gholar-yppplko-main GHOLARgholar-yppplko-fullshadowed

Real Name: Gholar

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Yppplk'o race?) cyborg, at least

Occupation: Mercenary, smuggler, and/or sentient being trafficker

Group Membership: Unrevealed

Affiliations: Kio;
    indirectly Mercurio and the Gramosians allied with him

Enemies: Venom (Flash Thompson)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None (Venom referred to him as his landing pad after using Gholar to cushion his fall from a skyscraper)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    at least formerly a building on "a planet that <Flash Thompson> can't pronounce"

First Appearance: Venom: Space Knight#1 (January, 2016)gholar-yppplko-tentacles

Powers/Abilities: Gholar has cephalopod-humanoid features, as well as some bionic body parts, plus the shark mouth.

    Gholar's head is topped with a large, somewhat triangular appendage angling in a superior and posterior (upward and back) direction and somewhat similar to the tip of the head of a terrestrial giant squid.

    He has two bionic left eyes (one superior/upper and medial, one inferior and lateral) of unrevealed specification.

    He has at least one organic eye paired with superior/medial bionic eye.

    He may or may a second organic eye paired with the inferior/lateral bionic eye.

    He has two wide nostril without any other external nose inferior to his upper eyes and just superior to his mouth.

    He had a large mouth with rows of sharp teeth, akin to a shark. Presumably he has/had a vary powerful bite.

    Gholar's left arm is composed of four tentacles with suction cups akin to those of a squid. As one would expect of a tentacle, these do not contain bones.
    One of these tentacles was partially severed by Venom.
    It may or may not have regenerated or been replaced.

    Gholar's right arm is of a more humanoid configuration, broadly muscled, but with only two (maybe three, as they are shown only in two panels and somewhat obliquely) fingers and an opposing thumb.

    There are blunt cylindrical projections from his shoulders (two on the left, at least one on the right) of unrevealed nature and significance.

    He has thick legs with a two thick-clawed toes on each foot. He appears to have a conformation for a plantigrade stance.

    It may be speculated that the rest of his body (beyond his tentacled left arm) has -- like a shark -- cartilage instead of bones or that -- like a mollusk/cephalopod -- he has one bones at all. We don't know much about his body, although he does have a pancreas, which may have both endocrine and exocrine hormonal functions in balancing blood sugar via insulin-production, digestion, etc.

    He apparently carries some sort of hand-held weapon for use with his more humanoid right arm.

    Gholar apparently had no compunctions in selling sentient beings to other beings for a profit.

    He stored information on his activities on an external hard drive. gholar-yppplko-fall

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'3")
Weight: Unrevealed (difficult to estimate given the unknowns regarding his body makeup; presumably at least 200-300 lbs.)
Eyes: (Left, presumably organic) unrevealed (not clearly shown); (right, paired bionic) apparently glowing light blue
Hair: None

gholar-yppplko-land(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) - Under unrevealed circumstances, Gholar came into the possession of Cora and her three children who were part of an extraterrestrial race from whose blood the drug YT-19 was created.

(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) - As part of a plot to accumulate wealth and power to restore power to the unstable planet Gramos and/or to build a conquering armada, Mercurio's agents apparently employed Kio to purchase (from Gholar on a planet whose name Flash Thompson could not pronounce) Cora and her children.

(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) - In his new role as an Agent of the Cosmos, Venom/Flash Thompson learned of the "shipment of YT-19" sold by Gholar.

    Venom traveled to the world on which Gholar was based.
    Within a building from which Gholar operated, Venom obtained the relatively large drive containing information on Gholar's YT-19 sales (at least).

(Venom: Space Knight#1) - A conflict ensued, with Gholar apparently defenestrating Venom from some sort of viewing deck in a tall building (or possibly Venom jumped out the window and Gholar pursued).

    Gholar snared Venom's right ankle with one of his tentacles and used another tentacle to knock Venom's gun out of his hand.

    However, forming his hand into a knife, Venom severed the tentacle and then apparently grabbed the other tentacle and pulled Gholar down with him.

