Real Name: Unrevealed (see comments)
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Reality-83764) anatine-humanoid
Occupation: Unrevealed; presumably some sort of leader of an organization...probably evil
Group Membership: None known (see comments)
Affiliations: Unrevealed
Enemies: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
it was likely long, long ago and/or far, far away...
First Appearance: Crazy Magazine#36 "Other Versions of Howard the Duck" (April, 1978)
Powers/Abilities: Drake Vader wielded some sort of light-saber-like weapon, with energy projecting out from a short hand-held device. It likely could cut through flesh and many forms of matter, and it was also useful in lighting cigars, which Drake Vader enjoyed smoking.
He walks atop a pair of giant platform shoes, perhaps increasing his height by 33-50%.
(Crazy Magazine#36 "Other Versions of Howard the Duck") - Drake Vader...existed.
Comments: Created by Jim Newsome.
Drake Vader appears in a single panel with the name "Drake Vader" as one of a number of Howard counterparts in the "Other Versions of Howard the Duck" in two-page feature in Crazy Magazine#36.
Clearly, Drake Vader was
something of a mash-up of Howard the Duck and Darth Vader, aka Anakin
Skywalker, the arch-villain of Stars Wars episodes IV-VI (A New Hope,
The Empire Strike Back, Return of the Jedi).
No further context is available, but it makes me wonder:
Profile by Snood.
Drake Vader is an homage and apparent counterpart to:
DEARTH VAPORS (Donnie+Torgua Dearth) - agents of Bzzk'joh--Howard the Duck I#23
First posted: 01/10/2025
Last updated: 01/11/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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