Membership: Deathlok (All-Rider ally), Deathlok (Celestial), Deathlok (Miles Morales of Earth-807128) (see comments), numerous Deathlok cyborgs from across the Multiverse not identified by any name other than Deathlok

Purpose: To protect the Multiverse

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Avenger Prime (Loki Laufeyson of Earth-18201);
    Earth-616 natives:
The Avengers of Earth-616 (Black Panther/T'Challa, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Echo/Maya Lopez, Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Namor the Sub-Mariner/Namor McKenzie, Starbrand/Brandy Selby, Thor/Thor Odinson, Valkyrie/Jane Foster), Mr. Horse

Enemies: Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards of Earth-6311) and his Pythian servants, the Multiversal Masters of Evil (Black Skull/Johann Shmidt of Earth-21798, Dark Phoenix/Raven Darkholme of Earth-14412, Doom Supreme/Victor von Doom of Earth-22215, Ghost Goblin/Norman Osborn of Earth-45863, Hound/Logan of Earth-83466, Kid Thanos, King Killmonger of Earth-36054), the Thunderer of Reality-83466

Base of Operations: Avengers Tower, the God Quarry, inside of a black hole

First Appearance: Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (October, 2021)

(Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Deathloks were created from the corpses of those lost in the outer ether of the God Quarry using cybernetic parts that allowed them to withstand the rigors of time and reality travel, with no Deathloks ever recalling their original identities. Serving Reality-18201's Multiversal guardian Avenger Prime, the Deathloks willingly followed his orders in an effort to seek one last chance at redemption, acting as marshals of space and time.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb) - BTS) - The Deathloks became Avenger Prime's most trusted soldiers.

(Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1) - When Reality-18201's Avenger Prime registered chronal collapse shockwaves throughout the Multiverse, he summoned all of his Deathlok agents for a priority omega alert. Ordering them all into the field, Avenger Prime revealed their mission to travel to the various realities of the Multiverse and send back reconnaissance reports from every charted reality. He also ordered them all to warn the Avengers of the realities they visited about the chronal shockwaves and potential threat that was causing the shockwaves. Avenger Prime then asked the Deathloks to watch themselves out in the Multiverse before releasing them to their mission. The Deathloks then all departed to their various assigned realities, saluting Avenger Prime as they left, with Avenger Prime saluting back and wishing them godspeed. As the Deathloks approached the Multiversal super flow, they split up, each heading towards their assigned reality with Deathloks moving towards Earth-616, Earth-1372, Earth-9930, Earth-10222 and Earth-81788, among others. The Deathlok sent to Earth-10222 found himself instead in barren wasteland, where he was quickly attacked by the Multiversal Masters of Evil. The Masters badly injured the Deathlok and with his dying breaths, he sent a warning out to all alternate Earths that the Multiversal Masters of Evil were coming to destroy them.

(Avengers VII#52 (fb) - BTS) - The Multiversal Masters of Evil began to hunt the Deathloks across the Multiverse. After destroying thousands of Deathloks, the Masters tracked the last remaining Deathloks to Earth-616.

(Avengers VII#50 (fb) - BTS) - One of the Deathloks that had arrived on Earth-616 went to the old Avengers Mansion and was found by paramedics, who assumed he was deceased. The paramedics then brought the Deathlok to the morgue at the McCarthy Medical Institute in New York.

