devereaux-teresa-7484-at34-upper devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-upperreddressTERESA DEVEREAUX

Real Name: Teresa Devereaux

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-7484) human;
    active circa 1991 A.D.

Occupation: CIA director

Group Membership: CIA (notably Coines, Dr. Holland and his associate, Tom)

Affiliations: Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning), Nina Ferry, Luther Manning clone, (CIA's; formerly held by Simon Ryker), Mike Travers, Dr. Wilcox

Enemies: Hellinger (Harlan Ryker), Simon Ryker;
    apparently the
Provisional Revolutionary Army;

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: CIA headquarters, Fort Dix, New Jersey

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#34 (March, 1976)


Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 135 lbs.)
Eyes: Dark green
Hair: Brown (sometimes dark brown or possibly even black)

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - After Mike Travers and Nina Ferry had been confronted by the Provisional Revolutionary Army, they parted company with the PRA and instead affiliated with the CIA and traveled to their Fort Dix headquarters.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Deathlok was set up in a trap by Hellinger, who sent him to allegedly recover Travers and Ferry from the PRA's base in Central Park's Belvedere Castle; however, Deathlok's right arm was blown off by a bomb that Hellinger had hooked him up with. Deathlok was incapacitated.

    <1/1/1991> - Wearing an exoskeleton, Mike Travers carried Deathlok to CIA headquarters after blowing up Belvedere Castle.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Nina Ferry probed the main computer banks and determined that Ryker was on his way to becoming omnipotent.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok's arm was rebuilt (and he was further restored from the injuries he had suffered battling War-Wolf, etc, bringing him back to 100% systems function and stabilizing his decay factor) over the course of two days. The CIA also implemented their own programming -- including a new input terminal in his right arm -- allowing them to control Deathlok's mobility, as well as some other functions to some degree. The CIA programming ensured that Deathlok would do anything to stop Simon Ryker. It also allowed them to see through Deathlok's eyes (or at least his bionic eye).

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - <1/3/1999> - Deathlok awakened but was immobilized until Teresa Devereaux, head of the CIA, introduced herself and apologized for his immobilization as a necessary precaution. She then restored his mobility and revealed his reprogramming before departing, leaving Travers to explain the situation.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Travers informed Deathlok that the CIA was fighting Ryker and that - as they thought Deathlok was their best chance of stopping Ryker -- they had rebuilt him and reprogrammed him to serve them. Deathlok could still  function as an individual, but only while serving the CIA against Ryker.

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - Teresa then returned and shared how Nina had revealed that Ryker was on his way to becoming omnipotent. She told Deathlok that they (the CIA) needed his help and that they had been caged for a long time and wanted out.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Deathlok flew a helicopter to Ryker's World Trade Center base where he found Ryker linked into the Omni-Computer.

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - Alongside Coines, Teresa observed through Deathlok's eyes, and Coines noted that while Deathlok's chances of success were low, their programming ensured that Deathlok would do anything to stop Ryker. devereaux-teresa-7484-at35-full-postdevereaux-teresa-7484-at35-upper

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Dr. Wilcox -- one of the surgeons that had constructed Deathlok and who had had his mind placed into the body of a clone of Luther Manning -- hooked Deathlok up to the Omni-Computer as well, and his manifestation confronted Ryker's manifestation within the computer's systems.

(Astonishing Tales I#35 - BTS) - As Deathlok restrained Ryker, Wilcox pulled him back into his own body, leaving him maddened.

(Astonishing Tales I#35) - Arriving in Ryker's base flanked by several CIA agents, Teresa told Deathlok he could back off now and let her men take Ryker. She further told Deathlok that he was a regular one-man army and she offered her congratulations. However, he countered that he was just doing what he had programmed to do and that his circuitry was telling that the job was not yet done as Ryker was still alive. Teresa assured him that Ryker had been terminated as a threat, after which Deathlok tore out and crushed the terminal that was delivering him the commands. He further told Teresa that he was done with being manipulated by them.

    Teresa argued that Deathlok could not just walk out of there with his hands unsoiled and that it was still Ryker's world out there and there was work to be done. When Deathlok still refused, Teresa revealed that Nina Ferry had told them that Hellinger was both Simon Ryker's brother and an even greater threat. Wishing vengeance for Hellinger's betrayal, Deathlok agreed to continue working with the CIA for now.

