giant wolf mangiant wolf man

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Unrevealed (see comments) giant lupine semi-humanoid;
    active circa World War II (perhaps 1942-1945 A.D.)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: Unrevealed (he kind of looks like a Nazi)

Affiliations: Unrevealed

Enemies: Hurricane (Makkari), Jack Frost, Patriot (Jeff Mace), Red Raven (latter three possibly as a contingent of the Liberty Legion)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed (see comments)

First Appearance All-New Invaders#13 (February, 2015)

Powers/Abilities: The giant wolf man almost certainly had superhuman strength, durabilty, speed and enhanced olfactory and auditory senses.

    He likely had enhanced nocturnal vision (perhaps extending into infra-red spectrum and/or utilizing a tapetum lucidum to reflect light back).

    He had sharp claws on each of his digits as well as sharp teeth (with enlarged canine teeth).

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 15' tall)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 3000 lbs.)
Eyes: Apparently glowing light blue
Hair: Gray

All-New Invaders#13 (fb)) - At some point (perhaps 1941-1946 A.D.), the giant wolf man fought Hurricane (the alias used at the time by Makkari of Earth's Eternals), Jack Frost, the Patriot and Red Raven.

Comments: Created by James Robinson and Steve Pugh.

    So, what was this guy? He wasn't referenced in the dialogue, which was just Makkari discussing how he had been active alongside the Invaders and many other heroes of that time.

  1. Was he a werewolf that was just giant-sized for some reason? His well-kept uniform argues against him being some savage, bestial creature, but perhaps he retained his own mind?
  2. Was he a higher level spawn of Varcolac, the Wolf God/Demon, or a descendant of the ancient race of Wolf Men?
  3. Was he one of Asgard's Wolf Gods? And/or did he have power drawn from Fenris Wolf?
  4. Was he somehow spawned by the Godstone (aka the moonstone, moongem, weirdstone, etc. that empowered John Jameson as the Man-Wolf and Stargod)?
  5. Was he a product of magic or science (like the werewolves created by Nightshade)?
  6. Was he from a race of extraterrestrial wolf-men?
  7. Was he a human transformed into that form or was that his natural form?
  8. Was he a Nazi? His uniform/costume looks vaguely like something a Nazi would wear, but I don't see any identifying symbols.
Yes, we don't know much about this character, but he has a really cool visual, so I'm posting him to hopefully draw some attention. If/when more information is forthcoming, we can further expland this profile.

Where did the struggle take place?

I was pondering the bombed out location of that scene - given that the Liberty Legion were primarily homefront heroes. It has the look of blitzed London or Stalingrad.
--Helena Nash

Agreed on the blitzed look. And though they were primarily home front, there was at least one confirmed exception where they would almost certainly all have been present overseas in a bombed out landscape - Berlin, 1945, as depicted in The Twelve.
The Twelve#1 confirms Red Raven was present. The Twelve: Spearhead confirms Patriot too. And though the other two weren't depicted, given how many other heroes were in attendance it's not much of a stretch to assume they could have been.

Profile by Snood.

The giant wolf man
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
All-New Invaders#13, pg. 13, panel 1 (fullish vs. heroes)

All-New Invaders#13 (February, 2015) - James Robinson (writer), Steve Pugh (artist), Emily Shaw (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (editor)

First posted: 02/08/2025
Last updated: 02/09/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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