(Avengers VII#50) - When the Deathlok sat up and began talking, morgue employee Rudy summoned Dr. Jane Foster, thinking she might be familiar with what exactly the Deathlok was due to her dual identity as Valkyrie. Upon seeing Dr. Foster, the Deathlok introduced himself as an interuniversal agent of Avenger Prime and announced his intent to bring a warning of Multiversal massacre. He then scanned the area for Avengers and detected Jane Foster as Valkyrie, who claimed she was not currently an Avenger. The Deathlok looked at Valkyrie and grimly replied "Not yet." Not long after, still on Earth-616, Namor the Sub-Mariner appeared at Avengers Mountain in an attempt to broker peace between himself and the Avengers by revealing that he had found another Deathlok skulking around Atlantis. Namor threw the Deathlok onto the ground and while Black Panther admitted he had never seen that particular Deathlok, the Deathlok announced that it had reached a nexus point and began scanning for Avengers. Quickly detecting the Avengers present, the Deathlok announced that it had detected an Omni-Avenger, at which point Robbie Reyes uncontrollably transformed into Ghost Rider and disappeared with the Deathlok in a fit of panic. Moments later, Valkyrie appeared at Avengers Mountain with the Deathlok she had encountered, hoping they might be able to assist her. The Deathlok with Valkyrie scanned the area for Omni-Avengers but found none present.

    Appearing on Earth-818, Ghost Rider and the Deathlok present with him viewed the wasteland and the Deathlok revealed how the entire reality had diverged from what should have been a 21st century midtown Manhattan landscape. Admitting that he had been having dreams of other reality Ghost Riders being killed, Robbie asked the Deathlok who the killers are and was told about the Multiversal Masters of Evil and how the Deathloks were tasked with bringing a warning about the Masters to Earth-616's Avengers. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Earth-818's armored War Machines, who attempted to arrest them, only to be destroyed by Ghost Rider and the Deathlok.

(Avengers VII#51) - Another Deathlok appeared on Reality-616 in Asgard, arriving just as the Multiversal Masters of Evil attacked. Using his temporal shields, Deathlok managed to briefly spare himself and Reality-616's Thor and Iron Man from the attack. Revealing his presence to Thor and Iron Man, the Deathlok explained that his shields would not protect them for very long and he began to warn them about the Multiversal Masters of Evil's attacks on the Multiverse before he was impaled by Earth-83466's Hound. The Multiversal Masters' Dark Phoenix and King Killmonger arrived behind the Hound and during their battle against Iron Man and Thor, Dark Phoenix destroyed the flesh parts of the Deathlok. More Deathloks soon arrived and Dark Phoenix immediately sensed their presence, remarking that they could not hide from her. The Deathloks all converged on Dark Phoenix, firing their weapons at her and announcing that they were not afraid to die, and Dark Phoenix fired a blast of cosmic flame at the Deathloks, only for the Deathloks to be protected by the arrival of Earth-616's Phoenix host, Maya Lopez. As the battle progressed, one of the Deathloks informed Iron Man that the Multiversal Masters of Evil were not native to Earth-616 and how the Masters were hunting the Deathloks across the Multiverse because the Deathloks had been dispatched by Avenger Prime to warn the realities of the Masters' atrocities against the Multiverse. The Deathlok then began explaining how the Multiversal Masters planned to target Earth-616's genesis point and its original protectors, but before the warning could continue, King Killmonger hurled his Stormslayer axe into the Deathlok, cutting him in half. Another Deathlok jumped in to attack King Killmonger, continuing the message of the one killed by Killmonger, but he was equally destroyed when King Killmonger punched through the Deathlok's chest. Continuing the warning, another Deathlok attacked Dark Phoenix and had his face burned off by the Phoenix. As more Deathloks fell in battle, other Deathloks picked up their warning message and continued it as they assisted in the battle against the Multiversal Masters of Evil. The final two Deathloks present were soon captured by Dark Phoenix but they were dropped when Dark Phoenix was blasted by Iron Man. The Deathloks continued their warning until they were incinerated by the arrival of Dark Phoenix's Berserker Thor.

(Timeless I#1) - Just as the time-traveling Kang the Conqueror sensed a counterpart of Doctor Doom to be behind recent temporal anomalies, a group of Avenger Prime's Deathloks arrived in Kang's Oracle Base and attacked. Assuming the Deathloks thought he was behind the anomalies, Kang fought back and killed all of the Deathloks present. His Pythian servants quickly reported that more Deathloks were warping into their temporal zone and that Oracle Base was overrun, prompting Kang to transport himself and his reluctant ally, Earth-616's Dr. Anatoly Petrov, from the Base. As he opened the portal, Kang remarked that he would have to deal with the Deathloks' master, Avenger Prime, soon enough.

