doomsdaymechlmc-7484-at34-upperdoomsdaymechlmc-7484-at36-mainReal Name: Luther Manning (clone)

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-7484 / Earth-Deathlok) human mutate

Occupation: Weapon

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Hellinger (Harlan Ryker)

Enemies: CIA, Deathlok (Luther Manning), Godwulf, Simon Ryker/CIA's Luther Manning clone

Known Relatives: Luther Manning (Deathlok; genetic progenitor); Hellinger (Harlan Ryker, creator)

Aliases: Hellinger referred to him as "my clone" and "my creation"

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    vanished from / seemingly destroyed in the CIA base, possibly in Fort Dix;
    formerly Hellinger's Long Island estate, New York


First Appearance: (Luther Manning clone) Astonishing Tales I#33 (January, 1976);
    (Doomsday-Mechs referenced)
Astonishing Tales I#34 (March, 1976; OK, they were referenced in the next issue blurb at the end of Astonishing Tales I#33, but those generally are not considered continuity);
    (Luther Manning clone as Doomsday-Mech) 
Astonishing Tales I#35 (May, 1976)

Powers/Abilities: As a clone of Luther Manning, he had Luther Manning's physical appearance. However, he apparently had none of Manning's memories, intelligence, or abilities. He largely stood around, hearing Ryker's rants but not understanding what was going on. He followed Ryker's orders.

    The Doomsday-Mech was large and powerful, able to punch though and shatter an external wall of a building; presumably it was capable of lifting at least 1000-2000 lbs.

    Superhumanly durable, the Doomsday-Mech could grasp an electrified capable with impunity, charing its body with that electricity, which it could transmit to any it touched.

    As its radioactive mass slowly deteriorated, it would gather unto itself the force (and radiation) of a portable plutonium bomb.  It left glowing footprints at it walked and presumably gave off some level of radiation at rest.

Height: (Luther Manning clone) 6'4"; (Doomsday Mech) unrevealed (approximately 8'; see comments)
(Luther Manning clone) approximately 285 lbs; (Doomsday Mech) unrevealed (approximately 600 lbs.)
Eyes: (Luther Manning clone) blue; (Doomsday Mech) uncertain (dark, possibly blue, brown, or black; red when glowing
(Luther Manning clone) brown; (Doomsday Mech) none
Other Distinguishing features: The Doomsday mech glowed with energy, appearing to be yellow to orange


doomsdaymechlmc-7484-introdoomsdaymechlmc-7484-at34-full(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS?) - When Colonel Luther Manning -- fatally injured during an explosion during a training exercise -- died on the operating table, per Simon Ryker's orders, the doctors kept a portion of his brain alive, while his body was preserved.

(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan Ryker created a clone of Luther Manning while the original Manning died on the operating table.

(Astonishing Tales#33) - Within the Long Island estate in which Harlan dwelled, Deathlok -- expecting to be confronting Simon Ryker -- found the clone seated in the study and put his gun to his head, at which point Hellinger remotely (over a speaker) shouted "Stop!" Hellinger further instructed Deathlok to look at the man, causing to realize that the man had his (Luther Manning's) face. Hellinger advised that he could shoot the man if he wished -- at which point Hellinger physically entered the room and continued, "But I don't think even you would be up to blowing your own brains out!"

    Hellinger subsequently excused himself while he turned off the "other" Luther Manning, and when Deathlok queried whether that Manning was a clone, Hellinger confirmed this. Grabbing Hellinger and pushing his gun into his chest, Deathlok stated that this meant that the body would be compatible for his brain; however, Hellinger informed him that there was not enough of the original Luther Manning left to transfer, and that he should ask his computer if he did not believe him; Deathlok's computer confirmed that the remaining organic components of Luther Manning were too fragmented to allow successful implantation into a new form.

(Astonishing Tales#33 - BTS) - After Deathlok arrived in Central Park and considered that he unhitch the bomb whenever he wanted, his computer advised him that the bomb was set to explode immediately if tampered with. 

