doom-living_planet-10964-asw2-return DOOM

Real Name: Victor von Doom

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-10964) human conscious animating living planet

Occupation: Predator;
    presumably former monarch and would-be world-conqueror

Group Membership: None;
    presumably formerly the same as Doom-616

Affiliations: The Heralds of Doom;
    likely the same as Doom-616

Enemies: The Phoenix Force, Small Folk;
    Spider-Man-616 (Peter Parker), Wolverine-616 (James Howlett/Logan);
    likely the same as Doom-616

Known Relatives: Likely the same as those Doom-616

Aliases: God Moon (from the Small Folk)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    presumably born in Latveria, Earth-10964

First Appearance: Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (September, 2010)doom-living_planet-10964-asw3-fullish

Powers/Abilities: Doom is an immense “living planet” with complete control over its entire mass down to the molecular level. He could feed on the beings living on a planet and possibly even consume portions of or perhaps even an entire planet. 

    Doom can travel through space, presumably able to achieve warp speed in order to travel amongst star systems.

    Doom can speak from near orbit, apparently producing a sound level that is painful for those on the surface; alternatively, as sound cannot exist in a vacuum, Doom may be speaking telepathically, with the force of his telepathic transmissions being painful for those receiving them.

    He utilized his Heralds, who presumably attacked anyone intending to resist his will and/or gathered beings and/or materials for Doom to consume.

    Doom could likely reshape his substance into tentacles, humanoid bodies, “anti-body” minions, and/or reshape himself to assume the appearance of other worlds.

    Doom’s surface may have contained a breathable environment (and/or he could create one at will), which he could also presumably control, including the manipulation of weather, generating tremors, and creating non-sentient plant and animal life.

    Doom could very likely consume the energies of beings it traps within its body.

    Doom could likely Ego can generate blasts of cosmic energy.

    Prior to possessing Ego's form, Doom almost certainly was a genius, and he likely possessed powerful, advanced-technology armor +/- various mystical powers, presumably on some degree comparable to that of Earth-616's Doom.

Height: Unrevealed (as Doom inhabited Ego's form, likely approximately 4165 miles in diameter);
    Doom's previous human form was likely 6'2" (in the peak of health) and perhaps 6'7" in his armor
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 3.82 x 1020 tons);
    Doom's previous human form was likely 225 lbs. (in the peak of health) and perhaps 415 lbs. in his armor
Eyes: Glowing yellow and orange;
    Doom's previous human form likely had brown eyes
Hair: None;
    Doom's previous human form likely had brown hair

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) - On Earth-10964, presumably much like on Earth-616, Victor von Doom was a doctor, a madman, and a despotic would-be conqueror.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) <According to legend> - In the future of Earth-10964, an aging Doom, sensing death was near, managed to transplant his consciousness into the only thing big enough to contain his massive ego: A planet.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) - Doom transplanted his consciousness into Ego the Living Planet.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (fb) - BTS) - In the process, Doom killed every single person on the face of the Earth, and most every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out. And Doom the Living Planet was born.

    The Small Folk -- a more apelike race of hominids who existed prior 65 million B.C. and who had survived the massive asteroid collision that wiped out the dinosaurs circa 65 million B.C. based  the teachings of an apparently time-traveling Wolverine-616 and who had kept to the shadows -- then emerged and took over Earth. They called Doom "the God Moon."

    Spider-Man -- who had been sent into this world's distant past alongside Wolverine and who had traveled forward with him to this point -- acted as a science teacher to the Small Folk and trained them to search the world for items of power that could be used against Doom the Living Planet should he ever return.

    When Doom returned, presumably to take whatever was left of Earth, Small Folk spotters detected him and sounded an alarm. Spider-Man visited Wolverine, who vowed he would be there for the final battle, but he refused to do anything to rally/prepare the Small Folk who worshipped him. Soon after, a group of Small Folk found a mysterious suitcase-like structure glowing with the Phoenix symbol within an underground bunker they had discovered that morning. They informed Spider-Man, who took the box back to his laboratory and studied it for hours, and determined it contain what was apparently the powerful Phoenix Force cast into a bullet containing the power of the Phoenix Force and a gun that could fire that bullet. Spider-Man further determined that while this bullet could destroy Doom, it would also rip apart on a subatomic level whoever pulled the trigger.doom-living_planet-10964-asw3-destroyed

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2) - Spider-Man was en route to explain his findings to the elders when his danger-warning "spider-sense" went ballistic as Doom's massive face became visible from Manhattan. Commanding "Make ready for annihilation!!!" and ordered the release of the Heralds of Doom. In response, a number cocoon-like rocks (or rock-like cocoons) showered down on Earth, and winged insectoid beings with Doom-like faces emerged, warning "Doom had come! All will die!"