    Although Gholar wrapped another tentacle around Venom's right arm, Venom manipulated their fall so that he landed on top of Gholar while punching him in the mid-section.

    Gholar exclaimed "My pancreas" in the Yppplk'o language, and Venom left him behind.

(Venom: Space Knight#1 - BTS) - Venom intended to get the desired information off of the drive in the spaceship on which he had arrived on the planet, but that ship was blown up by (presumably security agents) pursuing him after his assault on Gholar's building.

    Venom then took Gholar's drive to Morrellian Offworld Industries, where he linked it to a computer and learned that Gholar had sold the YT-19 to a pirate named Kio and that Kio's ship was scheduled to depart the planet in 5 minutes.

Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson and Ariel Olivetti.

    Gholar does not match up with any known extraterrestrial race of which I am aware.

    Gholar is a very visually interesting character.
    He reminds me of a kraken, with his head shaped something like a squid's, the tentacles, and then the shark-like teeth.

    Gholar certainly has some bionic attachments, and we don't know how much of his body is typical of his race. His right eyes certainly appear to be bionic.

    He may or may not be a mutant, mutate, etc.

   Venom pursued Kio, learned the YT-19 shipment was actually Cora and her children, freed them and slew Kio.
    Venom them took Cora and her children to Uuex where they were reunited with Cora's wife.
    However, it is not spelled out that Cora and her family are from Uuex as opposed to just based there.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

Gholar's building

gholar-yppplko-buildingIt was something of a skyscraper, and Venom and Gholar fell out of it during a conflict.

Venom: Space Knight#1

Gholar's drive

gholar-yppplko-drive(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) - In his new role as an Agent of the Cosmos, Venom/Flash Thompson learned of the "shipment of YT-19" sold by Gholar, and he traveled to the world on which Gholar was based.
    Within a building from which Gholar operated, Venom obtained the relatively large drive containing information on Gholar's YT-19 sales (at least).

(Venom: Space Knight#1) - A conflict ensued, with Venom ultimately escaping with the drive after taking Gholar with him on a fall out of the building and landing atop Gholar.

(Venom: Space Knight#1 - BTS) - Venom intended to get the desired information off of the drive in the spaceship on which he had arrived on the planet, but that ship was blown up by (presumably security agents) pursuing him after his assault on Gholar's building.

    Venom then took Gholar's drive to Morrellian Offworld Industries, where he linked it to a computer and learned that Gholar had sold the YT-19 to a pirate named Kio and that Kio's ship was scheduled to depart the planet in 5 minutes. 
-- Venom: Space Knight#1


    Gholar's speech was translated from the Yppplk'o language...but does that mean he was a member of the Yppplk'o race?
    Or that he was a native to the world Flash Thompson could not pronounce?
    Not necessarily to either question.

    Obviously numerous languages are spoken on Earth, with none of them being "human" or "terran."

    Yppplk'o could be one of many languages on whatever world Gholar was from, and he may or may not be from the world on which Venom encountered him.

    Venom encountered at least one other being on that world speaking another language, notably the Fh'jhlij'9yho language spoken by the owl-woman who was selling timeshare properties on the same world.

Venom: Space Knight#1

: (without ads)

gholar-yppplko-notmainnotovercropped Venom: Space Knight#1, story pg. 2, panel 1 (Gholar (face detail) pursuing Venom)
                        -- had the highest resolution when cropped to the panel, but it cropped out a fragment of his tentacles. I've included the whole, smaller image, here-------------------->
          panel 2 (full body in shadow) - this may have taken place before the above panel; it was unclear to me...
          panel 3 (tentacle detail);
       pg. 3, panel 1 (full profile, falling);
          panel 3 (face as viewed from above / while lying in supine position);
       pg. 5, panel 4 (Gholar's drive)

Venom: Space Knight#1 (January, 2016) - Robbie Thompson (writer), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editor), Jake Thomas (editor)

First posted: 02/14/2024
Last updated: 02/14/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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