of Reality-8116
This is a partial/starter profile to build upon as I progressively review the Dreadstar series

Type: Alternate reality (Reality-8116) galaxy;
    the planet Caldor with the Empirical Galaxy was notably 500,000 light years from the
"Dark Sector" (formerly the Milky Way Galaxy)

Known star systems: Advarti, Chalfalon star system (containing Caldor), Gol

Known planets: Altarix, Caldor, Jewelworld, Nimbus,

Known races: The People,

Known interplanetary/interstellar organizations: Instrumentality, Monachy

Environment: An undefined series of planetary star systems separated by interstellar space but in relative proximity compared to other galaxies

Usual means of access: Warp speed travel or magic

Significant Inhabitants: See individual planets

First Appearance: Epic Illustrated#9 (December, 1981)



(Epic Illustrated#9 (fb) - BTS / The Price (fb) - BTS) - Humanoid races populated much of the Empirical Galaxy.

(The Price (fb) - BTS) <200 years before the main story> - When the Monarchy and Instrumentality each laid claim to Nimbus, the two governments -- both of whom had gods and the might of several hundred worlds on their side -- decided that the only way to settle the dispute was all-out war, which continued for over 200 years.

(Epic Illustrated#9) - The mystic sphere containing Orsirosian Aknaton and his warrior Vanth (later known as Dreadstar) -- who had facilitated the destruction of the entire Milky WayGgalaxy to eliminate the threat of the Zygoteans -- crashed on and then opened up on Caldor.

    Before dying, Aknaton advised Vanth space sector had need of a person of Vanth's particular talents and qualities and that the people of this galaxy were at a moral crossroads, a point of technological development where they could change their worlds into scientfic gardens of paradise or breed their own race of Zygoteans. Aknaton advised Vanth that he was needed to lead the people down the right road, but that he would not be alone, as others would help him, though those people would need Vanth in order to survive. Aknaton explained that Vanth had to make others hear his message or they would suffer the same damnation.

Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.

Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer

    I am including the LX-7 Nebula and the Xerolix Galaxy as sub-profiles here, as they are only mentioned in a single sentence of text, and so they're not worth full profiles...and I don't have anywhere else to put them...

Profile by Snood.

The Empirical Galaxy of Reality-8116 should be distinguished from connection to:


    Nimbus is a small planet in the Empirical galaxy.

(The Price (fb) - BTS) <200 years before the main story> - When the Monarchy and Instrumentality each laid claim to Nimbus, the two governments -- both of whom had gods and the might of several hundred worlds on their side -- decided that the only way to settle the dispute was all-out war, which continued for over 200 years.

    --[The Price]

LX-7 Nebula

LX-7 Nebula of Reality-8116 - has a number of humanoid races, which "pepper the stars from the LX-7 Nebula to the Xerolix galaxy"

    --[The Price]

Xerolix Galaxy

Xerolix Galaxy of Reality-8116 - has a number of humanoid races, which "pepper the stars from the LX-7 Nebula to the Xerolix galaxy"

    --[The Price]

images: (without ads)






Epic Illustrated#9: Metamorphosis Odyssey, Chapter XIII: Doomsday & XIV: Aftermath (December, 1981) - Jim Starlin (writer, artist), Stan Lee (editor/publisher), Archie Goodwin (editorial director), James Shooter (consulting editor)
"The Price," Eclipse Graphic Album Series#5 (1981) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist); I don't know who edited it; reprinted in Epic's Dreadstar Annual#1 (1983), it credited Jo Duffy (associate editor) and Archie Goodwin (editor)

Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (1982) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist), Archie Goodwin & Jo Duffy (editor)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

First posted: 07/23/2023
Last updated: 07/23/2023

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