until Doom 2099 intervened to save them, holding off the Savage Avengers to buy Deathlok-807128 and Punisher time to infiltrate Alchemax. The Savage Avengers eventually overwhelmed Doom as well but when Punisher mentioned how the Savage Avengers were plugged into Ultron's network, Deathlok-807128 was inspired to reach into cyberspace to appeal to the Savage Avengers' digitized personalities. While Punisher held off arriving Deathloks, Deathlok-807128 appealed to the Savage Avengers' original personalities housed in cyberspace but when more Deathloks arrived, Punisher, recalling the deaths of his family, parted ways with Deathlok-807128 in an effort to make good on his promise to punish those responsible for his family's deaths. Promising to buy Deathlok-807128 as much time as he still could, the Punisher rushed headlong into the small army of attacking Deathloks and pulled the pins on two grenades, taking as many of the Deathloks with him as the grenades exploded. Ultron then caught up to Deathlok-807128, severing his connection from cyberspace and threatening to destroy him, unaware that Deathlok-807128 had succeeded in reaching the Savage Avengers' original digital personalities, who took over their physical bodies and used the Formula-D tanks to restore their original human bodies.

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - While simultaneously battling Deathlok-807128, Ultron arranged for the corpse of Punisher 2099 to be transformed into a Deathlok under his control.

(Savage Avengers II#10) - The restored Savage Avengers engaged Ultron, who tossed Deathlok-807128 aside and unleashed Deathloks against the heroes. As the Savage Avengers battled the Deathloks, Doom 2099 attempted to stop Ultron, who managed to open a temporal portal into Earth-616's past using Doom's Time-Array Gauntlet. Ultron soon unleashed the Deathlok Punisher against Doom while the overwhelmed Savage Avengers managed to open Ultron's southwestern holding cells, releasing several of Ultron's heroic captives. The two groups of heroes then charged head-on into battle against the Deathloks. During the fight, Black Knight battled Ultron's consciousness in cyberspace while Doom continued to fight the Deathlok Punisher. Deathlok-807128 ultimately appealed to Punisher's humanity, reminding him of his family and why he became the Punisher. Punisher then broke free of his Deathlok programming and destroyed the Time-Array Gauntlet, only to learn that Ultron's temporal portal had become self-sustaining. As the battle against Ultron and his Deathloks raged to a crescendo, Deathlok-807128 used his Web-Shooters to pull his own severed arm through the temporal portal and into Earth-22925, where he destroyed it, effectively preventing the divergence on Earth-616 that led to the creation of Earth-22925. As the Earth-616 timeline righted itself, Earth-616's Savage Avengers were restored to their proper time period of Earth-616 while Deathlok-807128 was restored to his original human form by Reality-616's Uatu the Watcher and returned to his own Earth-807128 timeline.

Comments: Created by David Pepose and Carlos Magno.

    At various points during the Savage Avengers storyarc featuring the Deathloks, Ultron's armies were referred to as the Machine Empire but I believe that name is more a name for Ultron's overall control of the world. In other words, the Machine Empire would not be an alias of the Deathloks but rather, the Deathloks were a part of the Machine Empire.

    We don't actually see Earth-22925's Alchemax, other than Tyler Stone himself and Alchemax's old headquarters that Ultron uses as a base. It's mentioned quite a bit though. While we do see some Alchemax scientists circa the modern era in Savage Avengers II#6, those would actually be scientists for the modern era Earth-616 Alchemax prior to the divergence of Earth-22925 from Earth-616's timeline. We see the scientists looking at the acquired severed arm of Deathlok-807128 but we later know that after that, Deathlok-807128 pulls the severed arm and destroys it on Earth-22925, preventing the Earth-22925 future from occurring on Earth-616 and diverging it into its own reality. So to reiterate, since the Earth-22925 future was prevented from occurring on Earth-616 after we see those scientists, the scientists we do see would be Earth-616 natives. We never actually see Earth-22925's Alchemax.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-22925's Deathloks have no known connections to:


Alchemax was a modern era corporation that discovered the severed arm of a temporal counterpart of Earth-807128's Deathlok and spent years reverse engineering the technology. By 2067 A.D., Alchemax had created the Formula-D nanotech solution that could transform human corpses into Deathlok cyborgs and Alchemax CEO Tyler Stone went public with the Formula, soon using Deathloks against his financial competitors. Forced by Alchemax's dominance, competitor Stark-Fujikawa activated ancient AI Ultron, who quickly took control of the Deathloks and subsequently the world, operating out of the old Alchemax corporate headquarters.

--Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) - BTS

Tyler Stone

Tyler Stone was the Alchemax corporate CEO and after Alchemax discovered the severed arm of a temporal counterpart of Earth-807128's Deathlok, they spent years reverse engineering the technology to create nanotech Formula-D in 2067 A.D., which was capable of transforming human corpses into Deathlok cyborgs. Unveiling Formula-D publicly, Tyler Stone used the Formula to create Deathloks that he then utilized against his corporate competitors, soon forcing desperate competitor Stark-Fujikawa into activating the ancient artificial intelligence Ultron as an alternative to Formula-D.

--Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)

images: (without ads)
Savage Avengers II#6, p12, pan2 (group of Deathloks, main image)
Savage Avengers II#6, p13, pan3 (Deathloks, headshots)
Savage Avengers II#9, p13, pan1 (Deathloks busting through a wall)
Savage Avengers II#10, front cover (Deathloks floating towards the ground)
Savage Avengers II#7, p1, pan2 (Tyler Stone)

Savage Avengers II#5 (November, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#6 (December, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#7 (January, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#8 (February, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#9 (March, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#10 (April, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 08/20/2024
Last updated: 08/20/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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