(Avengers VII#52) - While in Strawberry Hill, Kansas City, Kansas, Earth-616 Avengers Captain America, Captain Marvel and Starbrand were approached by another group of Deathloks. Captain America immediately recognized them as Deathloks but the Deathloks assured the Avengers that they meant no harm and that they served the greater good of Avenger Prime. They then announced that they had come seeking the greatest Avenger of all before kneeling in front of the bewildered child Starbrand and asking for sanctuary from those who would seek to see their warnings go unheard. As the Deathloks were speaking, the severed head of Spirit of Vengeance was hurled in their path and one of the Deathloks managed to announce the arrival of the Multiversal Masters of Evil, Earth-45863's Ghost Goblin and Earth-21798's Black Skull, before the severed skull exploded, destroying three Deathloks. When Black Skull strangled one of the surviving Deathloks to death, Captain America and Captain Marvel intervened. Happily fighting Captain America, the Black Skull gloated about his true identity as the former Red Skull before several more Deathloks appeared and attacked the Skull. The Deathloks admitted their honor in fighting alongside Captain America and they continued firing on the Black Skull as Cap attempted to no avail to communicate with Avengers Mountain. During the fight, one of the Deathloks remarked that they should not have led the Multiversal Masters of Evil to Earth-616 but another commented with skepticism of Earth-616's Multiversal importance, suggesting most of their heroes were either tarnished, diminished or unrealized. As the Deathlok further commented his opinion that Earth-616's best days were behind it, the Black Skull cut two other Deathloks in half, killing them. The two Deathloks discussing Earth-616 continued their discussion, with the skeptical one asking what made Earth-616 so special when the Multiversal Masters had already destroyed numerous counterparts of the Avengers present on Earth-616, prompting the other Deathlok to remind the skeptical one about the Starbrand.

    Eventually, only one Deathlok was left standing alongside Captain America, Captain Marvel and Starbrand and Captain Marvel ordered Starbrand to get the surviving Deathlok to safety. Instead using her powers to burn out the explosive Spirit of Vengeance skulls hurled by the Ghost Goblin, Starbrand aged with the use of her power, saving her teammates and the Deathlok while Ghost Goblin and the Black Skull escaped.

(Avengers VII#53) - The surviving Deathlok was brought to Avengers Mountain, where he informed the Black Panther of Earth-22215's Doom Supreme and his impending attack on the Mountain. When the Black Panther, more focused on the attack than what the Deathlok was saying, mentioned not be able to locate Ghost Rider, the Deathlok explained that Ghost Rider had left Reality-616 and noted that he might be able to assist Earth-616's Avengers if he were allowed to interface with the mind of the Celestial Avengers Mountain. Before Black Panther could respond, the Deathlok admitted knowledge that the Black Panther was unsure of allowing him access to Avengers Mountain since he had just met the random Deathlok moments earlier, further remarking that Avenger Prime had informed him that Black Panther would know the Deathloks spoke true because the dead could not lie to their king. As the Deathlok reiterated that Avenger Prime had sent the Deathloks out to warn the Multiverse of the Multiversal Masters of Evil's attacks, Black Panther realized the Deathlok was indeed speaking the truth and agreed to give the Deathlok anything he needed to help. The Multiversal Masters' Kid Thanos soon blasted his way into Avengers Mountain and demanded that the Deathlok and all inhabitants of Avengers Mountain submit to his will. Namor immediately punched Kid Thanos, buying Valkyrie and the talking Mr. Horse time to get the Deathlok to the brain of Avengers Mountain. Doom Supreme intercepted them, blasting the Deathlok from Mr. Horse and attacking the Deathlok's mind, but Valkyrie used her Undrjarn All-Weapon to create wings to fly Deathlok to the Avengers Mountain brain. Once there, the Deathlok reported back to the Avengers that he'd made it and connected himself to Avengers Mountain's Celestial brain. Proclaiming that he was once a lost soul who had been given purpose by Avenger Prime, the Deathlok admitted he had did not wish to lose himself once more but was willing to do so if it meant the end of the Multiversal Masters' slaughter of realities. Speaking directly to the Celestial, the Deathlok remarked that the Deathloks' warning had been heard and while the Deathloks alone would not be enough to stop the Masters, the Celestial being used as Avengers Mountain could be enough to turn the tide if he could awaken its brain. He then tried to awaken the Celestial but was interrupted when several mines placed within Avengers Mountain exploded.