    Deathlok then accompanied Teresa back to Fort Dix, and she brought him to the debriefing center in the administration cluster where she had some results from certain tests she felt would be of interest to him. En route, Deathlok expected a set up, and Teresa acknowledged that she could not blame him for not trusting anyone. However, she also advised him that if she had wanted to kill him, it could have been a dozen times already; for example, she noted that the floor beneath their feet was pressure sensitive and that if any other than the two of them had tried to traverse these halls, they would have been vaporized in seconds.

    Finally, she brought him to see the dying form of Dr. Wilcox, as his mind was being rejected by the Luther Manning clone. Explaining that they would preserve Wilcox's mind on a special tape that would be stored in their mind banks, she shared that they had the mind of the US president on such a tape and that they could use this technology to copy Deathlok's mind and then transfer it into the clone.

    As the process was underway, agent Tom noted that they may be losing one of their best operatives, but Teresa was more interested in restoring Manning's life. The process was apparently successful, but all present were shocked when it was learned that Deathlok's mind remained in his original form while the clone received a copy. devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-upperpost

devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-upperblacktop(Astonishing Tales I#36) - The Luther Manning clone told Teresa that "her favorite guinea pig" was leaving. She tried to express sympathy for him but he walked out nonetheless. She initially mentioned that he must know that he could not dictate to her, but she then further considered that she still felt guilty for what Ryker had done to him; even through Ryker was now imprisoned, she somehow felt saddled with the whole thing, and she concluded that the buck had to stop somewhere.

(Astonishing Tales I#36) - Hellinger's Luther Manning clone, now the Doomsday-Mech, then broke into the Fort Dix base, and he blasted the Mech with his laser pistol, seemingly destroying it.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - While Deathlok battled Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech, Godwulf clandestinely caused it to vanish before it could destroy Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS) - As Teresa's scientists pondered the Mech's fate, Teresa led the Luther Manning clone to an Exact Medical Replica (EMR) of Deathlok that they had constructed to duplicate Deathlok's functions so that they could tell when his systems were faulty while he was out on assignment. The Manning clone wondered if and when they would lay him out on a slab for study, but she assured him that he needed him. She then handed him a mind-tape recording of Deathlok's engrams so he could decode it, filling in details and interpretation.

(Astonishing Tales II#36/2 - BTS) - To save Deathlok from Hellinger, Godwulf transported Deathlok across time to the present day of Reality-616. When Deathlok vanished from his native reality, his life signs vanished, and the EMR replicated these functions, apparently dying.

    Learning of this, Teresa met with the Manning clone, but he walked away, noting that this had made his life much simpler. Teresa's aide (presumably Tom) mockingly asked the Manning clone if he was going to write some more in his little pink diary, but Teresa silenced him.

    Instructing her discussion to be recorded, Teresa then questioned who had given them the right to ruin a man's life, using their technology to turn him into a sub-human creature. She continued, noting how they had self-righteously pinned all of the blame on Simon Ryker but that they had been the ones to continue using Deathlok. She expressed that what they had done had turned her insides and that she had thought somebody should say that.

Comments: Created by Rich Buckler, Bill Mantlo and Klaus Janson.

    I'm not sure what the deal with the Provisionary Revolutionary Army and why they had Travers blow up their base.

    I don't think Teresa Devereaux was ever seen again after that. The CIA was mentioned perhaps years later during Godwulf's and Deathlok's early conflict with Timestream, but Teresa was not mentioned.

Profile by Snood.

Teresa Devereaux
should be distinguished from:

CIA / Fort Dix


(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes: Deathlok) - Together, Harlan and his brother, Simon Ryker, spear-headed Project: Alpha-Mech, designed to build armies of cyborg super soldiers.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok) - The Project was under the direction of the CIA, and performed with the aid of major contractors Rockwell International, Manned Armor Division; IBM Corp, Federal Systems Division; BASF Corp.

(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - Though employed in this endeavor by the CIA, each of the Rykers had their own agenda; Simon wished to use the cyborgs to take control of the USA (and then the world). 

