gearbox-928-2094-illusion-fullish GEARBOX
(Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D.)

gearbox-928-2094-illusion-faceReal Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-928) human cyborg;
    active circa 2094 A.D. (at least)

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Group Membership: Unrevealed

Affiliations: Elysium Biomedical Corporation;
    presumably multiple other employers

Enemies: Broken Haiku, Victor Ten Eagles, Xi'an Chi Xan;
    presumably numerous other targets

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The American southwest circa 2094 A.D. (at least)

First Appearance: X-Men 2099#22 (July, 1995)

gearbox-928-2094-illusion-fullish-saw-attackPowers/Abilities: Gearbox is a large cyborg man, with everything but his head and neck either bionic or covered in metallic armor.

    He presumably has unspecified superhuman strength and durability, and his rewired nervous system presumably protected him from electrical attacks, such as Xi'an Chi Xan's taserblades.

    His left arm ends in a circular saw-type blade, and his right arm has mechanical talons.

    He has numerous spiked projections from his armored back.

    He sometimes wields a blaster pistol of some sort.

    He was known for his tracking abilities.

    Both of his eyes appear to be bionic and presumably allow tracking, scanning, telescopic and other sorts of enhancements. However, it is also possible that he wears external enhancements over his still-organic eyes; regardless, his ocular abilities remain speculative.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 7-8'...he looked WAY bigger than Xi'an, who was likely 5'8"-5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (impossible to estimate without knowing his size, the percentage of his body that was organic vs. bionic, and the components of his bionic parts)
Eyes: Solid red (bionic vs. external covering/enhancement)
Hair: Black (sparse)

gearbox-928-2094-nogales-confront(X-Men 2099#22 (fb) - BTS) - Broken Haiku, Victor Ten Eagles and Xi'an Chi Xan -- former members of the Lawless -- committed unspecified crimes against the Elysium Biomedical Corporation and their subsidiaries.

    Elysium hired the bounty hunter Gearbox to bring them in dead or alive.

    Gearbox tracked/encountered the trio at least once, but they thought they lost him in Phoenix.

(X-Men 2099#22 (fb)) <2094 A.D.> - As Haiku, Victor, and Xi'an had drinks at the Glass Eye cantina in Nogales, Arizona, Gearbox broke into the bar.

    Xi'an exclaimed, "that crazy bounty hunter's found us!" Haiku commented that she thought they'd lost him in Phoenix, and Victor noted that this cyborg didn't know when to quit.

    Advising his targets he had been authorized to bring them in dead of alive, Gearbox fired a blast that took out Haiku, leaving her unconscious (or at least unmoving) on the ground.

    Realizing they lacked the power to stop Gearbox, Xi'an advised they flee, telling Victor that if they stayed they would die, and that you couldn't get sentimental in situations like this. gearbox-928-2094-illusion-fullish-cover

(X-Men 2099#12 (fb) - BTS) - Victor Ten Eagles saved Haiku.

(X-Men 2099#12 (fb) - BTS) - Broken Haiku considered that Xi'an had left her to die.

(X-Men 2099#22 - BTS) - As part of his efforts to conscript Xi'an into the Theatre of Pain, Brimstone Love had his controller prime, Charon, extract memories from Xan's mind and then create the illusions of returning Xan to the respective locations of those memories. Charon further used her powers to make Felicity, commander of the Theatre's Norns, appear to be foes from each of those previous memories.

    Seemingly transporting Xan to Nogales (presumably Arizona, as opposed to Sonora, Mexico), Charon made Felicity appear to be Gearbox, who attacked Xan, telling him there was still a bounty on his head and that he was there to collect with interest. Grabbing Xan by the neck, "Gearbox" told him that while he escaped once before, he would not do so this time and that he (Gearbox) had a reputation to uphold. Warning Xan that if he tried to use his destructive touch on him, he would slice off his arm, "Gearbox" told Xan that he would get paid regardless of whether he brought him in one piece or twenty. After "Gearbox" had stabbed Xan in the side, Brimstone had Charon advance to the next illusionary scenario.

Comments: Created by John Francis Moore, Ron Lim and Harry Candelario.

    It would really be nice to have a Lawless 2099 limited series to flesh out the histories of the various characters, including Gearbox. We've really only got four panels of actual flashback to go on, and two of those are just Xi'an and Victor fleeing from Gearbox.

    On that same note, the fully-colored images are either from the cover of X-Men 2099#22 or they were Felicity posing as Gearbox.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

X-Men 2099#22 cover,
       pg. 9, panel 2 (full body, confronting Xi'an);
          panel 3 (confronting Xi'an, Victor, & Haiku);
          panel 4 (face in profile, swinging blade);
          panel (face, front)

X-Men 2099#22 (July, 1995) - John Francis Moore (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Harry Candelario (inker), Joey Cavalieri (editor), Bobbi Chase (executive editor)

First posted: 09/27/2024
Last updated: 09/28/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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