extraterrestrialalcoholicsanonymous "ETAA
(ExtraTerrestrial Alcoholics Anonymous)"

Membership: None identified;
    Eugene "Flash" Thompson at least once sat in as a guest

Purpose: Apparently sharing and listening (and perhaps specifically helping others cope with addiction)

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Strangers needing support/kinship

Enemies: Presumably addiction and judgment

Base of Operations: Extraterrestrial;
    unidentified village/region on unidentified planet in unidentified star system in unidentified galaxy

First Appearance: Venom: Space Knight#2 (February, 2016)

Powers/Abilities: They provide support, empathy, kinship and an willingness to listen to the concerns of others.

    They also provide snacks and drinks, which appear to be comparable to doughnuts and coffee.

Venom: Space Knight#2 (fb) - BTS) - While traveling through space as an "Agent of the Cosmos," Flash encountered a group who appeared to comparable to Earth's Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar group.

(Venom: Space Knight#2) - At a meeting, Flash introduced himself, "My name is Flash. And I'm an alcoholic." He was greeted by a collective, "Hi, Flash!" He then shared his recent adventures on P'qui, noting that his new job as an Agent of the Cosmos was complicated, but that it felt like a second chance for both himself and for everyone in his life. He continued that that felt great, and finding this group and this meeting felt like home, despite how far away from Earth he actually was.

    Flash then thanked those present for listening and then headed over to share what he hoped were coffee and doughnuts.

Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson and Ariel Olivetti.

    The group was never identified, nor was the planet they were on. Flash assumed they were an Alcoholic Anonymous-like group, and they greeted him and listened to him in a fashion comparable to how AA is portrayed in most media, at least.

    They apparently speak English or have unseen translation methods.

    I don't think any of the extraterrestrials seen in this group conform to any known races.

Profile by Snood.

This group, "Extraterrestrial Alcoholics Anonymous," has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Venom: Space Knight#2, pg. 18, panel 3 (Flash and others at meeting with "doughnuts and coffee")

Venom: Space Knight#2 (February, 2016) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editor), Jake Thomas (editor)

First posted: 12/13/2024
Last updated: 12/13/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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