(Astonishing Tales I#33 / Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - Hellinger, however, saw perfection in the cyborg form, which he considered to be the prototype of the new man: Homo Ascendant.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS / Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan Ryker took Project: Alpha-Mech and broke away from the military.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) <1990> CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)- After Mike Travers and Nina Ferry had been confronted by the Provisional Revolutionary Army, they parted company with the PRA and instead affiliated with the CIA and traveled to their Fort Dix headquarters.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Deathlok was set up in a trap by Hellinger, who sent him to allegedly recover Travers and Ferry from the PRA's base in Central Park's Belvedere Castle; however, Deathlok's right arm was blown off by a bomb that Hellinger had hooked him up with. DeathlokCIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was incapacitated.

    <1/1/1991> - Wearing an exoskeleton, Mike Travers carried Deathlok to CIA headquarters after blowing up Belvedere Castle.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Nina Ferry probed the main computer banks and determined that Ryker was on his way to becoming omnipotent.

earth-7484-at34-cia-deathlokrecov(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok's arm was rebuilt (and he was further restored from the injuries he had previously suffered) over the course of two days.

The CIA also implemented their own programming -- including a new input terminal in his right arm -- allowing them to control Deathlok's mobility, as well as some other functions to some degree.

    The CIA programming ensured that Deathlok would do anything to stop Simon Ryker. It also allowed them to see through Deathlok's eyes (or at least his bionic eye).

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Deathlok flew a helicopter to Ryker's World Trade Center base where he found Ryker linked into the Omni-Computer.

(Astonishing Tales I#34) - Alongside Coines, Teresa observed through Deathlok's eyes, and Coines noted that while Deathlok's chances of success were low, their programming ensured that Deathlok would do anything to stop Ryker.

(Astonishing Tales I#34 - BTS) - Dr. Wilcox -- one of the surgeons that had constructed Deathlok and who had had his mind placed into the body of a clone of Luther Manning -- hooked Deathlok up to the Omni-Computer as well, and his manifestation confronted Ryker's manifestation within the computer's systems.

(Astonishing Tales I#35 - BTS) - As Deathlok restrained Ryker, Wilcox pulled him back into his own body, leaving him maddened.

(Astonishing Tales I#35) - Arriving in Ryker's base flanked by several CIA agents, Teresa told Deathlok he could back off now and let her men take Ryker. Teresa assured him that Ryker had been terminated as a threat, after which Deathlok tore out and crushed the terminal that was delivering him the commands.

    Teresa revealed that Nina Ferry had told them that Hellinger was both Simon Ryker's brother and an even greater threat. Wishing vengeance for Hellinger's betrayal, Deathlok agreed to continue working with the CIA for now. earth-7484-at35-fortdix-dm

    Deathlok then accompanied Teresa back to Fort Dix, and she brought him to the debriefing center in the administration cluster where she had some results from certain tests she felt would be of interest to him. En route, Deathlok expected a set up, and Teresa acknowledged that she could not blame him for not trusting anyone. However, she also advised him that if she had wanted to kill him, it could have been a dozen times already; for example, she noted that the floor beneath their feet was pressure sensitive and that if any other than the two of them had tried to traverse these halls, they would have been vaporized in seconds.

    Finally, she brought him to see the dying form of Dr. Wilcox, as his mind was being rejected by the Luther Manning clone. Explaining that they would preserve Wilcox's mind on a special tape that would be stored in their mind banks, she shared that they had the mind of the US president on such a tape and that they could use this technology to copy Deathlok's mind and then transfer it into the clone.

    As the process was underway, agent Tom noted that they may be losing one of their best operatives, but Teresa was more interested in restoring Manning's life. The process was apparently successful, but all present were shocked when it was learned that Deathlok's mind remained in his original form while the clone received a copy.

(Astonishing Tales I#36) - The Luther Manning clone told Teresa that "her favorite guinea pig" was leaving. She tried to express sympathy for him but he walked out nonetheless.

(Astonishing Tales I#36) - Hellinger's Luther Manning clone, now the Doomsday-Mech, then broke into the Fort Dix base, and he blasted the Mech with his laser pistol, seemingly destroying it.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - While Deathlok battled Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech, Godwulf clandestinely caused it to vanish before it could destroy Deathlok.devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-cia

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS) - As Teresa's scientists pondered the Mech's fate, Teresa led the Luther Manning clone to an Exact Medical Replica (EMR) of Deathlok that they had constructed to duplicate Deathlok's functions so that they could tell when his systems were faulty while he was out on assignment.

