Real Name: Gamera
Identity/Class: Terrestrial amphibian (prehistoric era to modern day) (see comments)
Occupation: Animal, defender of the Earth/humanity
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Unrevealed (see comments)
Enemies: Unrevealed;
probably formerly JSDF (Japanese Self-Defense Forces)
(see comments)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Kamera, Gammera, Gamela (see comments)
Base of Operations: Mobile around the world's oceans, most frequently in the Pacific near Japan
First Appearance: (original) Gamera the Giant
Monster (Daiei Motion Picture Company, 27th November 1965);
(Marvel, pictorial evidence of existence on
Earth-616) Uncanny X-Men I#181 (May 1984)
Powers/Abilities: A giant turtle capable of
walking on all fours or just his hind legs, Gamera possesses immense
strength allowing him to lift hundreds of tons, and incredible
durability, shrugging off most attacks up to and including missile
strikes. If he is badly injured he can enter a hibernating regenerative
state to rapidly recover. He is fully amphibious, surviving underwater
with ease and able to dive to the deepest parts of the ocean, casually
withstanding the immense pressures. He can swim in excess of fifty knots
(around 57mph - by contrast, a U.S. Destroyer's top speed is around 30
Gamera feeds off energy, be it fire,
electricity or nuclear; he can also chow down on oil and coal as raw
fuel, storing them inside his gut in specialist organs until they can be
passed into his internal furnace. Able to generate massive internal
thermal energy, he can breath jets of flame. More astoundingly, he can
fly by retracting limbs or his head inside his shell, then discharging
flames like a rocket jet; he sometimes retracts all four limbs and head
and flies spinning around like a top, and other times only his hind
limbs. He can exceed Mach 3 while flying, and is capable of flying into
deep space, surviving in the vacuum without any obvious difficulties.
Height: 196'10"
Weight: 78.73 tons
Eyes: Unrevealed (see comments)
Hair: None
Scales: Blue-green
(Gamera movies) - Believed to have been a member of a rare species of
giant turtle that once inhabited the lost continent of Atlantis,
Gamera was apparently trapped in Arctic ice after his home continent
sank. In the modern day an aircraft from an unidentified nation
hostile to the U.S.A. was shot down during a dogfight with American
fighter jets near Gamera's location; after it crash-landed the nuclear
bomb it was carrying detonated, thawing out Gamera. When the creature
made his way to Japan, he was initially assumed to be hostile and
attacked by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) but over time it
became clear that Gamera was not only friendly towards humanity but
protective of it, willing to battle other monsters in mankind's
(Uncanny X-Men I#181 (fb) - BTS) - The giant turtle kaiju (see comments) Gamera was well known enough in Japan to warrant an entry in a "Monster Book" that featured silhouettes and basic information about its entries.
(Uncanny X-Men I#181 - BTS) - When the giant dragon Puff appeared over Japan a group of school children were among the first to spot her, but were unable to identify her from their Monster Book, instead flipping past images of Gojira, Gamera and the Hulk.
(Muties#2 - BTS) - Telekinetic Japanese mutant youth Seiji
Honda owned many action figures (see comments), including a
Gamera toy. When his abusive stepfather Noboru threatened to kill
Seiji's mother the boy used his telekinesis to make his toys attack the
Comments: Daiei Motion Pictures' president Masaichi Nagata claimed he conceived the concept of Gamera, inspired by witnessing a turtle-shaped cloud; however, it's worth mentioning that this is a suspiciously similar story to the one film producer Tomoyuki Tanaka gave years earlier while explaining how he came up with Godzilla, and TV producer Tomio Sagisu, who founded and ran a company that made tokusatsu shows claimed Daiei stole the idea from a kaiju series he had been shopping around. The people who built the Gamera suit for his debut movie (and so I assume the people who came up with his look) were the brothers Kanju Yagi and Yasuei Yagi, who had previously created the original Godzilla suit. Gamera was introduced into Marvel, albeit only via sneaky unidentified silhouette, by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr. and Dan Green; given he only appeared as an unnamed figure in a monster book it is possible that the script didn't mention Gamera and only Romita was actually responsible for his inclusion.
Before going more into Gamera, a few quick
explanations of Japanese terminology related to their monster movies for
the uninitiated.
Toho is the studio that produced the Godzilla movies,
Japan's (and probably the world's) most famous kaiju; Toho is also
responsible for Akira Kurosawa's films (historical epics such as Seven
Samurai, Rashomon, Yojimbo, etc.), and distributing most of the Studio
Ghibli anime movies. Daiei was a rival studio, and Gamera remains the
most successful kaiju star outside of the Toho fold.
Gamera's name derives from the Japanese word for
turtle "kame" combined with a suffix "ra"; it's been suggested that
Kamera became Gamera to avoid his name sounding like the English word
camera. When his first movie was released in the United States he was
subtly renamed Gammera, and it has also been spelled Gamela in some
international release literature.
Is Gamera definitely a real creature on
Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel universe)? It's not confirmed, given
that we've only seen a drawing of him and a toy, but the context of the
former is significant - both the other "monsters" depicted in that guide
are real being in 616, and if you were putting together a "spotter's
guide" to help people identify things they see, would you include
fictional beings? Of course, that begs the question as to whether the
other things mentioned by the children as being in the guide might also
exist in 616. These were:
I'm less inclined to assume that Seiji's toys are evidence (on their own at least) of the beings they represent existing for real in 616, though we can't rule it out, given they include confirmed "real" beings like Godzilla and Ant-Man. If the others also are based on real beings, then we can add Godzilla's sometimes ally/sometimes foe Mothra (seen in his larval form among the toys), one of the Kamen Rider superheroes, the giant robot Tetsujin-28 (a.k.a. Gigantor in the U.S.), the giant mecha Eva Unit 1 (from Neon Genesis Evangelion, whose world can't co-exist with 616, but maybe the mecha could), and Optimus Prime of the Autobots.
Since we don't know how much, if any, of Gamera's movie history might transfer over to 616, I've left his allies and enemies as largely unrevealed. It's feasible that in 616 he might be a Deviant mutate, or another creation of Doctor Parker. He's probably not Parker's previously seen experimental giant turtles 247 or XYZ, as neither of them have Gamera's distinctive mouth tusks, though it is possible those developed over time.
Gamera has appeared in a reasonable number of
manga in Japan, but the only Western comics he's starred in that I know
of was the four issue Gamera miniseries released by Dark Horse in 1995.
Profile by Loki.
Gamera has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Uncanny X-Men I#181, p2, pan3 (main image, Monster Book's Gamera
Gamera the Giant Monster production still (main image, black and white
Gamera photo)
Muties#2, p19, pan3 (Gamera toy)
Gamera#2 cover (Gamera comic art)
Uncanny X-Men I#181 (May
1984) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Romita Jr. Dan Green (artists),
Louise Jones (editor)
Muties#2 (May 2002) - Karl
Bollers (writer), Patrick Spaziante (pencils), Danny Miki & Victor
Olazaba & Crime Lab Studios (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
First Posted: 09/17/2023
Last updated: 09/17/2023
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