(Avengers VII#54) - Captain America, Captain Marvel and Starbrand lost connection to Avengers Mountain as they flew back from Kansas City and when Captain Marvel discussed how Starbrand had aged when she used her full power, the surviving Deathlok with them explained that Starbrand had sacrificed years of her life to save his. He then began to comment that he would do everything in his power as a Deathlok to ensure her sacrifice was not in vain but his words were interrupted when a hole was blasted through his midsection in an attack on the Avengers Quinjet from Reality-83466's Thunderer. As Avengers Thor and Echo flew to aid their comrades, Black Panther and Namor held up some of the debris of Avengers Mountain long enough for Valkyrie to find the mortally wounded Deathlok that had been trying to interface with Avengers Mountain. Finding large pieces of debris impaling the Deathlok, Valkyrie prepared to perform immediate surgery and asked for Black Panther and Namor to continue holding up the rest of the debris until she could save the Deathlok's life. Watching the destroyed Avengers Mountain from a distance, Doom Supreme soon confirmed to the other Multiversal Masters of Evil that the final Deathlok was deceased and proclaimed the hunt of the Deathloks ended. Reality-616 demon Mephisto soon appeared to Doom Supreme and berated Doom for interfering with Earth-616 but Doom Supreme assured Mephisto that the Deathloks had to be hunted and the timeline of Earth-616 remained unchanged for the moment, reminding Mephisto that his arrangement with the demon remained intact. The Multiversal Masters and Mephisto soon departed the scene and shortly after, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Thor and Echo arrived to assist their fellow Avengers in the wreckage of Avengers Mountain.

    The Avengers eventually got the remains of the Deathlok in Avengers Mountain to the medical bay, where Valkyrie connected the Deathlok to the Celestial necro-tech in Avengers Mountain. The technology provided life support to the Deathlok, keeping what was left of his body breathing, but Valkyrie found no brain activity. Iron Man commented that the Avengers had failed the Deathloks, as they had come to Earth-616 to warn them of impending danger and they were slaughtered in front of the Avengers' eyes. Black Panther assured Iron Man that the Deathloks' warnings were nonetheless heard and what mattered most was what the Avengers did with the warnings. They then departed to prepare for the upcoming dangers, unaware that the Deathlok's mind was trapped within the broken and weakened Celestial body that made up Avengers Mountain. The Deathlok thought to himself how he would avenge the other destroyed Deathloks no matter how long it took.

(Avengers VII#65 - BTS) - Thinking back on his past, Avenger Prime recalled the Deathloks as being his most trusted soldiers but was saddened upon thinking how they were all destroyed. Inspired by the Deathloks' sacrifices, Avenger Prime donned the helm of a Multiversal Thor counterpart in preparation of making first in-person contact with Earth-616's Avengers.

(Avengers Forever II#15 - BTS) - During a massive battle between Avenger Prime's Multiversal Avengers, Earth-616's modern day and prehistoric Avengers, the Multiversal Masters of Evil and the Reality-616 demon Mephisto, the last surviving Deathlok managed to interface enough with Avengers Mountain to control its body and join in the fight, thinking to himself how he had, in effect, become a Celestial with a gun the size of the grave that housed his fallen comrades-in-arms, which he used to blast Mephisto.