    She then handed him a mind-tape recording of Deathlok's engrams so he could decode it, filling in details and interpretation.

(Astonishing Tales II#36/2 - BTS) - To save Deathlok from Hellinger, Godwulf transported Deathlok across time to the present day of Reality-616. When Deathlok vanished from his native reality, his life signs vanished, and the EMR replicated these functions, apparently dying.

    Learning of this, Teresa met with the Manning clone, but he walked away, noting that this had made his life much simpler. Teresa's aide mockingly the Manning clone if he was going to write some more in his little pink diary, but Teresa silenced him.

    Instructing her discussion to be recorded, Teresa then questioned who had given them the right to ruin a man's life, using their technology to turn him into a sub-human creature. She continued, noting how they had self-righteously pinned all of the blame on Simon Ryker but that they had been the ones to continue using Deathlok. She expressed that what they had done had turned her insides and that she had thought somebody should say that.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - After Godwulf led Deathlok and the Redeemers to destroy the command center a foreign monarch (it was Henry Akai, also known as Timestream, although only Godwulf knew that; additionally, all of the Redeemers apparently perished in this conflict), the retaliation for this mission led to massive nuclear attacks from three sides.

(Deathlok II#31 (fb) - The ensuing conflicts toppled what was left of civilization.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf blamed the CIA for not doing things his way, while Deathlok was sure that Godwulf had known that this would be the result of their actions.

--Astonishing Tales I#34

(observed circa 1991 A.D.)

 devereaux-teresa-7484-at34-coines-faceCoines was a member of the CIAdevereaux-teresa-7484-at34-coines-postob

  (Astonishing Tales I#34) - Alongside CIA leader Teresa Devereaux, Coines observed through Deathlok's eyes.

    Teresa noted that Ryker was already linked with the Omni-Computer, and she asked if Manning stood a chance.

    Coines replied, "Yes ma'am...but not a very big one."

    He further noted that the over-ride programming that they had incorporated into his system must have him feeling like an addict about now.

    "He'll face anything to get to Ryker and thus satisfy his need."

--Astonishing Tales I#34

Dr. Holland
(observed circa 1991 A.D.)

devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-docnothollanddevereaux-teresa-7484-at36-holland&notholland     An agent of the CIA, Dr. Holland was one of a pair of doctors (or perhaps Holland was the only doctor, while the other guy was a nurse, technician, assistant, etc. working on copying Deathlok's mind and transferring it into the Luther Manning clone that had previously been inhabited by the mind of Dr. Wilcox, a process that was observed by Teresa Devereaux and her aide, Tom.

 --Astonishing Tales I#35, (identified) Astonishing Tales I#36

Note: It is really difficult to identify who is Dr. Holland. In the panel where the other doctor calls out to Dr. Holland, it is clear that the other doctor is Dr. Holland, but he is shown from such a distance as to have no striking features.

     They both appeared to have brown hair and wear a light blue labcoast, as well as to either be wearing glasses or some sort of goggles, presumably to protect their eyes from the energies involved.

devereaux-teresa-7484-at35-holland&otherdoc     In Astonishing Tales I#35, the panel that shows the mind copy/transfer shows one doctor with dark (brown or black) hair and a light blue labcoat, while the other appears to have hair (although it could be the lighting/whatever and a white shirt or labcoat (although both cases could be the lighting. Both men appear to have some sort of headset, with earphones and a chin strap (possibly a voice transmitting unit.devereaux-teresa-7484-at35-hollandmaybe

     In the panel after the Luther Manning clone wakes up, one doctor is shown clearly, with brown hair, goggles, and a headset. Is that Holland?

     Unfortunately, both writers of that issue, Richard Buckler and Bill Mantlo, have passed away. Answers are unlikely to be forthcoming
devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-docnotholland-fullish      At the end of Astonishing Tales I#36, the (presumably non-Holland) doctor is examining the Deathlok Exact Medical Replica.

     He is in blue scrubs and with dark hair (black or dark gray?).

     And then the next question is, were either Dr. Holland or the other doctor present in Astonishing Tales I#34-35 at Ryker's World Trade Center tower base when Deathlok entered the Omni-Computer and as Dr. Wilcox pulled Deathlok and Simon Ryker back out of the Omni-Computer?