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4) - Traveling across time, Spider-Man briefly glimpsed Doom the Living Planet over Manhattan.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 - BTS) - After convincing the rider of a robotic Devil Dinosaur to lead the Small Folk to safety, Spider-Man returned to his laboratory and resolved to use the gun to destroy Doom at the cost of his own life. However, Wolverine knocked Spider-Man out from behind (where's the spider-sense? Maybe since Wolverine's assault was actually saving Spider-Man's life, it would not have warned him...but does it work on that level?), stating that he should be the one to fire the gun.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 - BTS) - After Wolverine emerged on the surface, at least Heralds of Doom confronted him, repeating, "Doom had come! All will die!" Wolverine tore them apart with his claws.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3) - Climbing atop the fallen Statue of Liberty's flame, Wolverine gazed upon the massive form of Doom. After Doom shouted, "Doom hungers!" Wolverine fired the gun. As Wolverine was obliterated, the bullet flew forward and struck Doom, shattering the living planet into fragments.

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 - BTS) - Devil Dinosaur's rider led the Small Folk to raise a toast to their messiah, Wolverine, whom they knew as "Six Claws."

(Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 - BTS) - Restoring the Cosmic Cube to function, Spider-Man resurrected Wolverine.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron, Adam Kubert, and Mark Morales.

    The history was odd to me in that Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 said that Doom transferred his mind into the only thing big enough to contain his massive ego: An entire planet. When it stated that most life on Earth was wiped out in the process and Doom the Living Planet was born, it seemed perhaps as if Doom had transferred his mind into Earth. But, Earth still clearly existed, as that was what Doom returned to attack.
    The recap page for Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 noted that Doom had possessed Ego, which honestly struck me as an assistant editor misinterpreting the above statement...sure, he looks like a Doom-version of Ego the Living Planet, but he could have just reshaped another planet with his face.

    Jason Aaron apparently has had a long-term desire to extend human history back to the time of the dinosaurs, as he has did so much in the pages of the Avengers series he wrote.
    This story predates those stories by several years. When I first read the story, it started out as seemingly having Spider-Man and Wolverine sent into their own past and diverging it, but it just seemed to work on the common misconception that Devil Dinosaur's history (with Moon-Boy being one of the Small Folk) took place on Earth-616. That made me really lose interest in the series, and I forgot about it. When Doom the Living Planet showed up in Aaron's Avengers Assemble arc, I didn't even recall he had created the character (or a version thereof) like a decade beforehand.
    Re-reading the series for this and other profiles, I got to enjoy it a lot more. It's a lot of fun.
    Anyway, Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy (and those Small Folk) originated from Earth-78411 as confirmed by the original master of the obscure and guiding force of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Mark Gruenwald.
    Regardless, having reviewed and re-reviewed this series for this profile and a couple other issues, the story with Doom the Living Planet wiping out human society and the Small Folk -- who had survived via a time-traveling Wolverine's guidance -- are clearly part of an alternate timeline, Earth-10964...

    The Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine series is still difficult to make sense of even with multiple readings. I think that was the point. I plan to profile Czar in the relatively near future, although I don't think that will really help...

Profile by Snood.

Doom the Living Planet should be distinguished from:

Heralds of Doom

doom-living_planet-10964-asw2-heralds-cocoonsdoom-living_planet-10964-asw3-heralds     The Heralds of Doom were insectoid beings that he released from his own form in cocoon-like rocks (or rock-like cocoons) to drop to the surface of a world below him.

     Emerging from their shells, the heralds warned all those around "Doom has come! All will die!"

     It is unclear whether they could speak any other phrases.

     They confronted and presumably planned to approach and/or attack anyone resisting Doom.

     They possessed segmented bodies, with two eyes and a mouth on their heads; at least one if not two paired limbs originating from the lower (ventral) portion of their thorax, as well as a pair of wings originating more dorsally; and a pair of limbs (originating on either side of the body) as well as a long, curled tail that appeared to possess a stinger at its tip.

     They can fly, and they could likely use their limbs and tail as weapons. How much ability they have to react to non-programmed situations is unrevealed.

--Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2

: (without ads)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2, pg. 17 (returns to Earth);
       pg. 18, panel 1 (Heralds of Doom cocoons/whatever dropping);
          panel 4 (Heralds on Earth);
    #2, pg. 2, panel 1 (pair of heralds flying);
       pg. 3-5 (looming before Wolverine);
       pg. 6, panel 2 (Doom with moons!);
       pg. 9 (destroyed)

Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2 (September, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#3 (November, 2010) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#4 (February, 2011) - Jason Aaron (writer), Adam Kubert (penciler), Mark Morales (inker), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Daniel Ketchum (associate editor), Nick Lowe (editor)

First posted: 08/04/2024
Last updated: 08/04/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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