(Astonishing Tales#33) - After Deathlok had allowed the PRA to take him toward their base, Hellinger watched remotely via his Terminal Eye, telling his Luther Manning clone how Deathlok would soon realize the "safety margin" he had referenced did not exist. He further discussed how Deathlok was playing his (Hellinger's) game the way he wanted, and that Deathlok had outlived his usefulness as a player, a role which the clone would soon take. Hellinger then revealed that he had faked the radiation poisoning on his hands via rubber gloves, and he happily shed the gross distortion of his true self by tearing off his mask. He concluded that his brother, Simon, would soon look into his eyes -- "the eyes that are the proto-type for a new man -- the homo-ascendant -- more machine than man!"

doomsdaymechlmc-7484-at35-radbathdoomsdaymechlmc-7484-at35-shielding(Astonishing Tales#34) - Observing via his Terminal Eye as time was running out on the bomb linked to Deathlok's wrist, Hellinger mocked Deatlok's plight and then ranted -- with the Luther Manning clone his only witness --  that with both Deathlok and Simon Ryker out of the way there was nothing that could stand in his way.

(Astonishing Tales#34) - Observing with pleasure as Deathlok (who had obviously survived the bomb) prepared to link to the Omni-Computer to confront Simon Ryker, Hellinger summoned his Luther Manning clone, noting that he wished his uncomprehending eyes to witness the destruction of everything his "sainted brother" had worked for, the end of his "benevolent technology" at the hands of his greatest technological creation.

     And then once they were out of the way, the world would scream before the clone, the first of his Doomsday-Mechs.



doomsdaymechlmc-7484-at35-footprints(Astonishing Tales I#35) - Having watched as Deathlok defeated Simon Ryker, Hellinger had the Luther Manning clone, its transformation into a Doomsday-Mech completely step out from behind its lead-shielding and head out into the world, noting that as its radioactive mass slowly deteriorated, it would gather unto itself the force of a portable plutonium bomb.

(Astonishing Tales#35) - Deathlok intended to part ways with the CIA until they revealed Hellinger's continued threat, although were apparently unaware that his Doomsday-Mech was en route to CIA headquarters to kill them.


doomsdaymechlmc-7484-at36-shotdoomsdaymechlmc-7484-at36-discorp(Astonishing Tales#36) - As Deathlok remained immobile, restrained by CIA technology, Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech attacked CIA headquarters, assaulting the other Manning clone.

    As the Doomsday-Mech grabbed an electrified cable and reached for the  M
anning clone, the clone dodged contact, and Manning's distress was transmitted to Deathlok, freeing him from the magneto-strictive effect rendering him motionless.

    When Deathlok arrived, the Doomsday-Mech turned from the Manning clone and charged Deathlok, who blasted the creature with his laser pistol, and its energy dispersed rapidly, seemingly causing it to discorporate.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf clandestinely caused the Doomsday-Mech to vanish before it could destroy Deathlok.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger had an army of Doomsday mechs in the making, each walking plutonium bombs, intending to exterminate all life on Earth and replace it with his own cyborg creations, which he dubbed Homo Ascendant.

(Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - Ryker renamed his army "Alpha-Mechs."
    (the Alpha-Mechs will get their own profile)

Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, Rich Buckler, and Klaus Janson.

    The Doomsday-Mech's height is hard to estimate, as it did not look that large compared to Hellinger in Astonishing Tales I#35, but it seemed to be much larger when confronting the other Luther Manning clone and Deathlok (perhaps 8' to even 10' in some images). Perhaps it grew en route from Ryker's estate to the CIA base.

    Additionally, per ye olde Interweb, it is about 120 miles from Long Island, New York (where Hellinger's estate was, unless he relocated after Astonishing Tales I#33) to Fort Dix, New Jersey (where the CIA's base was located).

    The Doomsday-Mech originally received a sub-profile under Hellinger's profile, posted back on 07/21/2002.

Profile by Snood.

The Doomsday Mech / Luther Manning clone
should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Astonishing Tales I#33, pg. 8, panel 7 (face with Deathlok; blond-ish);
#34, pg. 3, panel 2 (full, with Hellinger);
       pg. 15, panel 6 (upper, face, brown hair);
    #35, pg. 10, panel 1 (Hellinger directing radiation bath);
          panel 3 (Doomsday mech face, minimally glowing);
          panel 4 (Doomsday mech within shielding);
          panel 6 (Doomsday mech leaving glowing footprints);
    #36, pg. 3, panel 2 (smashing through CIA building wall, confronting other Luther Manning clone);
       pg. 4, panel 1 (full body, with other Luther Manning clone);
       pg. 6, panel 4 (Doomsday-Mech face);
          panel 5 (charging Deathlok);
          panel 6 (shot);
       pg. 7, panel 1 (discorporating)

Astonishing Tales I#33 (January, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils), Bill Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#34 (March, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils), Bill Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#35 (May, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils), Bill Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976) - Rich Buckler (writer/layouts), Keith Pollard (finishes/inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)

First posted: 07/15/2024
Last updated: 07/19/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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