Real Name: Erika Doiron

Identity/Class: Human (Canadian)

Occupation: Head director of Department H

Group Membership: Department H (Roger Bochs, Jr., others)

Affiliations: Box Sentinels, Department H (Roger Bochs, Jr., others), Orchis

Enemies: Alpha Flight (Aurora/Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Fang/Akihiro, Guardian/James Hudson, Nemesis/Heather Hudson, Northstar/Jean-Paul Beaubier, Puck/Eugene Judd, Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen, Snowbird/Narya), Feedback (Albert Louis)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "Ma'am"

Base of Operations: Department H Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

First Appearance: Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Erika Doiron does not possess any superhuman powers but she is a stern, if not harsh, director of government agents with access to the vast Department H resources and technology, including the robotic Box Sentinels, advanced communication systems and vehicles and a large support staff of agents at her command.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue (see comments)
Hair: Blonde

(Alpha Flight V#1) - After Canada joined the United States in banning mutants from their country, new Department H head director Erika Doiron held a press conference introducing herself to the public and announcing the ban on mutants. She also re-introduced the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight, proclaiming them as first line of defense against the so-called "mutant threat." Later that evening, Erika led Alpha Flight through the Department H headquarters, explaining how Department H had restarted the Box Program with the programming assistance of the anti-mutant Orchis organization. As she introduced the team to Roger Bochs, Jr., who would be controlling the robotic Box Sentinels, Doiron also explained that Alpha Flight would remain the face of the fight against mutants while the Box Sentinels would improve the fight's efficacy. She then asked Bochs to inform Alpha Flight on the work he had been doing with the Box Sentinels. Puck argued that sending artificially intelligent robots to locate mutants where they hide seemed a bit authoritarian, adding that using robots hadn't always had a great track record, but Erika replied that, with the country under siege by mutants, Department H was using every tool at their disposal to save lives. She then announced that Alpha Flight would be working with the Box Sentinels as soon as they were ready, noting that it was not a discussion.

    Not long after, following a failed attempt to capture young mutant Argent due to the interference of past Alpha Flight members, Erika Doiron berated the four Alpha Flight members for publicly bungling their mission. Guardian reported that they had not expected the interference of their supposedly former teammates and assured Erika that their failure would not happen again, to which Erika agreed, explaining that Department H would unveiling the Box Sentinels the next day due to Alpha Flight apparently not being able to defeat their former teammates on their own.

(Alpha Flight V#2) - Secretly working together with their four mutant Alpha Flight members to rescue mutants from the Canadian government, the four core Alpha Flight team discussed their next steps now that Erika Doiron had moved forward with the Box Sentinels. Guardian suggested he relay reports from the Box Sentinels about the locations of known mutants with the team of former teammates rescuing those in need while the core Alpha Flight apprehended the criminal mutants, thereby keeping Erika's suspicions off of the main team. Northstar argued that it would be hard to secretly funnel information to the group of former Alpha Flight members with Erika's robots keeping an eye on the core team, further questioning whether the information would even be provided to the core Alpha Flight team at all. 

    Later, when the core Alpha Flight flew their Omnijet towards Oregon to intercept their former teammate Feedback, Erika Doiron contacted the Omnijet and demanded an explanation as to why it was headed towards US soil. Guardian explained that they were on their way to apprehend Feedback and after questioning why Guardian had not checked with her first, Erika agreed that it would be good publicity to show that Department H did not play favorites and that they could take care of their own problems by apprehending the mutant former Flight member. She then revealed that, since Alpha Flight had previously been publicly humiliated by their own former teammates, she would instead be sending Box Sentinels to Oregon to apprehend Feedback for trial and ordered Alpha Flight to return to base, threatening to have them arrested if they crossed into US territory and reminding them that they would just be the public face for the fight against mutants. Guardian reluctantly followed orders and turned back as Erika began working to guide Roger Bochs, Jr. on using the Box Sentinels from her office. She informed Roger that they could not afford any casualties and instructed Roger to use the Box Sentinels to take Feedback down before he hurt anyone, preferably alive but dead if there was no other option. When two Box Sentinels were downed by Feedback in the ensuing scuffle, Erika warned Roger to get it together, reminding him that they could lose the fight.

