Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/ClassExtradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-9047) human cyborg

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Ghost Writer, Pulverizer (Frank Casket), Sleepgawker, Wolvie

Enemies: None known

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: A park bench

First Appearance: What The--?!#17/4 (March, 1992)

Powers/Abilities: Deathlox is a cyborg with human and robotic body parts surgically joined together and controlled by a human brain linked to a CPU via encephalonic read/write technology. His skeleton is presumably made of Adam-Antium and his muscles and cartilage are a steel/Adam-Antium alloy. He is capable of pressing 85 tons though he rarely seems to lift any weights.

It is unknown whether the body was originally his own or if his mind had merely been transferred into this body's brain.

His body could apparently still process food, which resulted in a healthy appetite.

At some point he learned to be dark and edgy from the best in his reality.

Weapons? Maybe! Assumptions? A lot! Food? Unhealthy! Training? Not enough!

Height: Unrevealed (7'2"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (850 lbs.; by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown

(What The--?!#17/4 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlox was a cyborg with a history...not that we know any of it, but I can assure you that he had a past life. His past life didn't include a healthy diet.

(What The--?!#17/4) - Deathlox was homeless and sleeping on a park bench when Sleepgawker entered his mind to get a peek at his dreams. Deathlox dreamed of becoming a Hollywood star and getting his own movie about his life, but upon hearing about all the script changes he got scared that it would turn out as bad as the Captain America movie from 1990. Deathlox had a good cry in his dream while Sleepgawker left.

(What The--?!#19/1 (fb) - BTS) - Wolvie, Pulverizer and Ghost Writer teamed up to help Deathlox become more successful by becoming darker. As a result of their aid he received his own book-shelf series.

Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell, Dan & David Day.

This story was published around the time Michael Collins was active on Earth-616 as Deathlok. Deathlox was probably supposed to be a parody of Collins' version of Deathlok.

I used Deathlok's physical stats as basis for Deathlox's approximated height, but added a few extra pounds to his weight because he looked like he was training regularly at an all you can eat buffet.

It is Adam-Antium and not Adamantium on Earth-9047.

There is not much to this guy and I make fun of his weight even though I am out of shape myself. Am I a jerk? Sure! Deathlox is still fat. Not morbidly obese, but fat. Sue me!

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Deathlox has no known connection to:

images (without ads)
What The--?!#17, p31, pan1 (main)
What The--?!#19, p3, pan4 (head shot)

What The--?!#17/4 (March, 1992) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Dan & David Day (artists), Renée Witterstaetter (editor)
What The--?!#19 (July, 1992) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Rick Stasi (pencils), Mike DeCarlo (inks), Renée Witterstaetter (editor)

First Posted: 08/23/2024
Last updated: 08/23/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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