Real Name: Nina Ferry
Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-7484) human mutate (cyborg?)
Occupation: CIA consultant;
former assistant to Simon Ryker
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: CIA (Teresa Devereaux), Death-Machine/Super-Tank, Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning), Omni-Computer, Mike Travers, ;
formerly Simon Ryker, Trouble-Shooters;
Enemies: Simon Ryker,
formerly Deathlok, Linc Shane;
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#25 (August, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: While connected to the Omni-Computer, Nina's mind was used to control the Death Machine/Super-Tank, making it a thinking, almost human tank weapon.
She could apparently access all of
the knowledge of the Omni-Computer and she knew everything Simon Ryker
knew and was doing.
She was in a state of
electro-sleep while connected to the Omni-Computer, and after she was
disconnected, she regained consciousness, but she was at least
initially unable to speak. She may or may not have regained the ability
to speak, or perhaps she could speak through computer screens or
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 120 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blonde
(Astonishing Tales#28 (fb) - BTS) - Ryker dated Nina Ferry, whom he came to love.
(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb)) - Nina was with Simon
Ryker, holding his arm, as he oversaw Deathlok's training. When Ryker
noted Deathlok's power, Nina told him that Deathlok was "so...repulsive. Just looking at him makes my flesh crawl. Do I have to watch this demonstration with you, Simon?"
Ryker told her he thought she would want to share with him his finest moment, a dream sculpted into glory; he added that it wasn't every major who could dupe the entire military into funding his private obsession. He further instructed Nina to listen as the doctor gave a rundown on Deathlok's features, after which he told her to imagine what he could do with a being like this subserviant to his command. He continued, detailing Deathlok's offensive capabilities.
(Astonishing Tales#25) - Inadvertently walking in as Ryker was mocking Deathlok via transmitting through Julian Biggs' robotic parts, Nina saw the exposed circuitry on the back of Ryker's head (the panel over which had been knocked loose during Deathlok's initial escape). Shocked, she cried out that he was a cyborg, and he told her that she had made both an obvious deduction and her last.
(Astonishing Tales#27 (fb) - BTS) - To keep Nina quiet, Ryker kept her in a stupor via "electro-sleep"
(Astonishing Tales#27) - As Ryker departed his Statue of Liberty base in his helicopter (with Nina aboard, hanging limply), Ryker noted that Nina wouldn't feel the changes she would undergo as he used her for his own special purposes.
(Astonishing Tales#26 + 27 - BTS / Astonishing Tales#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger plotted the downfall of Simon Ryker; he somehow arranged for the mind-lock of Nina Ferry with the Omni-Computer, which provided Hellinger with vital information to use against him.
(Astonishing Tales#28 - BTS) - Ryker had Nina linked to his Omni-Computer via wires connected to her brain,
allowing a synergy between computer programming and the human
mind. This left her in a semi-catatonic state,
responsive to his directions.
(Astonishing Tales#28) - As Ryker monitored Deathlok's activities and ranted about the "Saviour Machine" that the world currently needed, Nina hung limply, bound in manacles and with wires running from her head into the machine/computer behind her.
Ryker subsequently ranted to
himself about not allowing Deathlok to kill himself when his master
(Ryker) could accomplish the task in a much more colorful manner.
Grabbing the inert Nina's hair, he told her to "sleep her electronic
sleep," noting that it was unfortunate that she had seen him while he
was recharging his biofeedback mechanism, and that she, too, had now
become his prisoner. Although he considered that he had truly loved her, he
asked her to understand (despite her apparent unconsciousness) that he
could not leave her running around free to tell everyone that he, too,
was a cyborg and that he was actually Project Alpha-Mech's first
(Astonishing Tales#28 - BTS) - Ryker apparently used Nina and his Omni-Computer's rapport to send his Super-Tank after Deathlok; with her brain's impulses monitored and recorded, in conjunction with the Omni-Computer, the result was a thinking, almost human tank weapon.
(Astonishing Tales#28) - Ryker resolved that either his Trouble-Shooters, armed with laser rifles, or his Super-Tank would destroy Deathlok.
(Astonishing Tales#28 - BTS) - The Super-Tank pinned down Deathlok and his new ally Linc Shane.
(Astonishing Tales#30) - With Nina's body lying inert, Ryker enjoyed watching Deathlok fleeing from the Super-Tank and feeling assured that his supreme Death-Machine (as he now referred to the Super-Tank) would swiftly overtake and expunge Deathlok.
(Astonishing Tales#30 - BTS) - After Deathlok had
fled over the North Wall and the smaller Columbus Circle Barricade, the
had to back up build up speed to break down the second wall,. In the
meantime, the
Trouble-Shooters went after Deathlok on foot.
(Astonishing Tales#30) - After
Deathlok had taken down two of the Trouble-Shooters, Ryker instructed the
Omni-Computer to decrease psychic extraction from Nina by 75%.
Appreciating that she could now hear him, Ryker taunted her with how
her mind was being forced to direct the Death-Machine against Deathlok.
(Astonishing Tales#33 / Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger (Simon's brother) told Deathlok that he had manipulated events to draw
Deathlok to him because his machines (computers) had indicated that
exactly "one hour ago," Nina would become integral to his schemes.
Hellinger further explained that as Nina had been mindlocked to the
Omni-Computer and that she knew everything Ryker knew, she was the key
to Ryker's destruction.
Comments: Created by Rich Buckler with Doug Moench.
I thought Nina was seen back at the CIA base after Mike Travers had brought Deathlok back there in Astonishing Tales I#34, but I don't see her as I keep rechecking #34-36. I would think her connection to the Omni-Computer would have facilitated Dr. Wilcox's bringing Simon Ryker's mind back out of the computer and into his own body. However, she was not mentioned as having been involved in Ryker's downfall.
I'm aslo not sure how Hellinger had anything to do with Nina being linked to the Omni-Computer.
Profile by Snood.
Nina Ferry should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Astonishing Tales#25, pg. 8, panel 7 (with Simon, observing Deathlok's testing)
pg. 15, panel 9 (Nina Ferry, mostly full, discovers Ryker);
#27, pg. 13, panel 4 (suspended/manacled)
#28, pg. 6, panel 1 (Ryker holding her hair)
#30, pg. 10, panel 6 (mostly full, on inclined table);
#32, pg. 10, panel 1 (disconnected from machine);
#33, pg. 12, panel 6 (approaching Travers);
Astonishing Tales#25 (August, 1974) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench
(writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Rich Buckler, Klaus Janson, Al
Milgrom & Mike Esposito (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales#27 (December, 1974) - Rich Buckler &
Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Roy
Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales#28 (February, 1975) - Rich Buckler (writer/artist), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales#30 (June, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench
(writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Arvell Jones (pencils), Al
McWilliams (inks), Len Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales#32 (November, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Bill Mantlo
(writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Bob McLeod (artists), Len
Wein (editor)
Astonishing Tales#33 (January-May, 1976) - Rich Buckler & Bill
Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv
Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales#34 (March, 1976) - Rich Buckler & Bill
Mantlo (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv
Wolfman (editor)
First started: 09/26/2020
First posted: 07/28/2024
Last updated: 08/11/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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