(Avengers Assemble Omega#1 - BTS) - As the battle progressed and Mephisto cracked part of the First Firmament, accessing the energies from the prior Multiverse, the assembled Avengers let the Deathlok/Avengers Mountain take center stage in an attempt to plug the rupture of the First Firmament and Avenger Prime expressed joy in seeing the last of his loyal Deathloks returning to his post as the Deathloks had so often done in the past. Despite this joy, Avenger Prime warned that the act made yet mean the death of the Deathlok, to which the Deathlok/Avengers Mountain replied that, as a Deathlok, he had already been killed before and it hadn't stopped him.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron and Iban Coello.

    This profile is intended as a group profile on the Deathloks as a whole not the individual Deathloks. Appearances of only a single Deathlok (for example, the one who assisted Ghost Rider-616 and the one who was linked to Avengers Mountain) will not be included here unless they reference the Deathloks as a group and are better saved for a profile on that particular Deathlok, as several of the Deathloks had independent actions elsewhere and, while they were still part of the larger Deathloks group, their solo appearances would not be considered an appearance of the Deathloks as a group, in my opinion. For example, one of the Avenger Prime Deathloks appears in Avengers Forever II#6 and other issues of that series but he is acting individually with Earth-616's Ghost Rider apart from the Deathloks as a group and his individual appearances are better left for a profile on that particular Deathlok rather than the group.

    The realities in which each of the Deathloks have not yet been revealed as of the writing of this profile on 7/23/2024 and frankly, most (though not all) of the Deathloks in this group looked near-identical so it's a bit difficult to determine which was which a majority of the time. Some exceptions are the Deathloks resembling Captain America and Black Widow seen in Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 but like all of these Deathloks, they were never actually identified.

    While not clearly stated (I think? I'll have to re-read the series!), it seems likely that the Deathlok (Miles Morales of Earth-807128) from the second volume of Savage Avengers was one of Avenger Prime's Deathloks tasked with safeguarding the timestream.
    Update 8/7/2024: Savage Avengers II#1 confirms that Earth-807128's Miles Morales was indeed a member of the Multiversal Deathloks. While most of the Deathloks were killed, Miles was ultimately restored to his original human form. --Proto-Man

    We see a Deathlok being assigned and transporting to Earth-616 in Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 though we aren't told which Deathlok is the one being sent there. We later see several Deathloks appear on Earth-616 to warn the Avengers about the Multiversal Masters of Evil and certainly, one of them must be the same Deathlok originally assigned to investigate chronal shockwaves on Earth-616. For the purposes of this profile, I chose to make the assumption that the Deathlok originally assigned to Earth-616 is the same Deathlok who ultimately becomes the last surviving Multiversal Deathlok when it merges with the Celestial Avengers Mountain. As such, I've included that Free Comic Book Day appearance in the subprofile of that Celestial Deathlok below. One could argue that the Deathlok assigned to Earth-616 in Free Comic Book Day: Avengers/Hulk#1 could be any of the Deathloks we later see on Earth-616 but again, I simply made the assumption they were one and the same for the purposes of this profile. If something later definitively states that they are not one and the same, I'll update this profile to reflect that information.

Profile by Proto-Man.

The Deathloks have no known connections to:

Deathlok (All-Rider ally)

