Type: Alternate Reality (Reality-57824) alien dimension
Environment: Atmosphere apparently comparable to that of modern Earth, but with apparently significantly less technology
Usual means of access: Vibrational attunement, time travel
Dominant Life Form: (Earlier time period) humanity
(latter time period) presumably humanity, although perhaps the Grokkos shared prominence
Significant Inhabitants: (Earlier time period) humanity, genetically-engineered creatures (including saurids);
(latter time period) unidentified humans and Grokkos
First Appearance: Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4 (December, 1952)
Biological experimentation labs resulted in various creatures
that tended to escape periodically. Armed with blaster weapons, men
from the town watched out for people being threatened by escapees from
the labs and slew the creatures as needed. (Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4 - BTS) - Having designed a time machine in Earth-616's year 1952, Mr. Thursby plotted to travel into the future where the people knew only peace, believing he could conquer them and rule the world. . . |
. He initially
thought that it looked peaceful, but then a pair of saurids
approached. Lacking any ammunition, Thursby raced back to his machine,
at which point a trio of police-type men approached. After one blasted the closest creature, another (presumably the highest-ranking among them) then
exhorted his ally to keep after the other creature until they fried it,
too. . . . |
. Noting the creatures to have
escaped from the labs, the lead man then questioned the nature of
Thursby's large machine and decided to arrest him (presumably at least until they
could learn more). However, having realized that this was not the time that he was looking for, Thursby instead fled into the future. |
Presumably they could also travel forward
lesser or slightly greater time periods. It is unrevealed whether they
could travel backward in time. They used this ability notably to avoid
the monstrous, man-eating Grokkos, which roamed the land in packs. At least in this region, the people developed into a peaceful society, with villages having
spaced apart building, using minimal technology and wearing robes or
light clothing. They gathered for peaceful discussion or to listen to children playing music, etc. (Adventures into Weird
Worlds#13/4) - Mr. Thursby used his time machine to travel to this
time period, and he immediately thought to make himself the dictator of the peaceful
and happy people. Wasting no time, Thursby approached a small group
and told them to stop whatever they were doing. He continued that he
had traveled from the past and wanted them to take him to their leader.
Having not previously encountered anyone having traveled from the past, the people thought that this was wonderful. As they bade him welcome, Thursby instead began giving them orders. |
(Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4 (fb) - BTS) - Apparently seeing the people, a group of at least three Grokkos
began approaching them. (Adventures into Weird
Worlds#13/4) - A local warned those conversing with Thursby
that they needed to move away from there as wild Grokkos were heading
that way. Seeing the "slimy things," Thursby noted that
they looked
like man-eaters, but the people -- assuming that he could travel
through time like he could -- assured him that they would escape.
Despite his ordering them about and his brusque nature, the people
continued to refer to him as "friend." Thursby panicked as the Grokkos got between him
and his time machine,
but the people continued to assure him that the Grokkos could not harm
it and that it would still be there tomorrow, so there was no need to
take it with him. However,
when they transported themselves a day forward in time to escape the
creatures, Thursby was left behind. One of the men was puzzled at why he wasn't coming with them, but Thursby could only scream in denial as the Grokkos swarmed over him. |
Comments: Created by Don Perlin, Abe Simon and an unidentified writer.
We don't know whether the Grokkos
were some species that evolved over time on Earth, whether they were
genetically engineered, were transported to Earth from another world,
magically-created, or who knows what.
Based on the mention of creatures escaping from
the biological experimentation laboratories 500 years earlier in this
reality, it seems likely that the Grokkos had escaped the labs and the
proliferated in the wild.
We only saw one tiny point of
geography and just a couple to a few representatives of the population
in each time period, and so
As we normally treat Golden Age
stories as if they occurred at the time of publication (barring
anything to the contrary), we would assume Thursby traveled forward
from 1952 as the default. They commonly note stories as occurring in
the future, but they did not in this case, so there's not any reason to
believe that to be the case. When Thursby first traveled into the
future, he was so excited that he "didn't stop the time machine until
he had traveled several centuries into the future."
The word "several" is not very specific and can mean
different things to different people. Its definition is "more than two
but less than many." I generally think of several as more than a few,
and I think of a few as 3-4 (obviously a "couple" strictly means two),
maybe even five, whereas several is like 5-7, maybe even 10, but at
some point it becomes many.
After that first stop, he traveled another 500 years
to the time period in which he met the Grokkos. So 500 years plus a
several (3-10) centuries from 1952, so likely at least 2750 A.D. and
maybe even 3450 A.D.?
Thanks to Loki for providing me scans of this story!
Profile by Snood.
Earth-57824 has no known connection to:
![]() Amongst these creatures that escaped were large, six-legged saurids. With five clawed digits on each foot and numerous sharp teeth (and based on their predatory behavior in pursuing Thursby), they were almost certainly carnivorous. Covered in orange-red scales, they also had a finned ridge running down their dorsal thoracolumbar region. (Adventures into Weird
Worlds#13/4) - After Thursby arrival, a pair of saurids began charging
him, but a trio of cops arrived, and one of them blasted the closest
one, while their leader exhorted the others to pursue and fry the other
one. |
images: (without ads)
Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4, pg. 3, panel 1 (earlier time period; city);
panel 2 (city & saurids);
panel 3 (saurids rushing Thursby);
panel 4 (cops blasting saurids);
panel 5 (cop, posterior oblique);
panel 6 (cop, upper posterior oblique);
pg. 4, panel 2 (latter time period, city);
panel 3 (main, group with flautist);
panel 4 (welcoming Thursby);
panel 5 (warning);
pg. 5, panel 3 (group teleporting away);
panel 5 (confused why Thursby is not coming with them);
Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4 (December, 1952) - unidentified writer, Don Perlin (penciler), Abe Simon (inker)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 11/03/2024
Last updated: 11/03/2024
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