
Official Name: Gilgrath

NatureExtraterrestrial moon, associated with unidentified planet, unidentified star system, presumably the Shi'ar Galaxy (see comments);
    on the edge of the Shi'ar Empire

Environment: Apparently possesses a life-sustaining biosphere (although it may just be artificially generated atmosphere and life-sustaining conditions within the facility)

Gravity: Unrevealed (but presumably possessed a gravitational field in which it was comfortable for humans to function)

Atmosphere: Unrevealed;
    Thanos and the Imperial Guardsmen did not need any sort of spacesuit, etc., but they regularly operate in space in such fashion anyway.
    The scientists present were only shown in tiny shadows, but they did not seem to have any spacesuit or ventilator equipment either.

Natural Satellites: None known

Artificial Satellites: None known

Natives: None known

Population: Unrevealed (unless specifically noted, we don't know, but estimate if possible)

Capital City: Unrevealed, possibly inapplicable

Government: At least overseen by the Shi'ar Empire, with presumably some ruling council associated with the facilitygilgrath-moon-thanos-scientists-threatened

Languages: Unrevealed

Monetary Unit: Unrevealed

Major Resources: Unrevealed

Defense: Shi'ar Imperial Guard

Places of Interest: The scientific research facility

Prominent Residents: Numerous unidentified scientists;
    formerly Mentor (A'Lars)

Visitors: Imperial Guard (Fang, Flashfire/Grannz, Gladiator/Kallark, Hardball, Hobgoblin/Shapeshifter, Impulse, Manta, Neutron, Nightside, Oracle, Plutonia, Smasher/Izzy Kane, Starbolt, Titan; and possibly Mentor (with Oracle and Mentor remaining on the ship)), Thanos and his warriors

First Appearance: Thanos II#2 (February, 2017)

(Thanos II#2 (fb) - BTS) - <Two solar cycles before the main story> - Gilgrath became the home of one of the most cutting-edge scientific research facilities in the universe.

    Scientists -- including Mentor -- gathered from around the galaxy to work here under the protection of the Shi'ar.



(Thanos II#2) - The mad Titan Thanos, who had became afflicted by a mysterious disease which threatened his life, came to Gilgrath via his spacecraft, in hopes that Mentor, his father, could cure him. 

    Blasting and possibly slaying a guard, Thanos entered the facility, greeted Mentor, and told him of his affliction.

(Thanos II#2 - BTS) - Meanwhile Thanos' agents disabled/destroyed the other spacecraft on Gilgrath. They threatened the other scientists present, who initially attempted to flee but soon found that there was no escape.

(Thanos II#2) - Mentor initially refused to help Thanos, but he was forced to do so when Thanos threatened to slaughter every scientist on Gilgrath as well as their families and to leave Mentor alive to wade through their corpses.

    Mentor soon assessed Thanos as possessing a rapid cellular entropy more aggressive than any illness he had ever seen.

     After Mentor revealed that Thanos would be dead in a couple weeks and that there was no way he could develop a cure in time, Thanos slew him.

(Thanos II#2 - BTS) - The Shi'ar Imperial Guard arrived on Gilgrath and took out Thanos' warriors.

(Thanos II#2) - As Thanos departed the facility, the Imperial Guard assaulted him, telling him to stand down or die.

(Thanos II#3) - After a brutal battle, Gladiator subdued Thanos.

(Thanos II#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Imperial Guard took Thanos to an unidentified galactic gulag.

Comments: Created by Jeff Lemire and Mike Deodato.

gilgrath-moon-thanos-impguard-ape-fullgilgrath-moon-thanos-impguard-ape-closeup   The narration text describes Gilgrath as a "tiny moon."

    The nature of the Shi'ar galaxy is discussed in the comments in the Aquanox profile.

    In Thanos II#3, there's an ape-like creature with whiskers (it kind of looks like one of the forms adopted by Beast (Hank McCoy)) amongst the Imperial Guard. I'm not sure who it supposed to be, but we do see that Hobgoblin/Shapeshifter was in that wave battling Thanos, so I think it has to be him.

    The Marvel Database lists N'rill'iree as appearing in Thanos II#3, but I don't see him, and I don't think that is him.

gilgrath-moon-thanos-impguard-mentormaybe     I think it is likely Mentor seen behind Oracle in this image:

Profile by Snood.

Gilgrath has no known connections to

scientific research facility

Thanos II#2 (fb) - BTS) - <Two solar cycles before the main story> - Gilgrath became the home of one of the most cutting-edge scientific research facilities in the universe.

    Scientists -- including Mentor -- gathered from around the galaxy to work here under the protection of the Shi'ar.

(Thanos II#2) - The mad Titan Thanos, who had became afflicted by a mysterious disease which threatened his life, came to Gilgrath via his spacecraft, in hopes that Mentor, his father, could cure him.




   Blasting and possibly slaying a guard, Thanos entered the facility, greeted Mentor, and told him of his affliction. When Mentor proved unable to save him, Thanos slew him.

Thanos II#2

images: (without ads)
Thanos II#2, pg. 8, panel 1 (scientific research facility; Thanos' spacecraft landing);
          panel 3 (Thanos approaching entrance, blasting guard);
          panel 4 (interior, Thanos confronting Mentor);
       pg. 10-11, panel 5 (Thanos' warriors destroying ships, threatening scientists);
       pg. 16, panel 2 (Mentor studying Thanos);
       pg. 20 (sky/stars, with Imperial Guard atop facility and assaulting Thanos);
    #3, pg. 8, panel 3 (portion of planet seen from space);
       pg. 10, panel 2-3 (gorilla-like Imperial Guardsman (presumably Hobgoblin) punching Thanos and finding blood on his hands)

Thanos II#2-3 (February-March, 2017) - Jeff Lemire (writer), Mike Deodato (artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant editor), Darren Shan (associate editor), Jordan D. White (editor)

First posted: 10/28/2023
Last updated: 10/28/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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