     Check out the sub-profile on Drs. Blaine, Lemner & Wilcox and this specific comment/note:
     ...."noteworthy is that there were initially three doctors in Astonishing Tales I#33, Blaine, Lemner and Wilcox. Then Lemner left, and there were still three. And there were three in Astonishing Tales I#34-35...I don't believe the third doctor left after Lemner's departure was ever identified. There was a Doctor Holland working with the CIA in Astonishing Tales I#36..."


devereaux-teresa-7484-at35-tom     Perhaps Teresa's aide or assistant in the CIA, Tom was by her side as the procedure to copy Deathlok's mind into the body of the Luther Manning. He commented that they would be losing perhaps one of the best operatives the agency ever had.

     Teresa countered that she would rather have the man back, whatever the price. "That is what we're fighting for, isn't it, Tom? The right for us be human again!"

     Tom was presumably still present when the clone revived with Luther Manning's mind, but then Deathlok revealed that he retained his mind, which had only been copied.

--Astonishing Tales I#35
devereaux-teresa-7484-at34-tommaybeTom may or may not have been seen in Astonishing Tales I#34, as the person smoking a cigarette who summoned Mike Travers to be present as they revived Deathlok, noting that the boss wanted him to be there. He could also be behind Travers as Deathlok is waking up.
devereaux-teresa-7484-at36-probtom-frontdevereaux-teresa-7484-at36-probtom-prof(Astonishing Tales II#36/2) - While not identified on panel, the guy standing by Teresa as the Luther Manning clone departed is also smoking, although his hair looks more red-orange. And when Teresa notes how she felt some guilt for what Ryker had done to Manning, he replied, "Guilty? He's Ryker's experiment."

(Astonishing Tales II#36/2 - BTS) - To save Deathlok from Hellinger, Godwulf transported Deathlok across time to the present day of Reality-616. When Deathlok vanished from his native reality, his life signs vanished, and the EMR replicated these functions, apparently dying.

(Astonishing Tales II#36/2) - Learning of this, Teresa met with the Manning clone, but he walked away, stating that this had made his life much simpler. Teresa's aide (presumably Tom) mockingly asked the Manning clone if he was going to write some more in his little pink diary, but Teresa silenced him.

    This same aide stood by as Teresa, on record, noted her disgust with how Deathlok had been treated by the CIA.

images: (without ads)
Astonishing Tales I#34, pg. 6, panel 2-3 (man talking to Travers);
          panel 5 (Deathlok awakening; Teresa knees-up);
            panel 6 (face);
            panel7 (upper);
       pg. 14, panel 2-3 (Coines face and posterior oblique);
    #35, pg. 2, panel 6 (probtom face);
       pg. 4, panel 4 (Dr. Holland and other monitoring Deathlok);
       pg. 5, panel 1 (other doctor yelling out to Dr. Holland);
          panel 2 (Holland and other doctor as Deathlok escapes);
       pg. 12, panel 2 (white dress, upper);
       pg. 13, panel 5 (helicopter arriving at Fort Dix);
       pg. 15, panel 3 (posterior, white dress);
       pg. 16, panel 1 (Dr. Holland and other doctor initiating mind copying);
            panel 3 (Tom observing mind copying procedure);
       pg. 17, panel 1 (Dr. Holland or other doctor speaking to Luther Manning clone)
            panel 5 (Doomsday-Mech approaching Fort Dix);
    #36, pg. 1 (doctor removing goggles);
        pg. 2, panel 4 (black shirt, blue skirt);
          panel 6 (probTom face);
        pg. 5, panel 1 (other doctor calling out to Dr. Holland);
          panel 2 (Dr. Holland (presumably in background and other doctor);
        pg. 16, panel 1 (other doctor examining Deathlok Exact Medical Replica);
        pg. 17, panel 2 (red dress, thighs up; with probTom);
          panel 3 (probTom, profile);
          panel 4 (CIA room; red dress, upper)

Astonishing Tales I#34 (March, 1976) - Rich Buckler & Bill Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#35 (May, 1976) - Rich Buckler & Bill Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976) - Rich Buckler (writer/pencils), Keith Pollard (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)

First posted: 07/25/2024
Last updated: 08/04/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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