giles-curtis-7484-face CURTIS GILES

Real Name: Curtis Giles

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-7484 / "Earth-Deathlok") human;
    observed in 1990 A.D. and possibly 1985 A.D as well

Occupation: Surgeon

Group Membership: Presumably some medical organizations like the American Medical Association

Affiliations: Dr. Wilkins (see comments), Dr. Wilcox, Jim (see comments), unidentified associate (see comments; see also the surgeons sub-profile here);
    formerly Harlan Ryker (aka Hellinger), Simon Ryker, Dr. Wilcox (partially covered under the CIA-associated Luther Manning clone (see comments);
    he helped transform Luther Manning's corpse and preserved brain into Deathlok (Luther Manning);

Enemies: Julian Biggs, Deathlok, Simon Ryker

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    apparently died in the Columbus Circle/59th Street (subway) Station, Manhattan, New York

Education: Unspecified medical degree (likely M.D. or D.O, and then presumably some advanced training in surgery and bionics/cybernetics)

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#25 (August, 1974)

Powers/Abilities: Curtis Giles is a physician and presumably a surgeon experienced with bionics and cybernetics. He was involved in the creation of Deathlok via bionic implants and the corpse and preserved brain of Luther Manning.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8" to 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 150-200 lbs.)
Eyes: Dark (presumably brown or dark blue)
Hair: Dark (apparently black or dark brown, likely with some graying)

(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales#35 (fb) - BTS / Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Curtis Giles is native to Earth-7484, in which -- circa 1983 A.D. -- the Roxxon Oil Company, via the Brand Corporation's Nth Command, had banished Earth's super heroes extradimensionally (to likely terminal fates) and then attempted to take over the USA via more conventional warfare. Eventually, many US cities, including Manhattan +/- all of New York City were bombed by unidentified parties.

(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb)) <1985 A.D.> - Four men worked on the mortally wounded Colonel Luther Manning.

     Although they failed to save his life, they -- at Simon Ryker's direction -- isolated and preserved a portion of his brain, keeping it alive.

     The apparent lead doctor voiced his opposition to what he felt to be ghastly, but Ryker advised him of the necessity of Project: Alpha-Mech to the current war, and further warned the doctor he would be court-martialed if he had further complaints (indicating that he was a military doctor).

(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb)) <Circa 1990> - Four men -- including Wilkins and Jim -- worked on the Deathlok cyborg.

     When one man noted that the metal graft would take, Wilkins added that everything seemed to progressing well, but that it would be better if Ryker wasn't constantly spying on them.

     The third man silenced Wilkins and then received a report from Jim that all vital functions were stable.

     As they installed the brain, they further discussed rumors of previous computer-housing in a man (who, apparently unknown to them, was Simon Ryker himself).

     Finally, presumably the lead doctor noted that despite his considering the project horrific, the operation was a success.


(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) - Working as a mercenary, Deathlok was hired by Julian Biggs -- secretly an agent of Simon Ryker -- to kill Curtis Giles and another unidentified man, who were two of three (see comments) surgeons who had operated on / created Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) - Giles allegedly arranged to meet his unidentified associate near the subway at the Columbus Circle 59 Station at 4 pm.

(Astonishing Tales#25) - Confronted by Deathlok (whose computer confirmed Giles as a target) in the subway at the Columbus Circle 59 stop, Giles fled.

    Although Deathlok's computer swiftly analyzed Giles' flight pattern, targeted him, and urged Deathlok to fire, Deathlok chose to let Giles continue for a few moments to enjoy his fear. giles-curtis-7484-shot

    After Giles stumbled, fell, and begged for mercy as he got pack on his feet and continued his flight, Deathlok fired his laser, striking Giles in the back and killing him.
    Deathlok's computer noted the completion of this mission at 3: 58 pm.

(Astonishing Tales#25 - BTS) - Deathlok confronted and slew Giles' associate as well.

(Astonishing Tales#28 - BTS) - Deathlok's computer informed him that the two men Julian Biggs had hired him to slay (Giles and his associate) were two of the three (see comments) surgeons who had operated on/created him.

Comments: Created by Rich Buckler with Doug Moench.

    Giles and his associate have a very similar appearance. Regardless, the first guy was clearly identified as Giles just before Deathlok killed him, and the other guy specifically notes he was there to meet with Giles, just before Deathlok slew him, as well.

Who were the surgeons who created Deathlok?

    I have in the notes I compiled on Hellinger and Simon Ryker's profiles, I stated that Hellinger was secretly commanding Julian Biggs without Simon's knowledge. I've re-re-re-re-reviewed the issues and associated Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe profiles, and I don't know where that information came from. I suspect that I added the information to my notes in the late 1990s or even early 2000s based on internet research, not realizing at the time that profiles on characters posted on the internet were not official confirmed.
    But, if you know the source of information that Hellinger was secretly behind Julian Biggs, please let me know.

    Dr. Wilcox deserves at least a sub-profile under the Luther Manning clone or perhaps his own profile. I'll get to it.

Profile by Snood.

Curtis Giles
should be distinguished from:

Curtis Giles' unidentified associate
(observed circa 1990 A.D. (and possibly 1985 A.D. as well))

giles-curtis-7484-associatefleegiles-curtis-7484-associateface(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) <Circa 1990 A.D.> - Working as a mercenary, Deathlok was hired by Julian Biggs -- secretly an agent of Simon Ryker -- to kill Curtis Giles and another unidentified man, who were two of three (see comments) surgeons who had operated on / created Deathlok.

(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) - Giles allegedly arranged to meet his unidentified associate near the subway at the Columbus Circle 59 station at 4 pm.

(Astonishing Tales#25) - As he approached the subway stop, the unidentified associate was assaulted by scavenger/cannibals who recognized him as not being around there and figured he had money.




.   The man broke free and rushed to the subway entrance, only to be confronted by Deathlok, who had killed Giles at 3:58 pm and who aimed his laser pistol at his face. 

    The man begged for mercy, but Deathlok shot him through the chest. 

    Falling backwards and lying on his back, the man noted that Deathlok's voice was not human...that he was a robot or android or cyborg...with no feelings or remorse...just an inhuman machine. 

    With his dying breath, he expressed his pity for Deathlok.giles-curtis-7484-associatedead

 -- Astonishing Tales#25

Note: See the comments for the main profile for an OVERLY-detailed discussion on the identity of Giles' associate, but he was apparently one of the surgeons who created Deathlok. I favor that he is Dr. Wilkins.

: (without ads)

Astonishing Tales#25, pg. 1, panel 1 (Curtis Giles; face);
        pg. 2, panels 4-9 (Giles fleeing);
            panel 10 (Giles shot in the back, death; Columbus Circle 59);
        pg. 3, panel 10 (Giles' associate, face in profile);
        pg. 4, panel 1-5 (full body, falling back, shot);
            panel 7-8 (death);
       pg. 5, panel 1 (sheet placed over Manning's corpse);
            panel 4 (doctor arguing with Ryker over Manning's corpse);
        pg. 6, panels 1-5 (surgeons working on Deathlok);

Astonishing Tales#25 (August, 1974) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler (pencils), Rich Buckler, Klaus Janson, Al Milgrom & Mike Esposito (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales#28 (February, 1975) - Rich Buckler (writer/artist), Roy Thomas (editor)

First started: 08/26/2018
First posted: 05/24/2024
Last updated: 07/19/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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