grang-beasts-zaragzna-mainG'RANG BEASTS

Classification: Extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Planet Zaragz'na, presumably within the Milky Way Galaxy

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: Sarnogg (and presumably the Skrull race who hunted them)

First Appearance: Annihilation: Super-Skrull#3 (August, 2006)

Powers/Abilities: Unrevealed.

    The G'rang Beasts have forward facing horn- or bone-like structures, possibly originating from a zygomatic bone (cheekbone)-like structure, or prehaps a little more superior on the skull, around the temple.

    They additionally have smaller bone-like projections from the anterior aspect of each side of their mandibles.

    These bones/horns presumably functioned in defense if not fighting and/or hunting.

Traits: Unrevealed

    It is unrevealed whether they were a sentient species as opposed to simple carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, etc. in bipedal form. grang-beasts-zaragzna-ribs

Type:  Bilaterally symmetric bipeds
: Two (on head; solid light blue color seen)
: Unrevealed (a partial limb image was seen that appeared to show four digits/fingers; an opposing thumb is possible, but unconfirmed)
: Unrevealed (likely two)
Skin color: Blue
Average height: Unrevealed (Sarnogg was relatively youthful on his first hunt and may have been around 4' tall, which might make the G'rang Beast he slew perhaps 6'7' tall); however, Sarnogg was a shapeshifter, and the beast he slew may or may not have been relatively young and small or tall.
Other distinguishing features: The G'rang Beasts have ribs that extend over the entire length of their torso.

Annihilation: Super-Skrull#3 (fb)) - Unknowningly watched by his father, Kl'rt (aka the Super-Skrull), Sarnogg successfully completed his first hunt, disemboweling and then drinking the bile of a live G'rang Beast.
    Kl'rt later reported that he had never been so proud in his life.

Comments: Created by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Greg Titus.

    In case there is any confusion, in the main image, the G'rang Beast is the creature in supine (or its back) form, and the being atop it is Sarnogg, the Skrull son of K'lrt, the Super-Skrull.

    The G'rang Beasts are presumably native to Zaragz'na, but they may have been transported there, and/or they may have been transported to various other worlds.

Profile by Snood.

G'rang Beast should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Annihilation: Super-Skrull#3, pg. 15, panel 2 (Sarnogg kneeling over disemboweled G'rang Beast);
          panel 3 (Sarnogg standing over skeleton, showing full ribcage)

Annihilation: Super-Skrull#3 (August, 2006) - Javier Grillo-Marxuach (writer), Greg Titus (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (editor)

First posted: 09/17/2024
Last updated: 09/17/2024

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