The Deathlok that allied himself with Earth-616's Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes was originally dispatched to Earth-616 as part of a larger group of Deathloks sent to warn Earth-616's Avengers about the impending threat of the Multiversal Masters of Evil. Appearing in Atlantis, this Deathlok was found by Namor the Sub-Mariner, who brought the Deathlok to the Avengers as a peace offering to make amends with the team after having recent fought against them. Avengers leader Black Panther immediately recognized the cyborg as a Deathlok but admittedly did not recognize the specific Deathlok. Upon being tossed on the ground in front of the Avengers, the Deathlok scanned the area for Avengers and quickly announced the location of an Omni-Avenger in the form of Robbie Reyes. Deathlok's announcement forced an uncontrolled transformation of Robbie into his Ghost Rider form and Ghost Rider was immediately transported away in a burst of hellfire, taking the Deathlok with him. Arriving on the barren, divergent Earth-818, Robbie (now back in his human form) questioned if the Deathlok had brought him to a reality where a Ghost Rider had been murdered and the Deathlok replied that they had been brought to a reality whose entire age of heroes had been murdered and its timeline diverged into a wasteland. The Deathlok further revealed that it was Robbie's Spirit of Vengeance that had transported them there and he began to warn Robbie about the Multiversal Masters of Evil before he was interrupted by the appearance of Earth-818's War Machine soldiers, who demanded they surrender both themselves and Robbie's Hell Charger vehicle. Rather than surrender, Deathlok and Ghost Rider fought back, forcing the War Machines to flee. Deathlok then accompanied Ghost Rider in pursuing the War Machines to the human-burning Crematrain, where they freed the humans being held captive aboard the train. Deathlok then joined Ghost Rider in pulling the humans on the train to safety  until they were met by Earth-818's ruler, Earth-21798's Black Skull, who imprisoned them both. Deathlok remained chained in his cell as the Black Skull continuously tortured Ghost Rider and the Deathlok helped Ghost Rider stay strong to survive his torture, reminding him of his importance to the Multiverse and ensuring that he did not forget his humanity. Deathlok ultimately wired himself into Ghost Rider's nervous system, feeling the brunt of the pain Ghost Rider felt from the torture in an effort to keep Ghost Rider alive. The duo was eventually rescued by Earth-818's Ant-Man and while Ant-Man and Ghost Rider fought their way past the Black Skull, Ant-Man had his robotic ant Shellhead get the weary Deathlok to safety. Once Ghost Rider's Hell Charger was freed, Deathlok accompanied Ghost Rider and Ant-Man out of the Black Skull's prison, leaving Black Skull to die without his alien symbiote.

After freeing Earth-818 from the Black Skull's rule and rescuing Ant-Man's allies from other Red Skull counterparts, Deathlok suggested Ant-Man and Ghost Rider leave Earth-818 to continue the mission of stopping the Multiversal Masters of Evil. The trio then traveled the Multiverse seeking recruits for an Avengers army to battle the Multiversal Masters of Evil. When Ghost Rider opted to take on the Multiversal Masters of Evil alone, the Deathlok and Ant-Man followed, saving Ghost Rider from completely giving up his humanity to destroy the Multiversal Masters' leader, Doom Supreme. Ordering Ant-Man to get Ghost Rider to safety, the Deathlok sacrificed himself to buy the two time to escape.

--Avengers VII#50 (Avengers Forever II#1-4, #6-7, #10-11d,

Deathlok (Celestial)