(Alpha Flight V#3) - The former Alpha Flight members soon came to Feedback's defense and when another Box Sentinel was downed, Erika berated Roger to pull it together and accused him of letting the former Alpha Flight members walk all over him. Roger assured Erika he had the situation under control but an angry Erika yelled for Roger to prove it with actions rather than words. She then ordered Roger to have the Box Sentinels take Feedback and the former Alpha Flight down with no prisoners. Growing frustrated at Erika constantly barking orders at him, Roger yelled back in the affirmative to her orders but the equally frustrated Erika disconnected her communication headset and exclaimed that she couldn't do anything from her office and that Roger the "clown" Roger clearly needed direct supervision. As she made her way to Roger, Erika ordered her assistant to have a desk, monitors and a full support staff waiting for her when she got there. When she subsequently asked where the core Alpha Flight team was, Alpha Flight met her and Erika ordered the team to follow her to Roger, noting that the Box Sentinels were making short work of Alpha Flight's former teammates and that she wanted the main Alpha Flight to watch and learn. Puck responded with a joke about being replaced by machines, prompting Erika to get right up in Puck's face and remark that at least the machines delivered results unlike Alpha Flight. She then made her way to Roger, exclaiming that it was time for Roger to prove he wasn't just wasting Department H time and money.

    Viewing the Box Sentinels' video feed, Erika soon noticed that Nemesis appeared to be preparing for a teleport and Erika ordered Roger to not let the former Alpha Flight members leave. Roger responded by yelling back how hard it was to focus on controlling the Box Sentinels with Erika constantly screaming into his ear. The Box Sentinels then fired but when the smoke cleared, Nemesis and the former Alpha Flight members were nowhere to be seen and Erika immediately demanded to know where they had teleported to, asking if Roger still had a read on them. When Roger replied in the negative, an angry Erika pounded her fist on the table and asked how Box Sentinels they had lost in the battle against Feedback and the former Alpha Flight members. Roger informed Erika that they had lost six Box Sentinels with two sustaining minimal damage and two still operating at max efficiency, prompting Erika to comment that the performance was hardly the showcase Roger had promised her.

    A short time later, Roger picked up the former Alpha Flight members' signal inside Turtle Mountain Provincial Park and he informed Erika, noting that it would take the Box Sentinels an hour to reach them. Erika ordered Roger to go ahead and send the Box Sentinels to the Park, exclaiming that they would not let them escape again. Alpha Flight suggested they go instead, as their Omnijet could get to the Park in less than forty minutes, and Erika reluctantly agreed to let Alpha Flight handle the situation, ordering them to take down Nemesis and reminding the core team how their former teammates had already made them look like fools once. 

(Alpha Flight V#4) - As the Box Sentinels approached Turtle Mountain Provincial Park minutes behind Alpha Flight, Erika asked if any of her support staff had been able to reach Guardian or any of the other Alpha Flight members. One of the staff members replied that no one was responding to communications and when four bodies were reported leaving the scene at superhumanly fast speeds, Erika deduced that Northstar and Aurora had helped the former Alpha Flight members escape once more. An exasperated Erika then monologued hope that Alpha Flight had at least secured their target, Feedback. As if on cue, Guardian reported back to Department H and Erika grumbled at how Alpha Flight had again let their former teammates escape. When she asked about Feedback, however, she was informed that Alpha Flight had indeed secured Feedback and that they were bringing him into custody. Thankful that Feedback had been apprehended, Erika ordered Alpha Flight to remain where they were to be escorted by Box Sentinels back to Department H. Guardian argued that they didn't need an escort but Erika remarked that it wasn't a request, noting that she was not risking any more screwups and that both Department H and Alpha Flight needed a win. When the Box Sentinels, Alpha Flight argued that they didn't need an escort and Roger, speaking through the Sentinels, apologized, stating that he had his orders from Director Doiron.

