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Real Name: Emma

Identity/Class: Extra-temporal (Earth-96020) human

Occupation: Housekeeper

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Edwin Jarvis, Anthony Stark, Howard Anthony Stark, Maria Collins Carbonell Stark

Enemies: Tobias

Known Relatives: Unrevealed

Aliases: 'Daft woman' (nickname used by Edwin Jarvis)

Base of Operations: Stark family townhouse, New York City, New York

First Appearance: Avengers: Timeslide I#1 (February, 1996)

Powers/Abilities: Emma possessed no known superhuman abilities, she was a dutiful housekeeper who had no trouble carrying out orders.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 125 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry blonde


(Avengers: Timeslide I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Emma was part of the household staff of the New York townhouse of wealthy industrialist Howard Stark and his family. She worked as a housekeeper, answering directly to the family's butler Edwin Jarvis.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1 (fb) - BTS) - On March 15th, Jarvis asked Emma to do an inventory of the pantry.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1 - BTS) - Later that day, a group of Avengers and a future version of Edwin Jarvis from Earth-616 traveled to Earth-96020 on a mission to recruit Tony, the 19 year old son of Howard and Maria Stark. After some doing, Jarvis managed to convince his younger self to help them. The butler hid these strange, colorful visitors in the mansion's pantry which he locked off.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Jarvis was so perplexed about the turn of events that he'd forgotten he'd asked Emma to do an inventory of the pantry. When she found the door locked, she went upstairs to find a spare key.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1) - Jarvis was startled when he spotted Emma about to open the pantry door. Afraid she might discover his uninvited house guests, he used his authority to strongly tell her off, ordering the 'daft woman' to busy herself with watering the plants in the conservatory and dusting the library. Hiding her annoyance, the stunned Emma walked off.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1 - BTS) - Jarvis was shocked to find the pantry empty: the Avengers had snuck out and were now in Tony's room. Meanwhile, the time traveling Tobias (secretly a Space Phantom working for Immortus) had come to Earth-96020 to kill young Tony Stark. He barged into the mansion looking for the teenager, but finding Emma instead. Seeing no need for her, he slaughtered her with his axe.

(Avengers: Timeslide I#1) - Emma's blood curdling death scream alerted the Avengers and the two Jarvises who found the corpse of the loyal housekeeper bleeding out on the carpet while Tobias was getting ready to add Howard and Maria Stark to his ever growing list of victims.

Comments: Created by Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh, Roger Cruz, Manny Clark, Fabio Laguna, Frank Toscano, Manny Clark & Oclair Albert, Scott Koblish & Rene Micheletti .

Earth-96020 has numerous familiar characters that show up for brief cameos: Ben, May and Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm, even Doctor Doom plays a pivotal part in Avengers: Timeslide. However, the poor, ill-fated Emma seems to be the only one without a direct 616-counterpart.

Profile by Norvo

Emma of Earth-96020 should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
Avengers: Timeslide I#1, p24, pan2 (main)
Avengers: Timeslide I#1, p24, pan3 (closeup)
Avengers Timeslide I#1, p28, pans1&2 (dies)

Avengers: Timeslide I#1 (February, 1996) - Bob Harras & Terry Kavanagh (writers), Roger Cruz, Manny Clark, Fabio Laguna, Frank Toscano, Manny Clark & Oclair Albert (pencils), Scott Koblish & Rene Micheletti (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

First Posted: 01/15/2025
Last Updated: 01/15/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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