The Deathlok that later merged with the inactive Celestial that made up Earth-616's Avengers Mountain was originally an agent of Avenger Prime like all of the other Multiversal Deathloks. He was one of several Deathloks dispatched to various alternate realities after Avenger Prime registered chronal shockwaves in multiple realities. Tasked with investigated Earth-616, this Deathlok traveled through the Multiversal Superflow towards Earth-616 but after another Deathlok was killed on a barren wasteland reality diverged from Earth-10222 by the Multiversal Masters of Evil, this Deathlok's mission changed from investigating the chronal shockwaves to warning their assigned reality's Avengers about the impending threat of the Multiversal Masters of Evil. This Deathlok soon managed to make its way to the former Avenger Valkyrie (Jane Foster) and Valkyrie brought the Deathlok to the Avengers on her flying horse, Mr. Horse. Upon arriving at Avengers Mountain, the Deathlok scanned the area for Omni-Avengers but found none as Valkyrie asked for the Avengers' help with the Deathlok. Deathlok remained in Avengers Mountain until the Mountain came under attack from the Multiversal Masters of Evil and as Black Panther frantically tried to handle the damage and noted that he still had no idea where his teammate Ghost Rider had been transported to, the Deathlok informed Black Panther that Ghost Rider was no longer in Reality-616 and could not assist the Avengers there. The Deathlok then suggested he could help by interfacing with the Celestial mind of Avengers Mountain, admitting knowledge that the Black Panther might not trust a random Deathlok he had just met. The Black Panther instead agreed to provide the Deathlok whatever he could and as he led the Deathlok towards the Celestial's brain, they were attacked by the Multiversal Masters' Kid Thanos, who ordered the Deathlok and Avengers present to surrender. The Avengers instead fought back while Valkyrie attempted to get the Deathlok to the Celestial brain on Mr. Horse. When the Multiversal Masters' leader, Doom Supreme, attacked the Deathlok, Valkyrie defended him and used her All-Weapon to create wings for the Deathlok to fly to the Celestial brain while she held off Doom Supreme. Once arriving at the brain, Deathlok reported back to the Avengers and sent the All-Weapon back to Valkyrie before jacking his computerized brain into that of the Celestial, willingly giving up his individuality to assist the Avengers. He then began trying to awaken the Celestial consciousness before Avengers Mountain suffered massive damage at the hands of the Multiversal Masters of Evil.

Severely injured in the Avengers Mountain explosions, the Deathlok had multiple pieces of debris impaling his body, forcing Valkyrie to excise the shrapnel at the cost of both of the Deathlok's legs and one of his arms. Despite the severe bodily injuries, the Deathlok remained breathing thanks to being plugged into the Celestial mind of Avengers Mountain. While Valkyrie noticed no brain activity, the Deathlok's consciousness had actually been uploaded into Avengers Mountain and he made himself a vow to avenge his fallen Deathloks no matter how long it took. Eventually, the Deathlok managed to merge his Deathlok protocols with the Celestial corpse that was Avengers Mountain and he assumed control of the Celestial to join in the battle against the Multiversal Masters of Evil and their mastermind, Reality-616's demon Mephisto. Joining the other Multiversal Avengers assembled at the God Quarry, the Celestial/Deathlok was instrumental in helping take down Mephisto, even sacrificing his hand in an attempt to hold back the energies of the First Firmament unleashed by the demon. Following Mephisto's defeat, the Deathlok allowed his Celestial body to be utilized as the new base of operations for Avenger Prime and the remaining Multiversal Avengers.

--Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (Avengers VII#50, #53-54, #66, Avengers Forever II#15, Avengers Assemble Omega#1,


Earth-1372 was one of the many alternate realities that the Deathloks were sent to observe following Avenger Prime's detection of chronal shockwaves.

--Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 - BTS


Earth-81788 was one of the many alternate realities that the Deathloks were sent to observe following Avenger Prime's detection of chronal shockwaves.

--Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 - BTS

images: (without ads)
Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1, p3, pan2 (Deathloks flying into action, main image)
Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1, p3, pan1 (Deathloks, headshots of group)
Avengers VII#51, p9, pan4 (Deathloks battling Earth-14412's Dark Phoenix)
Timeless I#1, p18, pan3 (Deathloks attacking Kang)
Avengers Forever II#11, p1, pan4 (Deathlok (All-Rider ally))
Avengers Forever II#15, p7, pan1 (Deathlok (Celestial))

Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (October, 2021) - "The Tower at the Center of Everything" story - Jason Aaron (writer), Iban Coello (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#50 (February, 2022) - "An Earth Unlike Any Other (Just Like All the Rest)" story - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Fonteriz, Ed McGuinness, Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#51 (February, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Timeless I#1 (February, 2022) - Jed MacKay (writer), Kev Walker, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#52 (March, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#53 (April, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#54 (May, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#65 (April, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#15 (May, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Mark Farmer, Frank Martin (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Assemble Omega#1 (June, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Dexter Vines, Ivan Fiorelli, Javier Garron, Jim Towe, Alex Sinclair (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 07/29/2024
Last updated: 08/07/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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