
Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-32960) human cyborg

Occupation: Actor

Group Membership: Unidentified movie studio

Affiliations: Unidentified women, unidentified director

Enemies: None known

Known Relatives: None known

Aliases: None known

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: What The--?! #17/4 (March, 1992)

Powers/Abilities: Deathlox is a cyborg, and while nothing is known about his powers and abilities, it's very likely that they are identical to those of Deathlox of Earth-9047, as he is his direct counterpart. Also, Deathlox, being an actor, is assumed to have certain acting skills (or at least charisma), thanks to which he became a Hollywood star.deathlox-32960-actor-cry

Height: Unrevealed (7'2"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (850 lbs; by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None

(What The--?! #17/4 - BTS) - Deathlox was an overweight cyborg who managed to become a Hollywood star with a ton of female fans. At one point in his career, he was supposed to star in a biopic about himself, which was pitched to an unidentified movie studio.

(What The--?! #17/4) - Deathlox was surrounded by women (including Sleepgawker of Earth-9047 in female form) when the director approached him to tell the good news: the producers had greenlit a movie about Deathlox's life. However, with every word the director said, it became clear that the film would not be what Deathlox had imagined. It was decided to change the title from Deathlox to Reanimated Cybernetic Killing Machine, since the marketers thought the original title was too "vague", and instead of showing the computer-link in Deathlox's brain, the studio decided to introduce a new character - a martial artist toddler as a sidekick. Deathlox was upset by this news and began to cry, worrying that his film was going to repeat the fate of the Captain America film, in which the origin of the main character was also radically changed.

Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell, Dan Day and David Day.

   Earth-32960 mirrors a dream that Deathlox of Earth-9047 had in What The--?! #17. Deathlox is physically identical to his Earth-9047 counterpart, but he is an actor rather than a homeless person. He is based on Michael Collins, but it is likely that in this reality he has a different name, presumably with a pun.

   Indignantly, Deathlox mentions the Captain America movie. This is a reference to the 1990 film that was panned by critics and fans and has since been largely forgotten. It's indeed a really weird experience that can only be recommended to die-hard fans who want to see and know everything, and also to people who enjoy watching old campy and cringey movies.

   In the infinite multiverse, there exists realities that match that dreams and meta-fiction (in-story fiction). See the sub-profile for Reanimated Cybernetic Killing Machine.

   The Captain America film, which Deathlox mentions and which also exists in the real world, takes place on Earth-697064.

Profile by Mike Castle with formatting assistance from HBK123.

Deathlox should be distinguished from:


    A Deathlok-esque Reanimated Cybernetic Killing Machine lacked a computer-link to his brain.

    He had a martial arts toddler for a sidekick

---What The--?!#17/4

Note: In the Infinite Multiverse, there exists a reality that mirrors that of the movie in which Deathlok-32960 was to star.

This reality (and the movie plot that mirrored it) were only described but not pictured.

images: (without ads)
What The--?! #17, p31, pan2 (main);
           panel 5 (crying)

What The--?!#17/4 (March, 1992) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Dan & David Day (artists), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)

First Posted: 09/01/2024
Last updated: 09/01/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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