Creator: Unrevealed Owner: Glib Arkanian Staff: Steck'ee, Zoog (Z'oofrey Grasswind) - both waitresses and apparently exotic dancers (and possibly prostitutes); unidentified host; Clientele/patrons/visitors: Genis-Vell (aka Legacy and later Captain Marvel); Visitors: Bel-Dann and members of the Kree Peace Battalion
Location: Halvacenter, planet Calculex, unrevealed star system, unrevealed galaxy
Major Resources: Various forms of dance (including (or perhaps only including) exotic dancing), drink, food, holo-rooms, various intoxicants (and pop-stims), and coupling (presumably prostitutes) Defense: Glib Arkanian; and his Badoon Cellular Incinerator (and perhaps other weapons); First Appearance: Captain Marvel III#1 (December, 1995) |
History: (Captain Marvel III#1) - Glib prepared a pop-stim drink that he noted that he was making strong enough to smoke his "bejoobies" (gonads) inside and out. After they poured the drink down Genis' throat, he woke up, screamed for water and fell down again, but was apparently sobered up. Glib and the others then listened as Genis detailed the circumstances under which he had inadvertently destroyed the Link 313 ship. Glib told Genis he had been set up and sent him to Earth to learn more about the situation. (Captain Marvel III#4 - BTS) - Bel-Dann and members of the Kree Peace Battalion arrived at Glib's Grog and Grub, and Bel-Dann threatened Zoog and demanded to know where he could find Genis-Vell. (Captain Marvel III#4) - Armed with his Badoon Cellular Incinerator, Glib forced Bel-Dann and his associates to cease and desist. Genis then showed up, subdued Bel-Dann and his associates, and forced Bel-Dann to tell him where he could find his leader, Zey-Rogg. (Captain Marvel III#5) - As Zoog danced, Jara of Carmondy IV came to Glib's seeking Captain Marvel (as Genis was now known), Glib retrieved him for her. (Captain Marvel III#6) - The Elder of the Universe known as the Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast) arrived at Glib's, asking to see Zoog. |
![]() (Captain Marvel IV#14 (fb)) - The Grog and Grub hosted the Dead Man's Hand poker game (which included Genis, Grandmaster, Thanos, and Zoog), (Captain Marvel IV#14 (fb) - BTS) - To prevent Zoog from risking her life to retrieve her mother, Genis cheated and won the game. After finding his own mother, Elysius, in the realm of death (having succumbed to a rare space germ she had picked up from him), Genis made an unspecified deal with Thanos to get both Zoog's mother and Elysius out. |
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Edward Benes, and Mike Sellers.
asked Fabian about further details on Zoog, the Dead Man's Hand, and
the trip to the realm of death, and, unfortunately as it had been over
two decades since he had thought about any of it, he did not recall any
further details.
Maybe someday we'll see the untold story! Probably not, but one never knows, does one? No, one does not...
Profile by Snood.
Glib's Grog and Grub has no known connections to:
![]() After they poured the drink down Genis' throat, he woke up, screamed for water and fell down again, but was apparently sobered up. --Captain Marvel III#1 Note: This drink was obviously effective in waking up someone incapacitated by intoxicants, but whether it actually reversed/antagonized the effects of the intoxicant or it was just a powerful stimulant is unrevealed. Genis seemed coherent and rational after he recovered. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Host and/or bouncer at Grog & Grub, he asked those entering what they were looking for, noting the various options: Grog, grub, stims, dance, or coupling... When Jara asked told him she was looking for someone, he said, "I'm not the svelk answer man." However, when she told him she was looking for Captain Marvel, he let her in. --Captain Marvel III#5 (6 Note: When he was out, Zoog (or presumably one of the other staff members) asked the same question of those entering...or, perhaps, Zoog normally asked, and this guy asked when Zoog was on-stage, as that was the case both times he was shown asking Jara and later the Grandmaster. I don't recognize this guy as any particular known extraterrestrial race, but he could be a mutant, mutate, artificial construct, or something else completely different... He seemed to be a pretty big guy...he was never shown as anything other than a host/greeter, but I would think he would have acted as a bouncer as needed. "Svelt" is presumably Calculex-speak for some expletive. |
![]() --Captain Marvel III#5 Note: One can only speculate on what Genis was watching or what was available in the holo-room...watching videos, VR scenarios like Star Trek's holodecks... |
images: (without ads)
Captain Marvel III#1, pg. 9, panel 1 (Grog and Grub, external, nighttime);
panel 2 (interior; Glib mixing-up a pop-stim);
#5, pg. 9, panel 5 & 6 (host; full tiny; upper);
pg. 10, panel 1 (host face);
panel 2 (Zoog on dance floor + crowd);
#6, pg. 8, panel 1 (entrance as seen from ground level);
panel 2 (host, face);
panel 4 (Zoog dance)
Captain Marvel IV#14, pg. 6, panel 3 or 4 (Dead Man's Hand);
#32, pg. 19, panel 1 (dark entrance);
pg. 20, panel 2 (Zoog & Glib in shadows)
Captain Marvel III#1 (December, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Edward Benes (penciler), Mike Sellers (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain Marvel III#4 (March, 1996) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Edward Benes (penciler), Joe Pimental (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain Marvel III#5 (April, 1996) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Edward Benes (penciler), Daerick Gross (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain Marvel III#6 (May, 1996) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Edward Benes (penciler), Joe Pimental (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor) - NOT Glib, but Bar
Marvel IV#14 (February, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Patrick
Zircher (penciler), Walden Wong (inker), Mark Sumerak (assistant
editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain Marvel IV#32 (July, 2002) - Peter David (writer), Jim Caliafore (penciler), Mark McKenna (inker), Marc Sumerak (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain Marvel IV#33 (August, 2002) - Peter David (writer), ChrisCross (penciler), Rich Perotta (inker), Marc Sumerak (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First posted: 02/11/2024
Last updated: 02/11/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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