    Moments later, one of Erika's support staff picked up a location ping on the mutant Argent and, happy to have finally found him, Erika changed the plans and had Roger Bochs, Jr. send the Box Sentinels to Argent's location. Noticing the Sentinels heading towards Alpha Flight's hidden base at Krakoa North, Puck reached out to Erika to ask if there was a problem Alpha Flight should know about. Erika replied in the negative and ordered Alpha Flight to continue their course back to Department H with Feedback. Guardian questioned where the Box Sentinels were being redirected to but Erika replied that it was nothing they should concern themselves with and reiterated her order for them to stay the course back to Department H. Still secretly working with their former teammates to rescue mutants, Guardian immediately reported to Northstar to inform them about the Box Sentinels being redirected in their vicinity and how Erika Doiron was being secretive as to where the Box Sentinels were going.

(Alpha Flight V#5) - When Alpha Flight's Omnijet changed course despite Erika's orders, Erika was informed by her support staff and she immediately reached out to Guardian, warning that he better have a good reason for changing courses. Guardian falsely claimed that he was about to reach out to her but Erika remained skeptical, prompting Guardian to claim they were on their way to aid the Box Sentinels against a group of mutants. Erika refused to allow Alpha Flight to interfere, threatening to have the team arrested if they did not return to their course back to Department H. Guardian confirmed her orders then had Puck turn off communications as they ignored the orders and continued on their way. Having left Krakoa North on his own, Argent soon noticed an explosion at Krakoa North and opted to return to save the mutants there and when Roger lost contact with another Box Sentinel due to an attack from Argent, Erika berated Roger to do something more than just yelling about the Box Sentinel being downed. Under extreme stress from Erika, Roger had one of the Box Sentinels shoot Argent dead then paused in shock at what he had done. Erika quickly ordered Roger to get his head in the game and knocked on his control helmet, reminding Roger that Argent was a criminal that had attacked him and that Roger had acted to protect the Box Sentinels. She then reiterated orders to Roger to get his act together if they hoped to bring the mutant fugitives into custody. Soon witnessing from the video feed Nemesis planning to teleport the mutant refugees into an orbiting spaceship, Erika ordered Roger to take Nemesis down immediately. When he paused, still in shock over killing Argent, Erika asked if she needed to remove Roger and assign someone else to the Box Sentinels but Roger assured her he would take care of Nemesis.

    After Feedback downed the Box Sentinels and the former Alpha Flight teammates successfully teleported away with the mutant refugees, the core Alpha Flight team was arrested and Erika Doiron held a press conference to announce the arrest and how Alpha Flight had acted without Department H authorization to assist outlaw mutants. Explaining to the public that Alpha Flight would stand trial for their crimes, Erika also informed the public that Department H would be reviewing their own internal processes and actions to ensure they continued to provide the highest protection for Canadian citizens. As she wrapped up the press conference, Erika encouraged Canadian citizens to remain vigilant and report mutant sightings before refusing to take any questions.

Comments: Created by Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski.

    Erika's eye color seemed to change from panel to panel and issue to issue. It was most often shown as blue but they appear to be sort of grayish-brown on certain panels and green in other panels in the first two issues of the Alpha Flight mini-series and blue throughout #3-5.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Director Erika Doiron
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Alpha Flight V#3, p5, pan1 (Erika Doiron, main image)
Alpha Flight V#1, p5, pan3 (Erika Doiron, headshot)
Alpha Flight V#3, p3, pan5 (Erika removing communications earpiece and slamming laptop closed)
Alpha Flight V#5, p20, pan1 (Erika giving press conference)

Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#2 (November, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#3 (December, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#4 (January, 2024) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#5 (February, 2024) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski, David Cutler (art), Mark Basso (editor)

First posted08/23/2024
Last updated: 08/23/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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